Report #061
2/15/04 (1st post) - 2/18/04 (update)
The above first image demonstrates a portion of one of the Spirit Rover solar panel arrays and the Mars terrain forming the background under and just beyond its outer edge. The image was taken with the science panoramic camera on day one (SOL 001) representing one of the first ground based images to come from the Spirit mission.
I've used this particular image over others because the tampering application in this image is so obvious in spots that most should be able to recognize the blur/smudge fuzzy tampering applications for what they are. In fact, it's so crude and obvious that the tampering applications in the terrain on the right in the above first image can be clearly seen to cross over onto the Rover surfaces or at least merge with it there destroying what would normally be the sharp differentiation line between the Rover solar panel edge and the adjacent Mars terrain.
But first, note the small less obvious but still detectable tampering application sample area pointed out with the green arrows on the left in the above image. Look close, these spots demonstrate the small scale tamper in the terrain. Understanding this small scale tampering type is very important to understanding all Spirit and Opportunity imaging. Once this smaller tampering is recognized for what it is in the more obvious areas pointed out by the green arrows, it should then be easier to extrapolate understanding of this into the rest of the terrain with increasing recognition that these applications map out like this into the small soil spaces (lowlands) between the rocks leaving the highland (rock) tops less effected and actually represent massive image tampering on a huge scale.
Once understood, one can then realize that it effectively destroys almost all natural detail in the terrain. It's already hard to detect even at this fuzzy featureless beginning stage of development but it soon gets even harder. After the treatment in this scene is run through digital filters, the original smaller thinner fuzzy featureless applications you see above will concentrate, condense and come to have a more detailed surface of its own as well as appearance wise merge, plaster, and essentially disappear leaving only the illusion that you are looking at something real. This transition is evidenced in the second image below.
The net result of this is that essentially most of any true natural small to tiny detail in the terrain is utterly destroyed and replaced with fake small ground or soil mimicking detail. This would be next to impossible to detect, as it is in the distant satellite imaging, if it were not for repeat imaging here of the same physical locations by these ground based cameras and their mistake in not removing the beginning stage image to compare against as well as some rough crudeness in the initial tampering application itself.
Even in its more obvious initial application stages, this isn't readily recognized for what it really is because the eye focuses mainly on the plentiful rock tops. The eye sees primarily the field of rocks and doesn't focus readily on the "soil" spaces between the rocks. This mapping technology is also how artificial color of choice (blue rocks and reddish soil anyone) is then in turn mapped into this soil and rock terrain on the back of the original blur/smudge mapping treatment as needed to meet secrecy agenda desired visual illusion goals. The tampering both covers and provides the basis for color treatment. In other words, from the secrecy agenda point of view, you get two for one.
Now let's swing attention back again to the most obvious tampering application area in the terrain just off the edge of the Rover solar panel on the right in the above image. This area demonstrates a more direct and thicker application covering not only the soil spaces between the rocks (lowlands) but also the rocks themselves (highlands) and covers everything including even crossing over onto the edge of the Rover's solar panel arm.
This no doubt is done in multiple irregular layers of application. Later, when these collective application layers are subsequently run through the condensing and concentrating filters, this special tampering application area will darken, condense, concentrate, flatten, and look strange with a curious surface texture but not necessarily especially anomalous looking.
Even if someone observed its strangeness and questioned it, as has already been done in the Spirit imaging, it will just remain a curiosity and soon be forgotten. Why? Because of its strange unresolvable visual quality and the fact that human nature moves on to other more perceptually interpretable things in this Mars imaging and avoids prolonged exposure to the inexplicable.
In the above second image sourced from a different official science data strip but taken on the same SOL 001 day one by the same science panoramic camera, you can see the condensing and concentrating filter process almost complete. As this scene is run through filters and this fussy featureless application begins to condense, concentrate, flattened out, and take on its own denser textured surface detail. Note to how the condensing tampering application has now pulled away from the Rover solar panel arm revealing its edges.
Note how the tampering is condensing and flattening more on the Rover surface detail with less ragged edges, a denser more compact surface, and now beginning to look sharper and more normal. There is still some residual smudge tampering visible but most of it is now gone. Note to the folds now more clearly forming within the tampering mass. Imagine what this will look like when this almost complete process is done and this "mass" is more well defined. Are you beginning to recognize it yet? Yes, you are in fact witnessing the formation of one of the "mud" looking areas in the soil on Mars. Tricky isn't it.
