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Report #080

January 4, 2005


The above first image is the official view of this evidence site without any clarification image work in it by me. This scene was brought to my attention by David in the UK. As you can see, other than being unusually dark, this is a sample every day Mars scene as photographed many hundreds of times near the Spirit Rover of mostly a field of different size rocks and their shadows. The general impression is that there is nothing here of interest to anyone but geology and related fields. The whole view is normal with nothing anomalous in it to focus on or consider examining it very close for any more detail. Most scientists, mostly looking only for geology clues, would agree and quickly move on.

The above second image, even with over lightened clarification work in it by me basically continues this impression of being nothing more than normal, unless you are sharp eyed and look very close. This clarified view is a fair amount lighter than it needs to be and not ideal for seeing general detail. That's because it is the dark rock shadows that I am trying to see into here and it is the image tampering applications that I want to point out here to give you some insight into how this Mars Spirit and Opportunity ground level Rover image has been skillfully manipulated via image tampering. This has been done to create the illusion of normalcy in the image when it is really more than that. It is the understanding of this kind of thing will help us better understand what these Rovers may really be covertly doing on Mars.

The above third image represents a closer view of most of this scene bringing out more detail. Please note how the large rocks and their shadows in the lower left corner foreground did lighten substantially. This is a encouraging sign that the shadow itself is genuinely transparent and may be real and not an artificial coating. Generally you should know that real shadow will respond fairly readily to the lightening process in a graphics software program because of its true transparency but artificial coatings will not because they are superimposed artificial coatings and often done in multiple layers.

However, within the shadow, the visual surface of these larger "rock" faces as pointed out with red arrows is mostly color coordinated lumpy texture smudge image tampering applications in layers that plaster to the object and are designed to mimic rock surface texture and create the rock look. The darker base area of these rocks on the ground has also been similarly treated. All of this has been done within some of the object's natural shadow. These already hard to identify surface applications are then hidden by the general darkness of the official image increasing shadow depth and darkness. This kind of object specific image tampering is the most difficult to identify. That it is present here indicates that some of these objects may not be rocks at all.

Moving to the right of the base of the group of large "rocks" in the foreground, is a combination of light and dark color smudge image tampering applications covering various items there. Just enough of a longer straight linear suggestive object pointed with a blue arrow can be seen there. In other spots in this area are smooth featureless applications of smudge tampering designed to mimic sand. Some of this may be to cover something anomalous but some of it is probably just to blend the otherwise more obvious tampering into the general terrain of this foreground area. It is a mapping type application that leaves small objects out to provide some detail and the general blending helps disguise the more object specific applications.

Much easier to identify is the dark color coordinated smudge image tampering application spot in the upper right corner of the image as pointed with the larger red arrow. What appeared to be a rock and its dark shadow in the general darkness of the original science data imaging there is not that at all but a large blob of dark smudge image tampering designed to mimic dark shadow. As you can see, it did not respond to the lightening process at all and that is because it is a artificially applied coating on the original visuals there and, as such, cannot respond.

This particular evidence is the main reason that I over lightened this image in general at the cost of some over saturation of surrounding detail to help you see this evidence better. The surface texture of the smudge application can clearly be seen and now there is no question that this is not shadow but an artificial application trying to hide something at this spot.

Even more important is the end of what appears to likely be a artificial artifact in a rolled and curled form that sticks out from under the left side of the dark image tampering application as pointed out by the large green arrow. The dark image tampering application clearly indicates that there is a object there worthy of hiding and that in turn lends credence to the likelihood that this is a artificial object of some kind because they obviously would not go to the trouble of hiding natural rocks or geology.

The above four sequence images viewed from left to right represent another example very close by to the right in the scene of the first three images here in this report. Again, this demonstrates when a rock isn't necessarily what it at first appears to be. The first image on the left is the official view and the image to the right of that is the same official view blown up 200%, both without any clarification work in it by me. This object looks kind of strange but otherwise continues to be fairly innocent looking at first glance. However, a sharp eyed viewer named Susan who first brought this to my attention noticed what she at first considered were two tiny points of light shining out of what is suppose to be shadow. She was correct. Obviously two lights or reflective points should not be shining out from the dark shadow side of this rock causing it to look anomalous.

