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Report #157

February 2, 2009 (updated 2/13/09)

Addendum added to BOTTOM of report

Okay it's time now to abandon the Moon and Earth based investigative evidence tact I've recently been on and get back to some Mars evidence as presented below. All of the evidence in this report is sourced from the Mars Spirit rover science data.

The above first 3-panel image demonstrates what very suspiciously appears to be a partially visible fossil or old skeletal remains of a small creature partially buried in the soil. This image and anomaly was brought to my attention by a viewer who wishes to remain anonymous.

Note that the object is in a tightly curled position. The most notable and suggestive feature to this effect is what may be a curled line of body vertebra. The partially worn skull would be pointed toward us on the right end of the vertebra chain. The tail end curved around on the left is either missing or out of sight down deeper in the soil.

Now this could be just a chance configuration of worn rock taking this shape. On the other hand, I'm sure than any paleontologist or archeologist experienced in field work walking nearby and seeing this would immediately recognize this for its potential and would quickly alter course to come over and inspect it. That doesn't make it the remains of a creature but anyone will have to admit that it is highly suggestive of being the remains of some creature and worth the look.

The above second 3-panel image demonstrates what clearly appears to be an armless legless serpentine creature caught in the open among the rocks that are likely its home. This image and evidence was brought to my attention by Rolf Varga of Zimbabwee to the benefit of us all.

Note the narrow body, flat fluke like tail propped up on the rock with the end of it discolored, the slightly gapping mouth, and the dark eye socket. If this is a creature as it appears, it is likely dead and desiccated but the point is that it may be a creature with flesh on it that was not too long ago alive on Mars with all the implications of that.

In the top image panel, I want you to notice that black arrows are not only pointing out the creature but also two very nearby rocks that are unlike other rocks in this terrain. Both of these rocks and especially the one on the right, show signs of being hollow with various openings into the hollow interior. On the rock on the right, please note the darker color surrounding the elliptical opening on the rock's left. Now note that the end of the creatures tail area also shows a similar darker color. This suggests that, if this is a creature as it appears, the creature may have been coming and going from the interior of this rock via this hole in it.

It may be that the serpentine creature's flattened tail is used like a single arm leveraging the creature around among the rocks as well as in and out of this elliptical hole into the protective rock interior with the result of staining the rock face outside area of the hole. Yes it would seem to be too effort intensive for practical survival of such a creature ill equipped as it is to cope with a dry open air environment. That tends to make its presence here theoretically impossible.

However, do you really trust everything you see in the rover imaging? In the rover imaging you look out over distant vistas from the rover and see nothing but dry soil and rocks and never any water. Do you really believe every bit of such views completely? For example, after taking a close serious look at my 2008 Report #141 evidence, do you really believe the distant rover views represent reality or that some kind of plants exist out there in the distance propagating themselves via gas bags lifting and traveling on the wind containing spores or seeds?

It's the same here with this physical terrain. Suppose a nearby body of water disguised and hidden in the rover imaging overflowed temporarily into this area carrying this aquatic eel like creature in the flood with it and some other swimming creatures. Suppose the water remained for a few months and then gradually dried up. Suppose this poor creature caught in these unfortunate circumstances and being primarily an aquatic serpentine life form used to living in holes at ground level was the last to survive struggling around in the increasingly shallow water living off of other swimming creatures that were dying.

Finally, there is nothing left to eat in the tiny amount of water that is left and this creature must itself succumb stranded out in the open just outside its temporary din. In a rapid drying process the flesh does not rot off of the bones but desiccates into the condition you see here and the body survives intact perhaps for years. The visual evidence is here in front of you. You must decide what may represent truth and what does not.

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The above #3 through #6 images are examples of various Earth based living and healthy moray eels. The visual resemblance to the Mars image #2 evidence is quite obvious, especially if you take into consideration the shrinking and flattening deformity that may happen in the Mars body desiccation process. Note that the two left images demonstrate the Earth aquatic eels inside their holes while the two right images demonstrate these powerful eels with most of their body being visible.