This is indeed one of the same bunched and "folded" terrain spots that some scientists wondered so much about. Remember, the chute is suppose to have dragged and created curious folded spots like this in the soil surface. If you will remember, some questioned its strange inexplicable appearance and speculated if it might be moisture caked soil or mud since it seemed to behave that way with the folded spots suggesting adhesive soil components. Such speculation is doomed to inaccuracy from the start because it jumps off from the premise that what one is looking at is in fact Martian soil and ignores any possibility of image tampering being a factor.
Instead of the initial soft fuzzy featureless stage of appearance you see in the first image above, others doing the debating on this spot's visuals derived their visuals and "mud" visual impressions from subsequent imaging like the second image above where the process is nearly complete and you get a more solid looking surface texture appearance with its own "special" funky detail. However, it isn't mud, it isn't soil and, in fact, it isn't anything real at all.
Further, you should know that "special" surface texture areas like this are even more plentiful in the Opportunity imaging on the other side of the planet where this same process has created the same false detail there. However, unlike here in the Spirit imaging, most of the Opportunity imaged terrain is completely blocked out via tiny geometric forms tampering applied at pixel level and designed to imitate a rough grainy soil look. Good luck though on actually finding any single natural geologic object in that "soil" though.
Again, no one takes the possibility of image tampering as a factor into consideration because we trust our leadership and believe we have no reason to believe otherwise. That ignores the fact that there is plenty of evidence to indicate otherwise such as what you see in the growing evidence record here at this web site fully supported by their official science data. It also ignores the fact that space exploration is often primarily and covertly an extension of military intelligence and black opts agendas rather than just pure science and who on Earth would be more secrecy prone!
All I can say is welcome to the wonderful world of digital imaging that lends itself so well to covert use. Perhaps I should also remind you at this point that there is a very good reason why most upper level courts will not accept digital imaging as legally admissible hard evidence when a case hinges solely on that evidence and there is no other associated evidence to lend support to its interpretation and good attorneys are present. The bottom line is that digital imaging is always subject to the potential of artificial manipulation and any such manipulation is very hard to detect if time is taken and it is done carefully.
It isn't done as carefully as the secrecy agenda no doubt desires here in this planetary imaging simply because these camera systems generate a great many images quickly and any manipulation of the imaging must also be done very quickly and in mass before release for scientist, media and public exposure that are not in the need to know loop. Any sanitizing of evidence must occur very quickly primarily via systematic mass automated manipulation rather than individual human one at a time intervention. Of course such a hurried automated process, as would be expected, is subject to occasional errors such as what the repeat imaging here reveals.
Also a major element of the obfuscation of this planetary imaging is not technological so much as it is the secrecy agenda's dependence on the human interpretive psychology regarding this kind of subject matter. The question of the possible manipulation of the imaging is just too fantastic to be true because we don't want it to be true and likewise don't want to deal with any such truth. Therefore it must not be true, can't be true, and obviously isn't true. Of course the inconvenient fact that this is a emotional based response associated primarily with feelings rather than rational analysis is just thoroughly ignored.
To such people, the typical response is to offer the question of why in the world would NASA and JPL go to such "pointless" trouble? Of course, it isn't pointless to those doing it, only pointless to those not wanting to deal with it and its implications. This kind of response is based on the emotional based assumption that we are alone and there is no credible evidence demonstrating otherwise. However, that's the whole point! There is credible evidence to the contrary and it's all throughout the official planetary science data. It isn't the evidence itself that is the problem, it is our emotional based perception of the evidence that is the problem.
Even though the subject matter of the existence of sophisticated life other than our own may initially tweak our interest as long as it is safely theoretical, ultimately we just really don't want to deal with it if it starts becoming a little too real. If this reality must eventually rudely intrude itself into our existence, then we want someone else to deal with it because it is beginning to make us feel uncomfortable. It is this very "dropping the ball" psychology in the general population that has entrenched the secrecy agenda much as the mistake of prohibition firmly entrenched the underworld by financing its existence and spread into society.
Why? Because the secrecy agenda types are by default the only ones who are willing to deal with it and with this psychology of ours as a people. It can then come as no surprise to us that those who do pick up the ball for us then develop a isolated "them or us" attitude and then negatively capitalize on our predominant "I don't want to deal with this" psychology in what we are willing to perceive in this planetary imaging. The secrecy agenda exists and grows dominate because we feed and sustain it via our weakness.
Ooops! I've led myself astray, so let's get back to continued examination of the evidence. But, before we do, you should be aware that there is another official panoramic camera image taken on day five (SOL 005) demonstrating what appears to be the same identical scene as in the above two images. This image demonstrates no such tampering or mud visuals in it. However, if any of you should find this image, don't get excited about it appearing to show a scene clean of and sanitized of this tampering and mud evidence taken five days later.
