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Report #207

September 11, 2011

This report has to do with some very geometric Mars terrain as seen in the 1st image above in the Hellas Basin on Mars. Now Hellas Impact Basin also known as Hellas Planitia is old and the largest unambiguous crater impact depression so far identified on Mars and one of the largest in our Solar System. The site is located below the Mars Equator roughly midway in the Mars southern hemisphere at coordinates 42.7º S and 70.0º E. It is thought that this basin was formed by a large asteroid impact some 4.1 to 3.8 billion years ago.

Hellas Basin is circular and huge at about 2,300 km or 1,400 miles across. It is about 7,152 meters or 23,000 feet deep relative to the wider area normal terrain further out surrounding the basin but much deeper than that at 30,000 feet compared to the closer in crater rim material thrown up by the impact. This suggests that the pressure at the bottom of the depression may be around 89% greater than in the normal surface surrounding terrain.

To the northeast of Hellas Basin is the volcanic Hadriacus Mons complex. The rising elevation of this volcanic area suggests forming a downhill slope toward Hellas Basin and sure enough two deep gullies Dao Vallis an Reull Vallis are present likely formed in the past by surface water flows from the elevated volcanic influenced area down to the Hellas Basin depression. It is thought that the higher pressure at the bottom of Hellas Basin would make surface water presence transient (only temporary) in the basin IF the temperature there ever got warm enough to melt any water that had flowed into the basin.

With this geological background and thinking in mind, let's get back to the basin floor itself. There are many terrain forms around on this basin floor that puzzle scientists and one of them is the geometric terrain forms so distantly and poorly viewed in the above 1st image. Now let's take a little closer look in the next two images below and you will begin to understand why.

The above 2nd and 3rd images offer an increasingly closer view inside a smaller impact crater in the basin and they provide a representative sample of the geometric evidence and how it looks on average all over the MRO PSP_008427_1380 strip this evidence is drawn from. In the 1st image, note how pervasive this evidence is over a wide area. It occupies most of the strip like this and extends well beyond the boundaries of the image strip. There are other strips confirming these geometric shapes as well.

Also, in the 2nd and 3rd images, note that many of the forms consist of at least two vertical 90º right angles as well as a flattened horizontal and rectangular top surface. Note that some of the evidence is large and some is smaller. Even though this evidence I've selected for imaging here is down in an impact crater on the floor of the giant basin, this evidence type is essentially universal and typical of both basin floor impact depressions like this and also of the basin floor more level terrain.

You should know that apparently primarily because of the evidence of right angles and flattened tops, others have reported on this as being evidence of a mammoth city on Mars and that these are its buildings. There have been YouTube videos made of this evidence from angles that tend to visually suggest this conclusion. Some presentations are quite effective in this way. An example is a 38 minute video found HERE and brought to my attention by Haddads Martial Arts.

By the way, if you access the official science data image from which the visual evidence presented here was taken at one of the links provided here, you will note that they have added a graded false blue color to some of the images. That is because they are pushing a connection between this evidence and Carbon Dioxide ice. Rather than continue this psychology or present the evidence in plain black and white with its limitations, although the blue color may be more attractive, I've added my own false sandy raw geology color to make the visuals more visually comfortable to the eye and enhance detail a bit. Just remember that none of these colors, theirs or mine, is necessarily accurate and that must be taken into consideration.

On the other hand, in the above 4th and 5th images from another representative site in the strip, note the clear stepped or tiered effect going down on the more massive forms forming terraces. Note the object in the upper right corner on the flat top surface in the 5th image. Note also the great many crowded smaller geometric forms extending from the lower left bottom area to the upper right top area left of center in the 5th image. Now take a look at the last 6th image below. (click on "quarries")

Note the above 6th image of an Iberia tile surface mine #3 in Portugal here on Earth and its similarities to the Mars evidence with respect to geometric forms. Now with these visuals in mind, here is my opinion as to what we are looking at on Mars. Maybe we are looking at some strange civilization structures but more likely it is something else that is still equally indicative of civilization evidence.

I suspect we are looking at a great many Mars surface mining quarry sites that have likely been in operation for many hundreds or even thousands of years with the mining spreading and growing more and more extensive over time. It may be that someone has been mining stone here but more likely it is water ice itself that poured into the basin in the ancient past and which has been covered and protected in colder planetary periods by accumulating soils within and on top of the ice in layers. They mine this hard soil infused ice just like stone in the Earth quarry example. The mining simply follows the ice thickness and quality.

It is also possible that someone has moved into the quarries and made areas of them their home over time and that this is represented mostly by the smaller geometric evidence that tends to accumulate in the open on the tiers flat level surfaces. This type of evidence is especially prevalent in the 5th image left of center. I suspect that the Mars visuals would be more conclusive in this regard but image manipulation cutting resolution and creating blur on edges has compromised this particular smaller scale evidence. It is also possible that these quarry sites in many places have served their purpose in the past and have been long abandoned collecting a lot of collapsing rubble over time on the flat surfaces.

The scientists are having so much trouble putting this together and identifying some of the terrain forms like this on the Hellas Basin floor simply because they just can't entertain the idea and effect of civilizations on Mars and other planets in our Solar System. They might eventually be able to grasp the presence of glacier water ice here in Hellas Basin but not the mining of it by someone on Mars. So, for them, wind erosion must have in some strange way created these geometric formations.

Let's face it, if it doesn't have a nice safe natural geological explanation, then alternative concepts like civilization activity just isn't open to consideration for them. So evidence like this remains essentially inexplicable and anyone who suggests otherwise is obviously and clearly an out of control conspiracy nut case. Once this academia rigid close mindedness is finally breached at some point in the future by the accumulated weight of unhidden contrary evidence, there will hopefully and eventually be more flexibility and thereby accuracy in future planetary scientific analysis.

, Investigator


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