I've been swimming around them at times and it always amazed me what a tiny hole such a big moray eel could get into and come out of. I've seen huge ones wrapped around inside a jar or can that I wouldn't have believed one half their size could have fit into. Sometimes they are actually friendly but, as a diver, you want to be careful crossing too near one's hole in the coral and especially if water visibility is poor. Your arm passing by in front of its hole can be mistaken as food. If they strike and latch on, they stay latched on, they are nearly impossible to get off, and far too powerful for you to pull them out of the hole.

On the other hand, note that the Earth moray eels typically have a hole on their side well back of the head area. This is a valve from which water is expelled and there are actually gills back in this area. Water comes in through the gapping mouth, crosses through the gills, and is expelled out of this hole/valve in close quarters well behind the head so that blown ground debris in close quarters is minimized around the head and eyes.

Now, although the rover imaging is too poor resolution wise to be definitive about this, note that we do not see this hole or valve visible on the Mars eel like creature. It may be there but just plastered shut as the carcass compacts, solidifies, and flattens as it desiccates. It also may be there but the carcass is just to light reflective and bright to see such small detail.

On the other hand, is it possible that this Mars creature evolved from Mars eel aquatic stock and adapted to sand/soil life exposed to open air conditions? Could it be possible that such an adapted creature could function with that paddle like tail pushing and propelling itself first through mud and then later adaptation through the sand/soil? Remember, this is a entirely different world with its own evolutionary paths. For all we know there could even be a muddy and watery world not too far below the surface we see. The creature may come up from that world under the rock for protection and make forays out in the open from that rock protection.

Well so much for consideration of the Mars eel like creature visual evidence. Now let's move on to some life evidence as growth on some rocks that is going to be hard to deny unless your psychology is just into denial.

The above seventh report 3-panel Mars Spirit rover image says it all. It is some of the bio-life evidence that I had been holding back for inclusion in the first book I'm about to release. I include it here because the book evidence must be in poor print quality black and white not showing it off as its best whereas the color tint you see here is more revealing. By the way, as an aside and to his credit this image but not this particular evidence was also brought to my attention by Pawel Szezesiak of Ostrowite, Poland exploring other features in it.

It demonstrates some kind of vegetation or lichen growth especially prominent on one of the rocks so that just enough detail of it can be seen and recognized. This is taken from a NASA/JPL press release image. The false color in that official image for the evidence is a very unrealistic dark blue false color added at official level. I removed that false color and added a more realistic color tint as well as lightening and sharpening it up some for increased clarity but nothing else. Note that the above 150% and 200% panel images are especially telling.

This original dark blue false color of the evidence brings up a point. As most of you know the real true color of living objects frequently gives them away as far as the human eye being able to identify such evidence is concerned. For example, much of vegetative life is a green color for reasons most of you are familiar with. On the other hand, lichen life for example works on a little different symbiotic principle often demonstrating fairly strong yellows, browns, grays, and even reds. The official position would have us believe that the rover imaging is only in black and white and not in color and that they know what kind of false color to add to an image. If you really completely believe that, I have a large bridge that I would like to sell you at a bargain price.

If you wanted to obfuscated image of life evidence in general, producing faithful color images for the public and scientists to view would be a big no no. If you wanted to obfuscate images to prevent recognition of most life in general, you would obtain faithful color images for your own purposes but would publicly release only science data images desaturated of color. Black and white and various shades of gray alone does a very good job of hiding life evidence. Likewise, adding an overall false color tint such as the dark blue also does a decent job of hiding living evidence.

Lichen and life like that growing on Mars rocks often consists of rounded lumpy textures that in monochrome imaging including false color tint is very hard to distinguish from the true rock's surface and especially when the rocks are more weather worn with many pits in them. On the other hand, pitted rocks tend to trap and accumulate nutrients blown on the wind in the small crevasses and holes and life loves to attach to this type of rock. Yet most of the time in the monochrome imaging, it is hard to identify and I usually pass over it knowing that too few viewers will be able to recognize it.