The truth is that the solar panels seen here are part of the Rover and the Rover moved slightly forward on the Lander causing its outstretched solar panel to move over above and hide the "mud" site now below the panels. Very careful A-B comparison of the images will reveal this. I mention this only to head off anyone potentially finding this image on their own and jumping to the conclusion that the "mud" visuals have been artificially sanitized from the scene and thinking they've caught NASA and/or JPL in some slight of hand. We only want to deal with the truth here.
To me, what is the most telling evidence of all here in the first image above is the obvious tampering on the Rover solar arm itself. Both the light color tampering application on the solar arm surfaces and the darker color tampering on the dark solar cells themselves is rather crude and very obvious. Note the ragged edges of each application and how the fuzzy featureless application maps precisely to the edges of each object. This the automated intelligent tampering software at work mapping to these angular objects because they match its programming profile as to geometric forms it is designed to deal with. Notice the complete absence of any writing on any of this equipment or its components. If any was there on any of the components, it has been covered over by the tampering.
Was this portion of the Rover visually tampered with intentionally? Possibly but possibly not to. The tampering software programming is designed to cover over geometric forms in any image and the artificial Rover arm and its component parts certainly qualifies as an excellent candidate for such applications. So it might be unintentional as the software doesn't possess human discretion and doesn't recognize that there is a difference between the natural Mars environment and the artificial Mer-A/Spirit Rover equipment in the same image. From one point of view, this demonstrated lack of discretion and the presence of the tampering on the Rover arm does itself support that the tampering applications are done by automated software.
Now, in the first image at the top of this report, notice how the featureless blur/smudge tampering application maps right up to the edge of each dark solar cell's edge but doesn't quite cover everything right at the edge leaving just a very tiny narrow peak for us at the object's real surface still a bit visible at the very edges of the blur/smudge applications. I've seen this many times before in the distant satellite imaging at the edges of the tampering applications and it is quite typical. No real details can be seen but notice the apparent rough texture quality to the true surface sticking just out of the edge of the tampering field in a few places.
Most solar cells that I am familiar with (I'm no expert) have a smooth surface and the visuals here indicate that this evidently may not be the case here under this tampering application. If real, does this rough textured surface seen at the edges represent a new and possibly secret technology of some kind or some kind of solar cell and microchip combination technology? If so, then it may be that the tampering on the Rover surfaces is intentional after all for some very practical technology security reasons applicable back here on Earth.
If so, decisions on this could have obviously been made long before the probes left Earth for Mars. These Spirit Rover physical components and their geometric shapes could have been pre-mapped and fed into the tampering process preprogramming back here on Earth long before the probes took off for Mars. Just a thought.
Now the above third image taken by the engineering Navigation camera on day two (Sol 002) shows the memorial disk on the Spirit Rover for the crew of the Columbia space shuttle who gave their lives in the performance of their high risk duty and to push back ignorance for us all. This is a excellent gesture and NASA and JPL and company are to be commended for this.
Take special note as to how this piece of equipment is constructed. Beyond the memorial, this is also a working devise as you can see by the attached rotatable arm to its left and the electrical feed line crossing across its face from left to right and entering a hole in the center. This devise is not thin but is several inches thick and can house components in its interior. It is my tentative understanding that one purpose of this devise is probably as a color calibration sensor that can be remotely positioned facing any targeted light source or object. It may serve other unknown purposes as well but that isn't really what my reporting is about here.
Please do note how the flat decorative memorial disk plate is attached to the metal housing very much like some drum lids are sometimes attached to the top of a drum. There are wedge shaped metal tabs all around the edge of the round housing and these tabs are bent over onto the flat face plate semi-permanently holding it fixed in place. In this official light coloration of this round disk shaped object, the light color metal tabs and the light color flat plate surface tends to blend with each other forming a relatively normal looking picture.
In my above fourth and last image sourced from the science Panoramic camera taken on day five (Sol 005), you see what clearly appears to be the reverse face of this same round housing on the Spirit Rover. I wasn't too concerned with what purpose this housing served and stated in error in the original version of this report that it might be a color calibration device. My research doesn't normally extend to technical onboard equipment and I didn't want to spend the research time on it.
