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Report #066

April 26, 2004


This is my first in a series of investigative reports on the Moon that will soon follow. The first image above demonstrates the official global view of the near side of the moon always facing Earth as produced by the 1994 Clementine mission. Please take special note of the plentiful dark areas. Most of these are called maria or seas and each is named for example like the famous "Mare Tranquillitatis" or Sea of Tranquility. We'll have a closer examination of the maria later in this report.

The above second image demonstrates the official global view of the far side of the Moon normally mostly hidden from Earth view also produced by the 1994 Clementine mission. Please take special note of the lack of the plentiful dark areas on this side as compared to the near side first image. Official information indicates that it took some 50,000 small images to constitute each of these composite or mosaic global images as drawn from the total of 1.8 million images the Clementine mission produced of the Moon.

Please note the many faintly seen equally spaced vertical lines in each global Moon image above. Note how they curve and converge together at the North and South Poles. These lines are reportedly the result of imaging composite effects. It works like this, the individual images are taken during orbital paths from the South to North Poles and then shifting over west about 2.3 degrees per each next orbit. The individual images are ultimately put together to form a mosiac whole like the two global images you see above.

These image orbital "path" lines can be better seen by viewing the much larger imaging of the PIA00302 Near Side and the PIA00304 Far Side official links offering a much larger view. Since these are much larger images, have patience while they load. Look at these lines there and remember them as they will become more significant in this report and especially in others to follow.

We all think we know the Moon just because we are so familiar with its distant view during many nights during the month and the many photos of it in the media over the years and decades of our lives, but do we really? In this and especially subsequent reports more specific discoveries will present hard visual evidence drawn from military intelligence's own Clementine Lunar official science data that may serve as an eye opener as to what you thought you were familiar with and thought you knew about that tremendous object that hangs over our head in the sky every night and has done so since the dawn of human antiquity influencing the physical Earth as well as shaping many of the living conditions and belief systems of Man.

As many of you know, normally my investigations have been centered on the planet Mars but a communication from a friend of the Mars work pointed me to a couple of sites on the Moon in the older 1994 Clementine series of Moon map imaging long ago that appeared to this person to be anomalous. He wasn't sure and wanted my opinion about them. One site had good evidence of image tampering as identified by a more experienced point of view but with too much jumbled visual confusion around it and it just wasn't clear enough, in my opinion, for the average person to adequately interpret. I find tons of this type of evidence and almost never take up web site display space reporting on it for that very reason, even though it still goes in my head boosting knowledge.

However, the other site brought to my attention was essentially image tampering to. However, here the image tampering wasn't just covering up a massive object, but also the tampering application was actually conforming to the general shape of the object revealing some of its basic highly anomalous huge proportions. It was instantly clear to me that this person was really onto some serious anomalous evidence very much worth presenting. That immediately set me off investigating in the 1994 Clementine imaging via the Navy military server that very evening. I quickly found other even more powerful evidence plus some other lesser but still very telling discoveries causing me to investigate the entire Moon surface systematically in this imaging.

Unfortunately, I've since lost this person's email and identity. So, if you read this report, contact me again and, if you don't object, I will be happy to include your identity in this report giving you the credit you are due as to pointing this investigation in the direction of this Moon evidence. Just contact me at the email address at the top of this report.

Meanwhile, what you are going to see in this report and subsequent ones is a story of clandestine tampering, tampering and more tampering. I can't help the reporting on that, it's just the way it is in this imaging. However, unlike the flattening more effective tampering of the much more distant MGS MOC imaging destroying shapes and where little covered up anomalous evidence is revealed other than the evidence of the tampering application itself, this earlier tampering technology demonstrated in the Clementine imaging is sometimes much more revealing as to what is hidden underneath it.

It isn't the visual evidence so much as it is the insight gained from it that has very profound implications both as to civilization evidence and the developmental progress of the automated tampering technology. Plus there is also some extraordinary direct evidence that you may appreciate peaking out of sections of the tampering that I will also be reporting on.

However, before we start with the evidence being presented in this report, let me give you a little background on the Moon and the Clementine mission that will help a bit in understanding and putting this kind of evidence that I will be reporting on now and in subsequent reports a bit more into perspective.


