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Report #089

August 2, 2005


At last the official stonewalling appears to be starting to crumble, at least toward some small very limited measure of truth as to the presence of surface water on Mars. It takes the form of the above first image of what is just officially reported a few days ago on 7/28/2005 by ESA as a field of bright reflective surface water ice in an unnamed crater. This is reported as being located on the Vastitas Borealis plain in the North Polar Region well out from the Cap at Longitude 103º East and Latitude 70.5º North.

The above is a beautiful sort of surreal looking scene. That's because, although it is released as the official science data, like most ESA images, it is a heavily colorized though beautifully worked image designed more for commercial presentation and public consumption than true science data which conveniently remains unavailable for any kind of real confirming research. ESA basically takes the position that you will just have to trust that they will disseminate complete truthful information but confirming independent research by non approved independents out here among the great unwashed masses just isn't going to happen.

Note that around the rim of the crater you can see a little bit of scattered bright terrain. Most of this, especially the larger area of it on the right side of the inside crater wall, is also suppose to be water ice or snow. However, much as I would like for it to be otherwise, in my opinion, very little that we are looking here in this total scene is real except possibly for the vague outline of the crater. Just about all of the reddish/tanish/brown color inside and outside the crater is smudge image tampering covering up just about all of the true terrain. The soft fluffy texture, the absence of terrain geological detail, the light absorbing quality, and close examination of how this approaches and fades into and over the edges of the light color spots gives it away, especially in the image foreground areas.

The above second image offers a closer view of the water ice field. As you can see, it's very bright. That's because the brilliant bluish artificially added color is so highly reflective in contrast with the surrounding darker light absorbing terrain and the glare created tends to obscure other information in the scene. I've tried subdue the effect just a little and darkened the image slightly so that we can get a better look not so much at the water ice field but the texture of the terrain around it.

As you can see, the terrain immediately around the ice field doesn't really exhibit any natural geological features. In my opinion that's because it is an artificial application and nothing real at all and definitely not to be trusted. That is one reason why it is so light absorbing. Also, notice the rolled downward effect merging into the very narrow dark band touching the edge of the brightly colored water ice. This looks very....well crafted.

Now visit my Report #046 titled "The Real Tubes on Mars: Part II" to see the same application grainy texture effect in the images there confining and defining the edges of the great tube there. Although the detail isn't quite as clear here in this water ice image, they are in fact the same effect. I strongly suspect both represent crafted artificial image tampering applications and nothing real.

Now don't get me wrong, it may very well be that the water ice field itself here is real as with the colossal tubes. Unfortunately, these extensive tampering applications approaching it that confine and define the water ice field cast doubt as to the water ice field's reality. Even so, I suspect that it is real. Why? Because the strange visual unfamiliarity of the colossal tube evidence to the human eye tends to cause failure to recognize it for what it really is. This is reason enough to leave it out of the tampering field applications as it isn't the type of object that meets the tampering programming parameters just as it isn't to the human eye. It's the same principle with the water ice field.

Further, the map type tampering process programming would probably not recognize the unfamiliar tube shape as something to cover up like it would treat for example a collection of geometric right angle structures. Likewise, in my research experience, solid highly reflective ice in a big rounded mass would also not normally itself be a shape that the map type tampering process would recognize as a candidate for covering up either. It is for these reasons that I suspect the water ice field may be real even in the midst of all these tampering applications.

The above third image is ESA's color context wide field of view image showing the location of the crater the water ice is in as pointed out by the large white ESA arrow. Note that the tiny water ice field itself in this very distant view can also be seen within the crater. ESA's color scheme is a bit much but otherwise the surrounding terrain is displayed and self explanatory.

I've included the above fourth image of the North Polar Region from the MGS MOC science data. Note that I have included a red box outline within which is the area on the Vastitas Borealis plain where the unnamed crater and water ice is located. This demonstrates where this evidence site is relative to the central North Polar Cap features.

For your information, here is ESA's 7/28/2005 official "Water Ice in Crater at Martian North Pole" report on this including the availability of a large 13,100 kb high resolution JPG image as well as a fairly standard size 419 kb image. You should be aware that this ESA colorized imaging seems to have been specifically prepared to appear at as a peer review piece and then for publication by NASA here at their Astronomy Picture of the Day. It was then of course by design picked up from there for online publication on 7/29/2005 by the BBC News UK Edition and then on 8/1/2005 by the News.Telegraph and no doubt other current and future publications that I am unaware of.