When the 200% view image is clarified and given a little color for contrast, look what happens to this object in the third and fourth images to the right. What was suppose to be shadow turns out to be a single dark arrowhead shaped continuous image tampering application that extends continuously straight over part of the side of the "object" and left down straight onto the ground mimicking shadow there. The green outline in the right image just defines the image tampering application's whole basic shape. When examined very closely, the continuous surface texture of the application gives itself away.

The two points of light turn out to be two side-by-side round holes in the application that expose a tiny portion of the object's true reflective surface and look so much like glowing eyes. A third hole now also revealed centered below the top two forming a triangle between them is much darker because it does not expose the object's reflective surface and reminds one of a round inverted nose. Most of this tampering is no doubt done at high speed by super computers and it is programmed to leave a small percentage (too small to see any detail within) of the surface it is covering out of the tampering to provide some minor detail in it and break up the tampering surface's continuous texture so as not to drawn too much attention to itself as a false coating application.

In this case, the decision apparently was to use perfectly round holes. That was a mistake because the result made the object look a little too strange as though eyes or at the very least points of light were looking out from it and brought attention to it anyway. When the super computer does this sort of tampering thing millions of times very successfully, the sheer number of applications still work against it occasionally causing these kind of abnormalities. So it is their loss and our gain in understanding. There is also a great deal more image tampering around in this and the larger original image scene including on this object itself but, in my opinion, most of this would be very hard for you to recognize and so we'll just pass on that.

Please understand that the image tampering on this object does not necessarily confirm that the true object hidden by the tampering is itself anomalous. It may well be but it also may just be a rock and the computer is simply trying to change or create a new shadow angle on a number of objects to match that of something more important and anomalous that is covered over somewhere else nearby in this area and with better workmanship.

Remember to that the two points of light or eyes appearance is itself also evidence. For example, there was probably no shadow at all on this side of this object at the time the original image was taken because the two holes with the bright centers reveal a light reflective surface and that this side of the object was originally in full reflective sunlight.


I so often dislike talking about the many forms of image tampering, particularly in the MER Spirit and Opportunity imaging. It seems like that's all I wind up reporting and it gets very boring to me as well I'm sure many viewers. However, many follow these two probes, are interested, and so I am obligated to occasionally examine this material even though I know that the advances in camera, imaging and computer technology over the MGS MOC data days are almost certainly going to make it very hard to find anything significant that goes beyond being merely suggestive.

Even with that said and my pathetic "feeling" reactions aside, understanding that there is a hidden purpose within the publicly stated purpose here in this Rover imaging offers valuable insight into greater truth. So here is what I suspect is happening here.

The reason that I'm reporting on something so relatively minor as the above visual image tampering evidence is because it gives me the opportunity to point out some of its implications for consideration. The Mars Rovers ground level imaging often has a lot of this very common small scale image tampering work in the terrain all around the Rovers covering up various objects that individually do not amount to much but collectively in whole amounts to a great deal. The small peek at some relatively minor artificiality evidence like that seen here in this report is only a tiny sample of what is going on in the Spirit and Opportunity Rover imaging.

In some cases I suspect this kind of tampering and shadow illusion creation, other than creating a background stage for something else, hides small scale life. In other cases, I suspect that often it is also hiding artifacts of artificial origin scattered about in this terrain like the end piece of the one seen here. It is the latter purpose of the Rovers presence on Mars that is so full of implications.

I think that we now need to seriously consider that one of the true main but hidden purposes of these Mars Rover missions is not just the publicly stated science purpose of checking out Mars soil and rock chemistry or checking for signs of past water evidence or small scale microbial life, etc. It is to rummage around in someone else's artificial junk discards and ruins with at the very least super detail digital camera technology designed to establish a highly detailed visual record of someone on Mars and their life and technology in bits and pieces. It's sort of like rummaging around in someone's garbage can ever few days to steal all the bits and pieces of information on them that can eventually collectively paint a pretty accurate whole picture of who they are and what they do.