The Moon right over our heads every night has of course been known and viewed since the beginning of Man on this planet and before as it circles the Earth roughly once every one of our months. In more recent ancient times, the Romans called it "Luna" while the Greeks called it "Selene" and "Artemis." The gravitational force interaction between the Moon and Earth effects the tides and seasons on Earth. It also serves to fractionally slow the rotation of the Earth and this in turn raises the orbit of the Moon around the Earth fractionally every year causing the Moon to move slightly further away from Earth.

The Moon does rotate but along an axis that keeps the near side always toward Earth and the far side out of view from Earth. Also the far side is not actually the dark side as it it sometimes known because all parts of it get some sunshine. As can been seen in the global images in this report, the north and south poles are both unusually heavily and deeply cratered and the bottoms of some of the deepest craters there remain permanently in shadow and therefore subject to very cold freezing temperatures thought to hover around -280º F. (-173º C.) forming extreme cold traps.

It is in a few such cold trap craters at each pole that the possibility of water ice appears to have been discovered and first suggested by the 1994 Clementine combined visual mapping and instrument mission and then later confirmed by the 1998 Lunar Prospector mission, which did not include imaging and was limited to testing instruments. However, later scientists at Cornell University using the massive radar dish at Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory probing these cold trap craters suggest no sign of thick layers of water ice and indicate only thin widely scattered ice crystals dispersed in the sediment. As this is being written, the European Space Agency's SMART-1 spacecraft is enroute in a very slow but economical trip to the Moon with instruments to further investigate this.

The Moon is 384, 403 km (238,857 miles) from Earth. Its diameter is 3,476 km (2,160 miles) with a gravity one-sixth that of Earth. There is reportedly no atmosphere on the Moon and it is considered a geologically dead inactive world with basically no global magnetic core field. The near side is characterized by higher albedo (sunlight reflectivity) cratering highlands known as "terrae" but also a great deal more dark color smooth areas known as "maria" or seas (large circular fairly level and smooth plains) and more regolith (sediment composed of fine dust & rocky debris) deposits. Generally, the far side terrain is characterized by more raw cratering with more light reflective highlands and very few dark maria areas.

The Soviets were the first in space and the Moon was first visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 in 1959. All of this set off a fierce competition and race to the Moon in America concluding 10 years later with the first Earth American humans in Apollo 11 landing on the Moon on July 20, 1969 with Neil Armstrong stepping out first followed by Edwin Aldrin. After that, there were a few more missions to the Moon but basically came to a stop in the 1970s.

More recently there has been some controversy called "The Great Moon Hoax" centered on a 2/15/2001 Fox television program called "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?" presenting evidence that calls some of the manned landings into question and suggesting fakery. I can not offer any comment one way or the other on any of this controversy at this time because I have not so far investigated any of it in serious for myself but thought you should at least be aware that such a controversy does exist.

Basically, except for the unmanned 1994 Clementine mapping mission and the 1998 Lunar Prospector instrument only mission, the Moon and what ever is there has not been directly pursued for decades. Frustrated by this seemingly inexplicable and inappropriate state of affairs, a league of scientist known as the International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) has been formed with China, India, Japan and Europe heavily involved. NASA has not developed a direct major role in this effort. On the other hand, this may well change in response to the pressure generated by the above described independent efforts.

This collective international independent effort raises concerns among some as to who will get there first and who will be able to lay legal claim to what? Don't worry, in my opinion, if any of these nations are under a controlling impression that the Moon is a empty place of only geology and available to do with as they will, this new Moon discovery evidence record now starting to be presented here will raise some serious questions as to whether someone other than ourselves is already well established there. In other words, some one here too myopically focused on greed may be in for a rude awakening.

In fact, it is possible that this may have already happened long ago with the United States and its 1960s and 1970s contact with the Moon. Obviously, this would also explain why we have otherwise inexplicably left it alone for decades and have for years been so reluctant and dragging our feet in pursuing Moon exploration and development despite it obviously being the most logical site as a jumping off point for space exploration further out and despite considerable pressure from others in the scientific community to get off the pot.

Why stay away so long and so determinedly? If they are really convinced that the Moon is a lonely waste and thereby available for our use, this doesn't make sense. On the other hand, if they encountered something they didn't like on the Moon, then it does begin to make sense. I had to smile a little when our President recently announced that we would be returning to the Moon.


