Report #149
October 19, 2008
Ever since some Moon images were
posted back in August at the ATS (Above Top Secret) forum, I continue to have
ATS viewers bringing this material to my attention and asking me about it.
The deal in that reporting at ATS is that the source material is suppose to
be from an old private collection and uncensored. This concept is also apparently
rubber stamped by some well know people in this field who should know.
This of course suggests that some interesting unobscured anomalous evidence
might be obtained from this material. This turns out to be the case and it
is worth your time to visit the material at this ATS
LINK and see some examples there.
The "spires" evidence presented there are of particular interest
to me as they could offer a measure of support for my own discovery of obscured
huge towers on the Moon in the Navy/DOD Clementine data in my Report
#067 and Report
#068. However, right off I noticed that every one of these spires was
the same uniform dark color without respect to light reflectivity variations
and it looked once again like image tampering covering these objects to me.
Likewise, dark shadows seem to fill the entire bottoms of craters without
necessarily conforming to true sunlight angles and this dark shadow shading
also occurs out in open areas where no shadows should be at all.
Then very quickly I then ran across an image panel at http://ser-sese-asu-edu/LO/lo2-70-h3b in the official science data available at Arizona State University who also handles the MRO satellite data. In my opinion, just about everything in this image is fake and this is easily detectable by just about anyone. The sample section of the image as appears below will demonstrate this.
The darker bar at the very top of
the above image confirms that this is also the top edge of the official image.
As you scan down this image section shown here, you see very thin equally
spaced horizontal lines. These are junction seam lines where horizontal bands
or strips have been joined together to form the larger image. I have included
only four horizontal panels here but there are a total of sixteen comprising
the entire image with the last one being only a partial. For your information,
the image is available in the .tiff format at 14.5 MB file size, which is
browser compatible, but the format offers not much improvement in image quality
and quickly degrades upon being blown up.
Now note the white arrows and the objects they are pointing out. Because these
more light reflective (white) objects are so unique in their angled shapes
and configurations, they are easy to recognize by anyone. Note that each object
is repeated with only the very slightest of differences in each horizontal
panel and in the exact same spot in each panel. However, and this is much
more important, please note that the "terrain" in each panel the
objects are in is different from panel to panel. You should be aware that
this fact is repeated and true in all 15 full panels making up the whole of
the larger image.
In my opinion, what has happened here is that there is in reality only one
real panel being held somewhere in secret and we are not looking at it here.
What we are looking at is a single horizontal panel onto which has been applied
a false canvass of "terrain" like a coat of mud or plaster and the
next panel gets a different false canvass terrain and the next and the next
and so on. Then they are all attached together to form the equally false larger
The objects pointed out by the white arrows were apparently for the most part
left out of the tampering fields. That was a BIG mistake of carelessness because
we can see them repeating from panel to panel drawing attention to themselves
and can recognize what has been done.
This is so glaringly obvious that one can only wonder at the competence of
so many scientists and academics buying into such inept obfuscation for so
long. After all this data's information dates back into the 1970s and no telling
how many have looked at this material over the decades. On the other hand,
it must be remembered that these people are just people like you and I and
subject to the same flaws. They trust and see what they expect to see and
do not see what they do not expect to see.
The bottom line is that little can be trusted to be real in this lo2-70-h3b
image. Now note the straight vertical bright lines pointed out by the yellow
arrows. These may be bits and pieces of partially
exposed pieces of Moon banding evidence as per my Report
#070 and Report
#071 that is itself mostly covered over by image tampering in that Clementine
Of course, if pressed too hard the only counter in desperation would be that
these white arrow objects are camera and/or processing flaws and artifacts
repeating on each strip and they might (?) be right, at least as far as they
take it. These objects and others do often repeated in this imaging lending
some credit to that argument. Some are embedded fully within the mid area
of a strip panel like the one pointed out by the left white arrow and some
are always associated with the horizontal edge of a panel as the right white
area points out.