The above 7th image evidence is different. The growth on this rock is considerable and it has cooperated with us visually by being the spriggy twiggy type like a miniature tangled forest mass as opposed to the rounded lumpy texture rock hugging type. Further, a twiggy branching portion of the mass is profiled and can be seen against a smooth dark shadow background that tends to make its twiggy nature stand out in sharp contrast against that background. There is little chance that any viewers except those in denial will mistake or confuse this growth on the rock imaged here with a rough pitted or lumpy rock surface.

So while some scientist debate the question of microbial evidence in Mars meteorite rock and also anomalous methane gas pockets in the atmosphere that suggests the possible presence of life sources somewhere on Mars and as the secrecy agenda gradually prepares the way for change in these tiny incremental foot dragging steps, look here at what is right under their noses.

When you observe living evidence like this, now you do still believe the official position and instrument data that the Mars atmosphere is 95.32% carbon dioxide with only trace amounts of nitrogen, oxygen, and water so essential to life as we know it here on Earth don't you? If so, let's talk bridges.

ADDENDUM (2/13/2009)

Normally I report only evidence that I feel will be obvious enough for most viewers to recognize. Often this leaves other objects in scenes that I regard as suggestive or even highly suggestive but not quite of the quality to point out for public exposure here in this arena and then viewers sometimes bring them to my attention. It seems that quite a few viewers are seeing a second potential eel or fish in this report's above second image, left panel, 175% image. So I'm including a closer 250% view of that panel as below.

As I say, the additional object in primary observation by others is on the left side of the above addendum image. Note that I have subdued sunlight reflectivity and its glare so that better detail can stand out. Most see a second eel possibly on its back (belly up) with its also flat fluke like tail curved around toward the left edge of the image in shadow. Some also see this as a possible fish. Obviously this could also be a configuration of rocks and that is why I did not report it as an possible creature but I include closer views of it here for your inspection since so many have observed this.

Frankly I anticipated that I would hear more about the human or humanoid appearing upright face or mask at the left side of the eel's tail pointed out by the yellow arrow as it is actually more obvious. However, surprisingly, I'm hearing more about the eel/fish looking object and less on the face. A few also comment that the primary eel looking object is actually a tool or a handle broken off of something else and therefore equipment rather than life. Maybe but I Iean in favor of something previously alive and now dead. The hole openings in the nearby rocks covered with soil staining strongly indicate this creature's comings and goings.

There is also another object pointed out by a white arrow. It seems to have a smooth shiny surface that is suggestive of being of a partially translucent material sort of like alabaster. It might be a artificially worked vase, perhaps a shell for some creature worn smooth like this, or it may just be another natural rock. In any case, I thought I would point it out since it is in this closer view scene. You must decide for yourself whether any of these additional items have any merit or not.

DOCUMENTATION This link takes you to the Mars rover 2006 "McMurdo" panorama from Spirit's "Winter Haven" parked for the Mars winter location official science data. I used the third listed image on that page. In that third image, there are three images available there and the one this report's imaging was drawn from is the largest 87.3 MB image. The possible skeletal creature evidence is located in the far right of this very wide mosaic image. This link takes you to the Mars Spirit rover right panoramic camera Sol 527 official science data image. The eel looking creature evidence is just right of center. There is also a second image of this scene on this same Sol 527 date from the left panoramic camera but they are essentially the same. This link takes you to a Mars Spirit rover press release page. The source image is the first one listed at the date "10-Jul-2006" and titled "Possible Meteorites in the Martian Hills (False Color)." There are three images listed here and my images are sourced from the largest 4.6 MB image. The rock growth evidence is located in the upper part of the image just right of center. Note that the evidence is falsely and unrealistically colored a dark blue which I removed and changed to a more normal color tint.


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