This 1994 Clementine mission was the first since the 1970s and last to the present taking visual images of the Moon. The craft was in orbit around the Moon mapping from the South Pole to the North Pole between 2/6/94 and 5/5/94. A complete orbit around the Moon took about 5 hours. Each South/North orbital ground track rotated to the West about 2.3 degrees per each next revolution.

You should be aware that this Clementine mission is also known as Deep Space Program Science Experiment (DSPSE) and was a Department of Defense (DOD) Program sponsored by the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and NASA. Its stated purpose was to space test and qualify lightweight imaging sensors and component technologies for the next generation DOD spacecraft. The BMDO assigned the spacecraft design, manufacture, and operation to the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and the lightweight imaging sensors development to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Clementine was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, captured 1.8 million images of the Moon's surface and the imaging data is accessed via the afore mentioned Navy military server with a link to it in the "Documentation" section of this report.

All of the above litany of who was involved in this mission information should collectively serve as an eye opener just in case any of you might think that space exploration is essentially a civilian science endeavor with the military just tagging along contributing some special expertise once in a while. Obviously, the military and military intelligence is very heavily involved in every aspect of space exploration, especially the imaging systems, and always bringing with them National Security viewpoints at the ready.

I suspect Clementine's primary mission purpose was multi faceted. First, it was a military mission because the satellite's orbits around the Moon might be objected to by whoever they know is already on the Moon and, if so and something went wrong, tight military level secret control would be needed over the potential results of this. Second, there are the technical aspects of the mission to test, not only the advanced digital imaging as stated, but also the imaging obfuscation technology capabilities as well. Third, to see how well the results of these obfuscation administrations would go over when this Clementine data was released to the scientific community and the public before proceeding with the MGS MOC and later imaging on Mars.

It is telling that Clementine's data did pass the release test and even though the image obfuscation technology almost completely dominates Clementine's imaging, no one appears to have seen anything wrong with it. Later the MGS MOC imaging of Mars was tentatively released with some initial worried reluctance but after that without any big problems it has been on with more confidence to the newer Odyssey, Spirit and Opportunity imaging releases with their obfuscation. In other words, it seems too many are asleep at the wheel.


Such observations may sound ludicrous to some but just wait and view the evidence as it unfolds in this Moon evidence record collectively and especially in subsequent reports and you will then be in a better more informed position to draw your own conclusions. It is the accumulation of the anomalous evidence and its implications in multiple reports that is so telling. Meanwhile, lets get on with the evidence in this particular report.

Just remember, most of the evidence here in this particular report is general in nature dealing with broad Moon terrain areas and the image tampering that controls perception of it. Understanding this and how it literally effects the global interpretive views of the Moon is very important because the Moon as a whole, must less individual places on its surface, may not be what it at first seems to be and what it has officially been purported to be. In other words, there may be the Clandestine Moon of pretense perception put into our heads for decades and then there may be the truthful and perhaps even disturbing Moon of reality. It will depend of what you can see and how well you can interpret it. We'll see.

First, I want you to examine and note differences in global imaging of the Moon. The above third image gives us a April 1972 view of the global far side of the Moon. It is slightly off center and so some dark marias can be seen. This kind of surface detail is more revealing as to how the Moon and its topography looks. Note how heavily cratered and rough the terrain is providing a lot of detail. Now compare it with the second image at the top of this report of the over 22 years newer 1994 Clementine imaging technology more centered view of the far side. Note how vague, confused, jumbled, and yet smoother the newer Clementine imaging is detail wise with its merged indistinct shapes relative to the sharper detail of the older 1970s Apollo 16 image.

The difference is fairly pronounced and obvious once you start comparing and really looking for it. This kind of difference is also typical of the near side imaging as well. Such differences are not normally noticed by those in the public because any such global imaging is always dramatic looking dealing with what is perceived as the familiar and assumptions dominate and these different views are never viewed together in official data where such A-B comparisons might be made and run the risk of generating difficult questions as to why the newer Clementine imaging lacks so much detail. Even if there were questions, you can bet that this difference would no doubt be explained by the differing objectives of the camera systems where the Clementine primary visual ultra violet camera lens was designed to capture albedo (reflectivity) features and not necessarily topography detail.