In hindsight, I probably should have not even attempted to describe this object's purpose, since it isn't germane to the main focus of the evidence here. However, I did and a viewer right off challenged my error and brought to my attention that this is a High Gain Antenna (HGA) system. This is confirmed by a NASA and JPL image at the link immediately below providing labeling of component parts on the a Spirit and Opportunity Rovers and including this devise.
The electrical feed on the memorial side clearly seen crossing that side's face plate and entering a hole in the center of the plate does support that there is no doubt a HGA parabolic dish inside this sealed housing on the end of its own articulating arm just as NASA/JPL's Rover labeling indicates and I can accept that. However, the obvious tampering evidence across the reverse side's face plate as indicated in my fourth image above tells a different story pointing at different conclusions.
Logically, there is no reason why a simple HGA system face plate seal would be obscured by tampering and yet it is. Not only that, it is done by both crude tampering and some very fine and careful very intentional tampering. This can't be ignored. It says that something clandestine is going on here with this housing, its contents, its purpose, and important enough to be hidden. Therefore, it must be concluded that there is more going on with this housing and its contents than is explained by a HGA system. I cannot say what that might be but the obvious is that there is more going on with this Rover's mission than is being officially revealed.
Unwisely, the choice of tampering application takes the form of many layers of puffs of dithering smudge treatment. It thoroughly hides what ever it is covering over but it also creates a visually strange lumpy surface that draws attention to itself as tampering when brought out of the shadows as I've partially done here. I've tried to balance off resolving the surface of this object with keeping the surrounding equipment in focus to keep all the visuals reasonably seen for you here. However, in my testing not shown here (ran out of image file size room for this report), I've kept the face of this round object the most in focus and worked on it at the expense of the surrounding visuals and can confirm that this is very definitely a tampering surface treatment sanitizing the face of this object of any real evidence rather than possibly being some real and new high technology surface sensor design.
Further, this isn't the only important evidence of tampering here or even the most telling, but you have to look very carefully to find it. In the above third image where you can see this whole round object, please note that, as one might expect, each individual bent over metal tab holding the face plate from one to the next is without exception uniformly the same size and width. Now, in the above fourth image, note the presence of the wider than any other tab pointed out with the upper left black two arrows set. Is the unusual width of this one tab that is so different from the rest just something real or is it an indicator of something less above board?
Now take a look at the spot pointed out by the lower left green arrow. Note how the very point of the dark "V" shaped gap between the normal size light color metal tabs there very precisely matches the exact point where the electrical feed line meets the housing edge. This is how the tampering application has covered this feed crossing over onto the housing edge and what ever it is doing across the face plate seal.
This was no doubt done in a larger image showing the entire housing and then cropped to this image representation released for public review. The cropped out parts of the housing and its surroundings in the above fourth image are also probably a form of tampering by eliminating these spots from view. Why do I say this and that it is important? Because of the one wider than expected tab evidence pointed out by the upper left two black arrows.
Because of the view of the round housing with its memorial face plate and its components being available for view and the closer images of it (there are closer images of the memorial plaque but cropping off parts of the housing edges and therefore not used here) and the very precise uniform size of the bent tabs there and the capability to compare it against the visuals of the housing in this fourth image, the tabs have to look generally the same size as do the dark "V" shaped spaces between them. This sets the visual standard that any tampering applications must take into consideration.
The dark "V" shaped space had to be localized shifted so that its point would precisely match up with and cover the electrical feed. For example, in the third image here showing the whole of the round housing, a localized shift of position of one of the dark "V" gaps would have caused the rest of the real tabs spacing to be off. The remedy of choice here to fix this spacing problem unwisely wasn't to crop out of this perfectly round object and rotate all the tabs and gaps as a set to align this one dark "V" shaped gap with the electrical feed line. The unwise choice was to make a localized adjustment by eliminating one dark "V" shaped gap by filling it in with light color and creating this one abnormal widened tab within a smaller section of the tabs leaving all the rest of the tabs the same size.
For any who might be tempted to consider that the metal tabs on this housing may have been custom created by hand and thereby produced this one wider than normal tab, the weight of the visual evidence is just simply against this. While it is true that some people can do amazing things shaping metal on a one off custom basis, it just isn't practical here dealing repeatedly with so many tabs including those on both sides of this housing and on the Opportunity Rover as well. Further, it isn't even necessary either.
This is a commercial manufactured housing and the process generally works like this. Flat sheet metal is stamped and cut out in a press to exact dimensions including cutting out the "V" stress relief gaps between the metal tabs on each long edge of the flat sheet metal. The flat sheet metal is then roll formed and the end butt joints welded together to form this round housing. The forming into the round housing shape squeezes the metal tabs closer together and thus the need for the stress relief "V" shaped gaps. It is only via this repeatable process that you get the precise measured uniformity of the housing and its securing tabs seen on the memorial side face suitable not only for this device but others as well.
