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Report #116

March 15, 2007


This report's visual evidence in the following images all comes from one MGS MOC R07-02245 narrow-angle strip. It is another sampling of the more strange and unfamiliar to the Earth human eye Mars forest life bio-diversity evidence. First we start off with evidence at the top of the strip that may be interpreted at first as less convincing of life to some and move down the strip to the mid area and then down to the strongest evidence of all at the strip's bottom where any doubt will then be in for a rough time of it.

This strip is quite wide offering a bit closer view and a good decent look at all the evidence without the necessity of graphic clarification and that of course will facilitate verification of the evidence by anyone. You should know that the strip swath width, according to the official statistics, is only 2.98 km or 1.85 miles wide confirming that the view is a relatively close one, so don't get confused about size scale. All evidence here has been drawn from the fourth listed straight orientation .GIF strip as it is officially presented. I added exactly the same amount of color to all the report images here to facilitate differentiation of detail between objects and then also comparison of the evidence color change between the images.

The above first image demonstrates darker color eruptions within the lighter color bio-life evidence. Despite the appearance of geology that some may wish to force on this scene in order to obtain a more familiar visual experience, there is no true ground geological detail visible anywhere in this entire strip or for that matter any of the image scenes presented here in this report. It is all bio-life of some kind. However, if this particular presented evidence here from the upper and mid areas of the strip doesn't look strong enough as bio-life to you because of a lack of familiarity and the need for further convincing, don't worry about it because this report will end up with evidence much stronger and more conclusive to your eye of bio-life making any such questioning somewhat irrelevant.

The above second image is a section of the same scene as in image #1 but now with a closer 200% view of the main eruption areas within the bio-mass. Again I remind you that the more light reflective light color "terrain" you are looking at here is, in my opinion, not geology but bio-mass, it's alive, and no true geology is visible here at all despite the higher light reflectivity of large smoother areas of the mass. Any geology present is not visible because it is covered over completely by this biological life evidence.

I include this type of evidence here and make these points not to try to convince you in this one report and in brief passing that you are looking at life here but just to help get you familiar with the concept and the variety of such visuals. Before my total future reporting is done with respect to Mars forest life bio-diversity and its variety, this information foundation will be important. Something somewhat comparable here on Earth would be dense algae flourishing in a lake or pond shallows forming into a mud like consistency on the shallow water surface like sludge. I suspect that some of you outdoor and fisherman types have seen what I'm referring to.

It should also be noted here that this bio-life evidence in the first images here is similar in appearance to but likely not quite exactly the same as the evidence presented in my Report #114. As you can see, evidence like this is incredibly dense and carpets everything like mud or sludge and is almost certainly some form of spreading colony life like mold or algae but on a colossal scale relative to what we might be used to seeing here on Earth. That in turn may suggest extensive shallow water saturation of the underlying soil. But now let's move down to the middle area of the strip with the next two images below.

The above third image is of an area down the strip a bit but just above the mid point. It is a scene reduced to 70% of the original strip's size to fit my image frame and encompasses one side edge of the strip to the other.

This third image demonstrates a very straight but a relatively subtle appearing demarcation boundary line, the edge of which is pointed out by the black arrows, between two different looking fields of bio-life evidence. Above the line is what I'm going to term the "upper field" evidence for the lack of a better term. It is associated with the bio-life evidence in the first and second images. Below the line is just the subtle beginning of a different looking and what I'm going to term the lower field of evidence. Note that the bio-life in the upper field is also scattered around in what appear to be bands or layers in the lower field.

It is possible that both upper and lower fields may actually be the same bio-life evidence, just seen in different stages of development? However, I'm going to guess that they are not and are different kinds of bio-life as will become more evident as we move the view further down the strip in the following three images. Assuming they are truly different types, we cannot really tell by these visuals which is invading the field of the other. However, I'm going to again guess that the lower field is rooting under the upper field with residuals of the upper field continuing to exist for a while on top of the lower field at these boundary meeting areas.

The above fourth image is of a scene just below the mid point in the strip and just below that in the previous third image. Note that the evidence in this scene (despite the same color applied) is darker tinted. It would have been even darker tinted but I desaturated the scene in this and the next two images just a bit to lessen the darkness and provide a better look at the darker tinted object detail. This darker tint is primarily because this lower field evidence is made up of a great many repetitive individual objects that create small shadows trapping sunlight while the upper evidence field has a much smoother more continuous coating surface that reflects more sunlight to lighter tint.

Although everything in this fourth image scene tends to merge and blur together, here you see the rougher texture pattern lower field evidence now a little better seen. Note that some of the upper field bio-life is still a little in evidence here and it appears it may be on top of the lower field evidence.

As you can see, if one viewed this image #4 evidence section as an isolated island (same with image #3) not associated with the rest of the strip and its evidence, it would be very easy to understand how others could pass this off as just geological terrain as no doubt many have. However, such sections aren't lone islands but are scenes of evidence in transition. Before leaving this report for good, you are urged to download at least the larger closer fourth listed straight orientation .JPEG official science data image via the link at the bottom of this report. Scrolling up and down the full length of this image will demonstrate what I am talking about here in way that these fixed still image sections can never adequately convey.

Meanwhile, in the above fourth image, note the now clearly seen directional striation orientations in this lower field evidence and how every single visual striation is oriented pointing directly in the same direction and that direction is toward the upper field more light reflective bio-mass. This directional orientation evidence suggests that this lower field rougher texture evidence may begin its growth in close parallel rows or it may have the ability to become directional in its orientation in aggressively encountering competing bio-life in the boundary areas where they meet.