The truth is that, although the Clementine imaging is often depicted at official level as the best imaging of the Moon, it is far from that as released to the public because it is essentially without any real topography detail demonstrating only indistinct merged joined shapes. Even so, out of 1.8 million Clementine closer images of the Moon taken via 22 years newer imaging technology, what we should be seeing here is much more detail than in the older Apollo 16 imaging and yet the exact reverse is true. Anticipated official explanations not with standing, when you get to my fifth and sixth images below in this report, you may begin to understand a major reason why the newer Clementine imaging suffers so much of a lack of detail and these merged blended shapes.

Now I want you to become a little familiar with the "maria" (aka seas or oceans) on the Moon. The above fourth image is a 8/12/1990 distant Galileo mission crescent Moon flyby shot as it passed by on its way elsewhere providing a global oblique view of the western near side demonstrating the obviously darker smoother areas on the horizon in the center and upper areas of the Moon as compared with the higher albedo (more light reflectivity) of the cratered highlands in the lower southern area. These smoother maria areas, as indicated above and as you can see in my above first image at the top of this report, are very plentiful on the near side of the Moon but very conspicuous by their relative absence on the far side.

These maria are thought to consists of very plentiful "regolith" finer sediment deposits that give them the more level smooth look. Regolith on the Moon is thought to be fine dust and rock debris newer material thrown up from deep repeated meteor impacts and settling in very ancient and large globally broad impact craters and depressions. The dark color of these deposits is thought to be a function of the primary geology of the regolith, especially titanium, that turns darker as it ages over very long periods of exposure time measured in millions of years.

It is questionable why there are so many more marias on the near side, although there are theories. You should be aware that the degree of regolith on the near side creating the smooth expanses is more than can be explained by the impact cratering on that side. There is theory that tries to explain this indicating that much of the regolith created by all the more numerous impacts on the far side shifted to the near side due to some degree of greater magnetic attraction in the regolith (not planet core) on the near side. This explanation is questionable but not a matter we will be going into here.

Now, in my first image at the top of this report, the general shapes and patterns of the dark color maria on the near side are unquestionably real and I am not trying to say that they aren't. So, don't accuse me of that. All you have to do to test this is walk outside on a near to full Moon night with a clear view and see them for yourself with the naked eye.

The question isn't whether the dark areas are real. The question this report and its evidence raises is whether the dark areas we are seeing in the CLEMENTINE GLOBAL AND CLOSER IMAGEING are the real dark natural regolith topography that we might expect to see and assume we are seeing or are they something else, something perhaps not real?

The above fifth image of this particular regional area on the Moon is enhanced a bit for clarity to compensate for the intentional fuzzy hazy official view. The difficulty was in striking a balance between the very dark area and the very light areas immediately bordering it so that both and their relationship to each other could be reasonably seen.

Once the haziness of the official view is done away with and the scene brought into sharper focus, the dark area is very clearly a dark smooth texture smudge image tampering coating and nothing real in the Moon topography at all. Since natural terrain geology looks nothing like this dark area, its smooth featureless texture is quite obvious as a tampering application and clearly not land, terrain, or natural geology of any kind. It is obviously some coating applied over the otherwise rough textured high albedo terrain.

What I'm trying to bring to your attention is that this is certainly not the dark maria natural geology or topography it is trying to mimic. Further, this example is typical of most of the dark areas in the Clementine imaging that are suppose to represent the darker maria on the Moon. The intent was clearly to hide something thoroughly with this dark color blot out tampering technique and at the same time disguise itself by mimicking the maria areas one expects to see and the official fuzzy hazy focus was suppose to assist in this obfuscation effect.

Look at the dark area very closely. Note that it is essentially featureless. How so many trained scientists and imaging specialist could fall for such crude and obvious manipulations and fail to recognize this type of image tampering for what it obviously is and not set up a howl about it is just beyond me. Are we all just a bunch of followers without an independent thought in our heads? As I said previously, someone was seriously asleep at the wheel here in not calling this obvious business to task.

But that isn't all in this scene. Take note of the surrounding light color areas. This example to is typical of the Clementine imaging. It's just a jumble of nothing and winds up looking more like a fractile painting, just without the color. That is because very close examination reveals that it is tiny detail evidence of some kind that has a great many individual dobs and short runs of lighter color smudge image tampering applied to objects in great numbers. It is just very hard to see because it is so light in color and reflective. The net result is a lot of detail but its overall false because very close examination reveals that none of it resembles natural geology. This has apparently been done by automated software at a much closer resolution scale than officially released to the public. In other words, both the dark and light areas are essentially tampering.