However, if you download and examine the .tiff file of this image closely,
you will see very minor subtle and sometimes major intrusions on these objects
by the surrounding image tampering application fields and that it changes
from panel to panel. This is demonstrated in the three sample images below
and can be confirmed any many other images from this data as well. This clearly
demonstrates that the "terrain" look is a subsequent and later false
Note the above three images blown
up 50% over the original. The image on the left represents a relatively clean
configuration for this object represented by white lines in one panel. However,
please note that different configurations of terrain
features interrupt the lines of the object in the two images to the
right from two other panels. If this was a camera defect and if the terrain
was real, as a defect the object's lines would be overlaid across the real
pit evidence without interruption. For example, there are "+"
sign markers throughout this imaging that are the last layer and artifacts
to be added as evidenced by the fact that they are never influenced by the
terrain features below them in the slightest way.
The simple fact that these repeat objects are influenced by terrain features
that intrude into and deform them is conclusive proof that the object's are
either visual bits and pieces of real terrain level information or false artificially
introduced information that is an earlier layer later impacted by subsequent
applications of false "terrain" carpeting the strip panel. In other
words, the object represent an earlier data layer in the scene (whether real
or false) and the "terrain" represents later data layer added to
the scene and then the "+" sign reference
markers were added as a final layer after that to try to support the perception
that the false terrain is real. The bottom line is that the overall terrain
and its features and the bulk of this image are artificially created and therefore
fake hiding what ever is real below these applications.
What also can't be ignored here is that this level of obfuscation technology,
thinking and strategy clearly existed dating back into this 1970s data. As
for the technology, remember that just because certain technology at any given
time is not available in the private/commercial sector does not mean that
it is not present in the secrecy/military/black opts sectors. Think about
it, if not for the mistake of leaving the distinct easily identifiable white
arrow objects out of the tampering to visually repeat in every panel drawing
attention to themselves when they should have been covered over, the wholesale
application of the false terrain canvass would be very effective and go without
Think also about what this implies. Essentially the bulk of the Moon image
discussed here and its visual information is fake with the real Moon evidence
covered over like plaster over what ever is real. This has all kinds of implications
for the rest of this imaging and its credibility. How are we to know what
is real and what is not? For example, go back up to the large image and take
note of the perfectly parallel lines wiggling across the right half of the
third panel down from the top. Do you now believe that is real? Maybe it is
real and maybe it isn't, but can you now afford to believe that this is real?
The point is that image tampering not only hides real information, it can
also be used to create false but interesting information. Why do that? Well
to create interest in planetary exploration but of course without revealing
the drama of anything real of what someone else wishes to hide. This strategy
tantalizes the mind, stirs interest, encourages speculation, and keeps the
all important money flow pipes open but is safe from the secrecy point of
view because it ultimately leads no where but endless speculation. Further,
this conditions the public and scientist mind alike viewing this data as to
what to expect from it. Remember, you see what you expect to see. So the conditioning
subdues the questioning mind, dulls the senses, and ultimately promotes pervasive
schism forming ignorance and apathy.
This is what we get for public consumption and for our hard earned tax dollars
and trust. With this kind of behavioral leadership at the highest levels of
our largest national science institutions so prevalent for decades promoting
false information and ignorance into populations, is it any wonder that the
current me-me-me oriented record breaking financial crisis had reared its
ugly head in our midst. Deceit requires and breeds ever increasing deceit
and knows no end or boundaries and it corrupts absolutely.
On another note, what do you think could warrant such wholesale obfuscation
behavior and its attendant risk lasting for decades? Do you really think that
someone is incurring this kind of risk by hiding the truth from us through
illegal means about rocks or water or even vegetation on other worlds? Deep
down the most reluctant of you know the answer to this as well as I do and
surely it doesn't have to be spelled out here.
This link takes you to the official lo2-70-h3b
science data image from which the above visual Moon evidence in this report
was drawn. Should you wish to download the image and confirm the evidence
presented here, there is a link to a 14.5 MB .tiff file in the informational
text immediately below the large thumbnail image.
, Investigator