Some very alert viewers quickly did the right thing by bringing these news postings to my attention. This heads up action on their part was a real help and is much appreciated because I would have no doubt been very much unaware of this breaking news for awhile. It caused me to attempt to make an quick about face turning away from the evidence report I was working on to present the information you see here on this discovery report.

I cannot stress enough here the significance of the formal methods used to officially present this information to the world. In my opinion, it simply could not happen without the blessing of the secrecy agenda. That fact is very profound in its implications.

Now understand that the main reason that I am reporting this is not because of the water ice evidence itself. They can do just fine in that regard without my two cents. After all, I've already reported previous samples of that kind of evidence and there will be plenty more along with liquid water evidence in my book when it is released. My real reporting purpose here is to point out that this kind of official level reporting, even if NASA and JPL are trying to keep a careful distance from it by letting it happen via the Euro connection, can't be officially very easily stepped back from and this does demonstrate that they are turning some kind of corner in what kind of Mars evidence they are willing to admit to and release and what information direction they are now trying to move the media and public perception toward.

Is this revelation coming because of the pressure applied by the type of evidence you see here at this website and others and the promise of possibly more profound evidence to come? Are they now waking up and trying to get out in front and lead such revelations as a remain in leadership tactic? Is evidence like that seen here at this website finally being effective in pushing them to move up their agendas before they want to? Maybe or maybe not, only they know. But, the bottom line is that a corner is being turned here and there are now chinks in the no real information stonewalling. The rest of the truth will eventually follow. Even though only a very tiny step at this point, this in fact no less than a turning hinge point in human history. It is the beginning of the end and the beginning of the beginning. Let's just hope it doesn't take more decades and generations for the revelation process to run its course.

Please also understand that this is surface water ice and not liquid surface water. It may be nearly the same thing, but not quite. You see the concept of hard frozen water ice in rare deep Mars locations is a concept good for building toward the financing and development of eventual Earth human exploration missions to Mars and all of the necessary prior development that leads up to that. Based on their strategy, the tantalizing implication is that it takes advanced intelligence and technology to take advantage of such rare sites on Mars and in getting to them in order to exploit them. That's us! On the other hand, any life associated with hard frozen water ice in such supposedly severe conditions would no doubt normally be anticipated to be lower crude forms that of course would not represent a potential threat to us.

That is no doubt why this officially reported water ice revelation is an acceptable breach in the previous secrecy stonewall. It is necessary preparation for the years of money investment and development that must be paid for to come.

On the other hand, in comparison, the presence of liquid surface water would have all sorts of very troublesome and no doubt unacceptable implications for secrecy agendas. Liquid surface water supports life and life over time exploiting favorable conditions can evolve intelligence and possibly technology not to mention itself being an active attraction for intelligent technological advanced life forms passing by who might elect to stay. The presence of liquid surface water and any reality of more favorable conditions on Mars than we've previously considered would gradually spark increased imagination and then the consideration of the possibility of life, including naturally advanced life. That is still very unacceptable. Such consideration could lead to troublesome independent thought, loss of control and even a realization that we have all been taken for a ride. Can you imagine what the science and academic communities reaction would be to realize that they had been misled so easily and for so long?

Likewise, from the secrecy point of view, they would consider it unlikely that Earth populations in general would seriously consider that just as advanced Earth humans could technologically exploit Mars hard frozen water ice, so to could other technologically advanced life forms. The few here in our populations that might seriously consider this unapproved concept and insight could either be dealt with through direct social/career/financial pressure or marginalized and thereby rendered ineffective. Therefore you can see how they might feel that they can probably control this particular revelation if they can keep its concepts limited in everyone's heads.

Even so, this official Mars surface water ice evidence revelation still represents the beginning of the end of the secrecy stonewall to truth in this regard and the beginning tiny step toward eventual even larger Mars and other planetary exploration revelations. Even if they are satisfied that they can control this and can continue to restrictively dribble out information and misinformation as it suits their secrecy purposes, the relentless march of reality will continue to have its way just as has happened here with this tiny beginning. The pressure is on and the unraveling begins slow but sure.

The challenge then is for those of us desiring truth to get in behind this chink in the stonewall and keep up the pressure trying to bring this growing anomalous evidence record before more and more people's awareness thereby eventually forcing more such change.

, Investigator


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