The darker smooth continuous coating mimics the smoother surface area of the marias in principle that you've learned about above while the lighter color areas made up of a great many small spot applications mimics the higher detail in principle of the impact crater areas. However, most of it is all essentially fake.

When this tampering is done so thickly in both the darker and lighter color areas over most of the Moon's surface and then one draws back to distantly viewing the Moon on a global scale, you get the vague diffuse merged shapes smoother fuzzy look that you see in my first two images above of the Clementine global views. Why? Because there are many more tampering applications in any one scene than there is natural detail and they are broader than any smaller natural detail. The distancing technique then destroys tiny detail by merging it together and leaving only the dominant broader tampering applications viewable.

This is a major reason why these Clementine global images look the way they do with their lack of any sharp surface detail and not just because of ultraviolet camera imaging concentrating on albedo features. If such a explanation was presented at official level, it would be just a psychological tactic designed to misdirect attention away from the real reason why the imaging is so obfuscated. In other words, obfuscation on top of obfuscation. There is an old saying that the bigger the lie and the more difficult it is to grasp mentally, the better it can be sold because it simply overwhelms the targeted person(s) mentally.

Now, before leaving the above fifth image, please also take special note of some vague vertical parallel lines poorly visible that appear to be under the dark coating. They will become of increasing importance here and in subsequent reports.

The above sixth and last image in this report demonstrates another area of dark image tampering also imitating one of the maria areas. Again, the dark tampering soft fluffy blurry smudge surface texture clearly identifies it as an artificial application.

This time I have more clarity focused on the dark area and note that this came at the expense of the now oversaturated (too bright) light color area in the left lower corner so more detail in the dark area can be seen. As I've explained many times in other reports, the automated tampering software is designed to circle around objects like craters or artificial objects and leave the tops of them out to provide a little poor detail within the tampering applications broad surface expanse to try and disguise recognition of what it is. That is also what is happening here with the light color spots you see within the dark area of application.

The most obvious anomalous evidence in this scene and in this report is of course the dark top square object in the middle area pointed out with the arrow and label. This is a 3-dimensional ground based structure or building. Essentially only the black blank top roof surface can be seen and it is much darker than the surrounding terrain it sits in providing a very sharp contrast. We are looking almost straight down on this object. However, if you will look very close and carefully, there is just enough offset view angle to allow seeing just a very narrow band of the lighter color reflective lower vertical side wall of the structure. Although just barely visible on the lower end, once pointed out, the side came be easily seen. This evidence of having a side at all confirms that this is a ground based 3-dimensional object rather than a drawn 2-dimensional figure or imaging artifact.

Obviously, this much ever so perfect squared rigid geometry and uniformity is not normal in natural geology and just as highly suggestive as it gets of artificiality. Since this is seen right in the midst of the dark area of tampering and it has such perfect rigid uniform geometric right angles, the obvious questions is how could this have escaped being covered by the tampering all around it? I can't know the answer to that but can speculate using some logic.

Obviously, such evidence would normally be expected to be both noticeable and very controversial because it as hard evidence obviously does not conform to the historical promoted official perception of the Moon. The fact that it apparently has not been noticed or reported until now is both telling and disturbing. Logically, it would be counterproductive to the secrecy agenda's demonstrated interests and so I think we can safely rule out that they either intentionally put it there or intentionally left it out of the tampering.

It may be possible that this imaging and its automated tampering may have been influenced by alien technology? Maybe, but I suspect it more likely that someone rebelling inside the secrecy agenda ranks saw to it that such bits and pieces of evidence were partially left out of the tampering and scattered around in the Clementine imaging. This would have to be done with such evidence being difficult to identify in a quick follow up review of the effectiveness of the tampering but identifiable enough for later independent researchers to find, if they are looking closely.

That it apparently was not discovered by the scientific community, or at least not reported by anyone there(?), clearly demonstrates that this material could not have been looked at that closely. After all, unless you just don't want to see it or are afraid to report it, a purely geometric object like this so suggestive of artificiality stands out dramatically. Likewise, there is automated software survey of the Moon supposedly designed to detect just such geometric stand out evidence. That this also hasn't happened with this object gives us insight that such an effort is clearly not what it is purported to be.