Since both bio-mass life forms in more mature stages appear to completely and intensely encompass an area of growth choking out anything else within its main boundaries, at least anything obvious in this distant satellite imaging, offensive directional orientation strategies may be characteristic of some of these densely packed bio-masses as they encounter other similar competing also densely packed bio-masses. It is at least a thought to consider and how strange and different things often are on Mars as compared to Earth.

Now we move further down the strip to the bottom area and now we also come to the real reason for this report and the very strong evidence of biological life on Mars. I say this because, at the very least, I suspect that very few of you will be able within your private selves to truthfully resolve the evidence in the above 5th and below 6th images as being even remotely interpreted as any form of geology. Rock and soil geology never repeats its patterns as repetitively and intricately as what you see above but forestation life made up of a collection of a great many similar looking individual objects most definitely does.

That factor alone is what makes this evidence so strong and powerful. It is very obviously life and life on distant Mars. Regardless of what any may say for public consumption or for the sake of public denial, we are looking at life here and we all know it deep down where it counts. Beyond that any resistance to the life concept and any determination to hang onto the geological interpretation concept is not a function of objective visual evidence. Rather it can only be a function of individual psychology and behavior, expediency, or political or secrecy agendas.

Note how this kind of unfamiliar to Earth eyes life evidence is so incredibly super dense and obviously flourishing and very successful. It is obviously very strong and viable and most definitely not struggling to survive. It is a clue! You will see this particular evidential bio-life theme repeated over and over again with all kinds of conventional to us as well as not so conventional evidence like this forest bio-life diversity in the huge area of the South Polar Region. Further, you're going to be seeing more and more of very strong super high density biological life evidence like this and even stronger in my reporting.

Look at the visual evidence! This isn't some person's opinion or theory, it is clearly visual hard objective evidence quite apart from opinion or theory. Is it absolute conclusive proof? No, only going there and cutting off samples of this evidence and testing it in a lab will be required to convince some. But, this is incredibly strong obvious visual evidence and simply cannot be ignored. Its presence in multiples on such vast massive scales clearly indicates very successful old growth and favorable life conditions on this distant world. Further, I have no doubt that this logically extends to the underlying presence of water moisture that almost certainly enables it as well.

The above sixth image is merely the evidence in the 5th image with a closer 200% zoom view. Look at it. See anything that looks like solid particulate rock and soil geology down there? If you do, I feel sorry for you but meanwhile how about we discuss that bridge that I could sell you at a very nice price. After all, I have personal wants and desires to.

Look at all that super densely packed evidence in the above sixth image. Can't imagine yourself casually strolling through that forest? How about wedging just a finger into it? Now can you imagine the reportedly "failed" off course Mars Polar Lander chancing dropping down and trying to wedge into a mess like this in its proposed landing site coordinates of Longitude 195º W—Latitude 76º S not too distant from this evidence's location at Longitude 250.77º W – Latitude 84.12º S? Could that too be a clue?

The above seventh grayscale image is the R07-02246 companion wide-angle context strip showing the location of the R07-02245 narrow-angle evidence strip site location within it. Of course these regional wide-angle strips are often of very poor blurry and fuzzy resolution. Still, you can see via the lighter and dark tint patterns how the upper and lower field evidence fits into the bigger picture here. According to the official statistics, the scale in this context image is 117.88 km or 73.25 miles across width wise from one side of the image to the other. This gives you an idea of the true scale of just how much area this bio-life evidence covers.

Yes this biological forest life evidence, so unfamiliar to the Earth human eye, like that in previous Report #115, is very strong. However, I'm not going to preach about the implications of this biological life evidence in this report as I've done so often before. So you can catch a break here. After all, with the presence of all this biological life, the implication for the true Mars atmosphere, temperature, and water moisture conditions should be very obvious.

What I will say, in a warning shot across the bow for some, is that it would be wise for you in the science and academic communities to pay very close attention and start seriously considering abandoning your prejudices and getting onboard this evidence to determine its merit for real rather than just wasting your time trying to in vain find a way to prove its nothing more than geology. Every time strong additive evidence like this is posted here and you are still not onboard (and there will be plenty more posted), the further you get left behind and the greater will be your effort to catch up and avoid crippling and credibility shredding embarrassment. I repeat, every time more evidence like this is posted here and added to the scale tipping it further and further, the degree of your embarrassment and the price you will have to pay goes up another notch.

Likewise, you in the secrecy agenda need to pay very close attention as well. You know perfectly well these revelations are inevitable and unavoidable and on their way. It serves no positive point for such evidence adding up to increasingly undermine the blinded scientists and academics and eventually their long term credibility in the public perception and that is where this is headed. Remember, what happens to these people happens to you as well.

You need to send a message down the line into your science and academic influenced minions, including the media, that it may actually be okay to engage this information and its possibilities on a more serious and objective level. You don't have to unlock your hold in these areas completely, just provide a longer leash and more flexibility. You are the real historical leaders, so get out in front and lead!

DOCUMENTATION This link accesses the official MGS MOC R07-02245 narrow-angle science data strip, and specifically the fourth listed .GIF strip, that the 1-7 image and statistical evidence in this report is sourced from. This link accesses the official MGS MOC R07-02246 wide-angle science data strip that the statistical measurements for this wide-angle strip is sourced from.

, Investigator


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