The official stated biological and geological science purposes are no doubt legitimate to satisfy as well as mislead even those mission and other scientists not in the secrecy need to know loop. It is how legitimate scientists are pulled in and made loyal and yet at the same time made blind as to what is really going on. The main purpose of collecting visual detail of someone else's discards remains hidden even from them and evidence of its recovery is covered over once processed and recorded in the secrecy agenda hidden archives. In other words, a secret agenda hidden within the publicly stated purpose and we're involved in a combination of very high tech covert archeology as well as technology espionage on Mars probably mainly trying to pilfer advantageous technology clues. All enabled by super high resolution camera technology paid for by the public but not admitted to and the results of its use certainly not shared with the public, even though what is recovered is our property and not theirs.

Also, the very low profile and covert aspect of these current missions as well as past missions and future planned missions on Mars clearly implies that stealth in this effort is required. The emphasis on stealth in turn logically implies that there is a reason for the need of stealth. One does not need stealth in the presence of rocks and dirt or even in the presence of more simple native biological life forms and some water. Their true actions revealed betray intent much more clearly than does what is publicly professed! The implication is logically that covert and stealth are required because someone with intelligence and capable of defending what is theirs is on the planet alive and fully functioning and the secrecy types clearly have enough respect for their capabilities to try to be as careful as possible but still obtain information.

Conversely, the implication is clearly not that we are dealing with long dead defunct civilizations. This is a concept that many struggle with, even when they can admit to themselves that too much too strange is going on with our space exploration programs. Remember, our space exploration leadership's actions and lack of actions is also evidence that must be taken into consideration and not ignored.

Further, if true, the implication logically continues that who ever is on Mars does not necessarily think like we do here on Earth. For example, if we had the advanced technology to prevent it, there is no chance that orbiting satellites and landed ground based traveling Rover vehicles could even get close to Earth in flight without being detected and intercepted, must less orbit Earth for years and land such vehicles around on it, even in desolate places. That implies that our obvious presence on Mars has been allowed, or at least tolerated, perhaps as long as we don't get too intrusive? If so, what does that say about the character of who ever may be on Mars relative to ourselves?

But that isn't all. If such evidence is laying around plentiful enough in these apparently more desolate Mars places for our Rovers ranging only a few miles to rummage around amongst, it is almost certainly older technology from the Mars past point of view. Perhaps even dating back long ago when these particular environments retained civilization presence in these areas. If true, that tends to imply that, not only are Mars current civilizations more advanced than our own, they may have been so for a very long time and even their old long ago technology may be more advanced than our own. Further, the density of such civilization remnants lying around as evidenced by the plentiful degree of the collective image tampering over anomalous material like the samples seen here in this report implies some very high population density to generate this much civilization debris and/or discards.

If there are civilizations on Mars of such high density and so much more technologically advanced than we are, one has to ask and be concerned as to whether we are pushing the envelope and running risks of offending them with our covert activities on their planet? Obviously we for sure do not want to carelessly make enemies of such civilizations with such advanced capabilities! That of course would depend on the other party's interpretation of our actions and intent. But, the problem is that you and I out here in the public are almost completely ignorant of what may be going on in this regard right here on our home front and especially as to what risks may or may not be being run in this regard.

That is always the problem with ignorance, whether on an individual level or a great population level, it never has a good long term outcome. Yet, if we ask for better more complete information, we the many are stonewalled by the few and our ignorance is consistently and actively being reinforced. The net result and the bottom line, regardless of professed intent, is that the secrecy crowd is increasingly addicted to more and more secrecy with all the isolation and myopic thinking that naturally comes along with it. At the same time, we out here wind up increasingly addicted to ignorance and not having a clue as well as blindly allowing our future to be dictated for us by a few that we have no real knowledge of. The situation feeds a ever widening schism separating those supposedly serving from those they are suppose to serve. I see no good outcome in such a state of affairs. Do you?

Regardless of whether we want to deal with such complex issues or not, survival itself demands that this state of affairs must change and we must all be more involved and start growing into our destiny in this regard. If the many remain ignorant, we are all of us in peril, not so much via fault from without, but from within.

DOCUMENTATION This link will take you to the official science data image sourced in my first three images in this report. Be sure to click on the "View Full Image" link there to load the full image. This link will take you to the official science data image sourced from in my last four sequence images in this report. The "rock" in question is small and located on the right edge in the lower right corner of the image. Be sure to click on the "View Full Image" link there to load the full image.

, Investigator


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