Also, with more detail brought out in the dark tampering area in this sixth and last image, we can also see better the vertical parallel uniform lines or rows also seen in the fifth image but more obvious and numerous here because this dark tampering application covers a larger area. Anticipate that any forthcoming official explanations of this will probably state that this is caused by the south to north vertical orbital path of the Clementine spacecraft and the image strips its cameras take of the terrain below it and later the image processing merging these small strips together into a mosaic whole. That may be part of it but for now just be aware of this. Later reports and their evidence looking deeper behind this particular veil will bring this into closer scrutiny.

Meanwhile, note that these long anomalous lines actually appear to be under the coating and imprinting through to the surface and are not typical of any imaging splice lines that are usually much more well defined and which I've reported on before. In fact, the implication here is that this is some kind of ground based phenomena that the tampering coating has covered over but in doing so has conformed to its general shape. This conforming or "mapping" to the shape of the objects it hides is a hallmark but also a flaw of this 1994 developmental stage of the automated tampering software. For the moment, just record this information and its appearance in your head because better more telling evidence relating to this will be forthcoming in following reports.

However, that isn't quite all the anomalous evidence that I want you to take note of here. Please look VERY close in this sixth image and you will see extremely tiny light colored specks scattered all throughout this scene. Most of these specks on very close examination are rectangular and share a lot of similar geometric uniformity and are usually vertically and horizontally oriented. I have seen a lot of this in both the Moon and Mars imaging and have some experience with it.

Normally I don't report on this because there really isn't enough of anything for you to see except on a very tiny difficult to see level and the image tampering and this kind of super tiny evidence is very hard for most viewers to recognize and interpret, but I'm going to go out on a limb here. Why? Because this Clementine Moon imaging is full of this kind of tiny evidence and understanding this is important to understanding the nature of the tampering, what is is hiding, and its other implications.

In my opinion, these tiny specks are the light reflective tops of artificial geometric structures. Remember that the automated dark blanketing tampering works with imaging that is much closer to these objects. In its much closer and larger view of these objects, it maps very exactly around these structures and applying smudge tampering applications that obliterate everything but their tops.

Anticipate that an official explanation might say that these are merely bad digital pixels artifacts. However, they are rectangular, not square and sometimes, if I can get a decent zoom factor, these objects will appear as though they are down in a hole of this soft fluffy featureless smudge tampering. That visual effect is caused by the tampering application circling an object. This is also true of similar treatments for round objects like craters. This relationship and interaction between these tiny rectangular shapes and the image tampering application indicates that this is ground based evidence and not digital imaging artifacts.

If I am right about these specks being the tops of otherwise unseen structures, then this information also gives us a better rough grasp of the true size and distance scale involved here in this scene where all frame of reference objects are intentionally visually destroyed preventing any meaningful grasp of scale. It indicates that the dark squared structure for example is more distantly seen than one might first think and therefore really huge relative to these other much smaller but still large structures.

Also, the presence of so many of these tiny rectangular specks in this particular scene and the preciseness of the tampering application successfully mapping to and around such tiny objects, tells us that there logically exists Clementine imaging much closer to ground based targets and of much much higher quality than the distant blurred obfuscated junk imaging that is officially released to us here. You have to remember that the Moon is suppose to be an airless world and without any significant magnetic core and gravity well of its own. If true, then that logically means that satellite survey mapping orbits do not have to stand further off from the target surface as they do where worlds have a more significant atmospheric envelope and stronger gravity well like Earth or Mars.

For example, the satellite imaging of Mars, with its lower gravity well and thinner atmospheric envelope averages about 235 miles distance from the planet surface. That compares to Earth, with its much larger gravity well and thicker atmospheric envelope, and its satellite imaging averaging about 400 miles distance from the planet surface to maintain its orbit and much of the time must see through a dense obscuring cloud cover and weather patterns not normally present on Mars and never on the Moon.

In comparison, the fly over distance from the satellite camera to the Moon's surface could be as low as a lower to mid-level flying airplane. The earliest images from the manned orbiters of the 1960s and 1970s circling the Moon clearly demonstrated this via the back then publicized film of the surface taken from the orbiter as it passed over. Such a closer view of the surface would also result in each image width covering less terrain and present the necessity for an increase in the number of shots to get total Moon terrain coverage. Note that the Clementine Mission official image count is 1.8 million total. That's a lot of images of such a relatively smaller planetoid object and it logically implies that such numbers of shots were taken much closer with much closer resolution than the more distant resolution imaging officially released to us here.