Such fine detail tampering alterations could not normally be expected to be noticed. However, the not very wise choice of the crude puffs of smudge applications on the round flat face plate broad surface draws critical examination attention to itself. Then that attention spreads out to other things on the housing from there to the finer detail.
As an example, if one looks even closer, in this suspicious small area between the top of the widened tab and the electrical feed several tabs below, one can see that each dark "V" shaped space just in this area between the tabs is flattened slightly at the very point when compared to all the rest of the other real gap points around the disk. Again, very fine manipulation but also not quite correctly done enough and a small detail further giving the tampering presence away. The flaw in the tampering with the tabs and their gaps is so small that it could have escaped even the critical review attention of who ever is responsible for this.
Now remember that this evidence in the third and fourth images is purely Rover equipment related and limited to that. In other words, that doesn't mean that it is necessarily Mars related, even though that is of course the assumption. We must recognize that this obfuscation could have been done on Earth for legitimate technological security reasons before the probe left for Mars and then later inserted within the image. This to is entirely possible in digital imaging.
On the other hand, this kind of very fine image tampering, regardless of where or when it was done, tells us a great deal that must not be ignored. It is at minimum yet another demonstration in absolute terms of the existence of very skilled detail tampering in the official planetary science data imaging. It demonstrates the very fine degree to which this kind of visual digital tampering can be successfully done and that should be a reality wake up call to many in that regard. It also demonstrates that this kind of very fine and careful image positioning and manipulation was no doubt done by human discretion intervention rather than the automated software I have so often reported on confirming purposeful intent to halt and/or mislead accurate general knowledge and understanding in planetary imaging.
This kind of purposeful intent very careful tampering aspect also logically demonstrates that much of the Rover equipment tampering applications were decided upon, mapped, and implemented in software early on as preplanning. Probably before the current probes ever left Earth for Mars in a less hurried and stressful environment as opposed to trying to do this type of fine careful work in a rush with many images coming in quickly and being under the gun to get them processed just as quickly.
That in turn speaks very loudly as to the calculated early on secrecy agenda decision making process as to filtering what is acceptable to be released for public view and what is not and that this secrecy agenda exists as an integral and controlling part of space exploration. Combine this kind of information with the knowledge that JPL is in practical control of Mars space exploration rather than NASA and the JPL oversight committee is chaired by retired Admiral Bobby Inman, one of this nation's foremost super spooks and former head of the NSA. Likewise, don't forget the fact that military intelligence has priority over any other group in commanding NASA's activities.
Ignoring the presence of all these plentiful intelligence/security factors and their deep implications in our space exploration when it comes to "science"data obtained from other worlds is the same as participating in self induced partial blindness. Unfortunately, the fact is that one simply cannot accurately understand and judge evidence from these other worlds without taking the full impact of ALL of these reality factors into consideration.
http://origin.mars5.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/p/001/2P126471450EDN0000P2303L6M1.HTML: This link takes you to the official Spirit science Panoramic camera day one (Sol 001) science data image that my first image in this report is drawn from. Note that this offers only a medium size JPG image and will need to be blown up double size to duplicated my imaging size. Just be sure to choose the full size image link at the bottom of the page.
http://origin.mars5.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/p/001/2P126471391EFF0000P2303L2M1.HTML: This link takes you to the official Spirit science Panoramic camera day one (Sol 001) science data image that my second image in this report is drawn from. Note that this page accesses a truly larger full size JPG image and will at this size more than confirm this evidence just as seen here. Just be sure to choose the full size image link at the bottom of the page.
http://origin.mars5.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/n/002/2N126543636EFF0100P1505L0M1.HTML: This link takes you to the official Spirit engineering Navigation camera day two (Sol 002) science data image that my third image in this report is drawn from. Note that this page accesses a truly larger full size JPG image that matches the size of my report image. Just be sure to choose the full size image link at the bottom of the page.
http://origin.mars5.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/p/005/2P126824911EFF0200P2303L2M1.HTML: This link takes you to the official Spirit science Panoramic camera day five (Sol 005) science data image that my fourth image in this report is drawn from. Note that this page accesses a truly larger full size JPG image slightly larger than my report image and will at this size confirm this evidence as seen here, even if not quite as sharp as my imaging. Just be sure to choose the full size image link at the bottom of the page.
, Investigator