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Report #119

May 13, 2007


In addition to the Mars forest life evidence presented here, this report will provide some insight into how difficult it is to determine whether one is looking at living biological forest evidence or inanimate rock and soil geology. Such considerations are almost always in this satellite imaging an issue of terrain massed textures and patterns rather than a collection of identifiable objects.

The above first image is a scene from the MGS MOC R07-01831 narrow-angle science data strip. This strip has a lot of imaging artifact banding problems (not seen here) in it spanning across its width and any evidence like that above must be extracted from the gaps between these problem bands. The evidence above is demonstrated here at the official 100% resolution but cleaned up just a bit and with color added for some contrast to bring out a little more of the smaller detail. The split screen on the left shows a section of the evidence presented at the same orientation as in the original strip while the screen on the right is from the same area but rotated 90º clockwise.

This is actually evidence of Mars forest life that is a bit smaller size and, as you can see, even with clarification work, it is hard at first blush to be sure whether one is looking at life or just rock and soil geology. If you are a more gullible researcher accepting official propaganda that such evidence on Mars is simply not possible, then you just quickly pass on over this material as geology and of no consequence. In other words, you see only what you expect to see and you don't see what you don't expect to see. Further, it is to some extent understandable. Believe me, the original black and white image is washed out and doesn't display the level of texture and pattern detail you see above that just might tip a more open minded researcher off that something else is going on here in this terrain.

When Mars forest growth is made up of a bit smaller size objects of the same kind repeated over and over again in the hundreds and thousands and with basically the same growth individual object shape height and width that extends from strip edge to edge without a break, it's sort of like trying to pick out the individual tuffs of fiber that constitute a section of carpet. You know the tuffs are there but you just can't see them unless you can get a look at the boundary edge of the carpet from an oblique (side) angle where you can see the tuffs sticking up from the base mat. This bio-life evidence isn't quite that bad but the principle is the same.

The reason that it isn't quite that bad is because there is a clearly defined texture and pattern to this Mars evidence. Very careful observation of either of the above split screens reveals that this Mars evidence is the result of similar shape objects being repeated over and over again in the many thousands and that there is a subtle overall undulating pattern as well that is especially well seen in the right split screen. In other words, we are looking at old growth super densely packed bio-life that has completely covered over the underlying geology hiding it from view.

The reason I'm not showing the washed out original black and white view here or for that matter an enlarged view of the above evidence is because the file size on all the imaging in this report, including this one, is very high causing a limitation on the number of images that I can show you here. That means that the graphics software is counting a great many more well defined solid objects down there in that mass. So these are not plants, flowers or trees that tend to mingle together lessening such high file size counts. This is some kind of smaller size unidentified bio-life (perhaps colony life?) that doesn't mix with its neighbors but is in such an old growth and flourishing condition that it has filled every tiny bit of space down there available to it and is thoroughly jammed up against its fellows. Drop a nickel down there and it would no doubt bounce around for a while on the surface.

That is the reality but human belief in that reality is another matter. The evidence above is strongly suggestive but may not be compelling for some of you. So, let's move on to some more evidence below that may yet cross over into being more compelling.

The above second and below third images are again examples of yet another but different densely packed old growth Mars biological life evidence but this time from a different MGS MOC S08-00170 narrow-angle image strip. The split screen on the left demonstrates the official view of it showing only a suggestion of texture and pattern while the right split screen shows the same evidence at 200% zoom. As you can see, this evidence appears to be even smaller with a different pattern and no doubt represents a different life form. Even so, it shares the same super densely packed old growth pattern and again the file size is very high.

The above third image from the same S08-00170 strip gives us a bit of rare assist in determining what we are looking at. In the upper left corner of the left split screen image, there is a break in the bio-life evidence because of the presence of an large elevated rock at the very edge of the strip that the bio-life is having trouble establishing a presence on. However, we can now see individual clumps of this bio-life trying to hang on and establish that presence. This is at the very top corner of the strip. The evidence break in the bottom of the right split screen is at the very bottom edge of the strip. It's basically the same scenario but here the visuals are a bit more blurry.

What needs to be understood here is that the other 90%-95% of the strip is made up of the same evidence you see in the second image here. It's nothing but super densely packed same kind bio-life from strip edge to edge both horizontally and vertically and it is all just flat and level. Place yourself in the gullible scientist's position researching this imaging viewing for example the small evidence in the second image's left split screen but in washed out back and white and then add his or her "trained" expectations into the mix. If you can do this, it's easier to see how evidence like this of life on Mars could be not recognized and overlooked.

If it were not for the small breaks in the bio-life evidence here in S08-00170, who is going to know the difference? Further, the evidence is even more impossible to the scientist because it is on a massive flourishing scale and that is far and away the exact opposite of how he or she has been trained to think and believe in the scientific world. Even now most of those scientists and academics viewing the evidence presented here just can't bring themselves to accept what is right off the end of their nose. Why? Because it just simply can't be! Yet, such conclusions and positions are based on personal psychology and behavior issues and not on 2+2=4 evidence. This lack of objectivity violates the basic principles of science but that is ever the way of the human condition.

You'll note that when we moved from the R07-01831 evidence in the first image to the S08-00170 evidence, it is brighter than the R07-01831 evidence. I don't know about the yellowish color I tinted it (seemed right) but take a look at the above S08-00171 wide-angle image with the location of the S08-00170 narrow-angle image strip located within it as pointed out by my arrow and labeling. As you can see, the 2.96 kilometer wide S08-00170 strip area occupies only a tiny section of the bright color evidence in the wide-angle view. It is logical to assume that the extensive bright area in the wide-angle view is this same or similar bio-life evidence and many miles across.

This of course suggests that this type of bio-life covers a huge massive area of South Polar terrain. The more densely packed the same height evidence is and the more solid appearing and more light reflective the continuous upper canopy surface is, I'm sure the brighter it is. This is an example of what I mean when I refer to massive forestation in the Mars South Polar Region. Yes, it's a clue.

DOCUMENTATION This link takes you to the official R07-01831 narrow-angle science data strip. My first image evidence here was taken from the straight .GIF strip and from within the first large gap in the horizontal imaging artifacts just down from the top. This link takes you to the official S08-00170 narrow-angle science data strip. My second and third images were taken from the straight .GIF strip there while my fourth image was taken from the S08-0171 wide-angle strip that is also there.

, Investigator

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