The fact is, in comparison, a manned spacecraft could skim over the Moon's surface very low just as some of us have seen done in some of the decades old manned Moon missions on TV. In such a scenario at such closer distance, an astronaut with a cheap simple hand held camera could take better pictures out a spacecraft's window, if it had one, of the Moon's surface than those that we see here from Clementine's, by their own description, highly advanced imaging technology.

Additionally, in 1994 when this Clementine mission was conducted, the level of commercial satellite imaging technology of Earth based targets from great distances and through obfuscating cloud cover was far beyond what you see in this imaging and especially so considering the lower distances involved here of the Moon. Remember to that military and military intelligence satellite imaging technology was developed well beyond any commercial technology of that time. The first Gulf War clearly demonstrated this principle right on TV for everyone to see. Don't forget that the 1994 Clementine mission was primarily a military and military intelligence operation from start to finish including follow-up as clearly indicated by the Clementine information in this report.

Does it make any sense at all to you that an almost entirely military/military intelligence project would use lesser imaging technology? Think about it.


The primary point I'm trying to convey here in this report with this type of global and broad area regional evidence is the need to be cautious in making assumptions about the Moon based on what you've historically seen and read. It would be a mistake to make too many assumptions about the Moon simply because one believes oneself to be familiar with it or base any assumptions on the official satellite imaging of the Moon or some of the scientific community's reporting on it.

The bottom line is that what is seen by the naked eye and telescopes of the Moon may be an accurate if distant representation of what is there, as far as they go, but what is seen in closer satellite imaging, and especially military intelligence originated imaging, is a completely different matter and open to some serious question. This will become increasingly clear as subsequent reports following this one present more evidence to merit that questioning.

Otherwise, the square structure direct evidence so extremely suggestive of artificiality and civilization is thrown in for good measure as a bonus. Even so, although simple and straight forward, its powerful implications are still very obvious.


The links below with explanations will carrying you to the official visual science data so that you can verify for yourself each piece of evidence that I have presented here in this report. This link accesses the Clementine official science data image of the Moon's global near side that my first image is drawn from. Click on the thumbnail image there to see a good view image that will do just fine for verification. Click on the JPEG link at the bottom of the list to the right of the thumbnail image for a larger but still reasonably fast loading image. Click on the TIFF link at the bottom of the list if you want the largest possible but slower loading image with the most detail. This link accesses the Clementine official science data image of the Moon's global far side that my second image is drawn from. As above, click on the thumbnail image there to see a good view image that will do just fine for verification. Click on the JPEG link at the bottom of the list to the right of the thumbnail image for a larger but still reasonably fast loading image. Click on the TIFF link at the bottom of the list if you want the largest possible but slower loading image with the most detail. This link accesses the older 1972 official Apollo 16 science data image of the Moon's far side with all of its sharper detail in comparison to the Clementine fuzzy and occluded imaging as presented in my third image. Click on the large thumbnail for an even larger view. This link accesses the official science data crescent Moon oblique view from Galileo's flyby demonstrating the levelness and smoothness of the darker maria compared to the more light reflective cratered highlands as presented in my fourth image. This link is to the Navy's official Clementine Lunar Image Browser 1.5 (CLIB) search engine form of the Moon imaging based on coordinates to access the location of my fifth image above. On the form, click on 1 pixel = 1 kilometer, below that in image size in pixels click on 768x768, below that enter 15 in the Latitude box and 300 in the Longitude box, and then click on the "Use Lat/Long" button to bring up the image. Be forewarned that the image will be both dark and blurry (by intent?) and graphic software will be needed to duplicate the brightness, clarity and detail of my fifth image in this report. This link is to the Navy's official CLIB search engine of Clementine Moon imaging based on coordinates to accessing the location of my sixth image above. On the form, click on 1 pixel = 1 kilometer, below that in image size in pixels click on 768x768, below that enter 10 in the Latitude box and 58 in the Longitude box, and then click on the "Use Lat/Long" button to bring up the image. Be forewarned that the image will be darker and less clear than in my imaging above but the black perfectly square structure can still be seen in spite of this obfuscation. Beyond that, graphics software will be needed to achieve the level of brightness, clarity and detail matching my sixth image above.

, Investigator


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