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Report 239

October 26, 2014

The above first image shows a context scene of most of the entire site that the evidence noted here appears in. This evidence was brought to my attention by Gerald J. Tomay in July of this year as a water site.

As you can see in the above first image, it appears to be layered rock with the layers being strong enough to extend in an angled cantilevered manner out over the rock layers often forming small sheltered and shaded depressions below. In one of these depressions pointed out by the two red arrows there appears to be a liquid that is likely to be unfrozen water and the cantilevered rock over it appears to be casting dark shadow reflecting on that liquid surface rather than on the rocky terrain below it.

So the most likely scenario is of course that this is a small pool of water and this MHLI Curiosity Mars mission is suppose to be in large part about looking for water discoveries. Could it be that this small water site was just simply overlooked by the Curiosity team? Surprisingly the answer is no! As I discovered there is more to this site than first meets the eye as the next images below will demonstrate.

The above 2nd image provides a 200% closer look of the liquid evidence. Note the site within the blue box frame I've made. Occupying the center area of the box frame is a large section of formerly cantilevered rock that appears to have collapsed downward into the depression below it. Now note the slender section of cantilevered rock with the two small red arrows on it. This appears to have broken off and collapsed into the depression area with the liquid in it probably brought on as a chain reaction to the main rock section above and behind it collapsing.

It is plausible that a chain reaction collapse as described here is the disturbance that triggered ground water to seep up from below into this surface depression site. Now within the blue box frame note the strongly reflective rounded flat disk looking object and very close to it to its upper left is a rectangular object partially embedded in the rock over hang. It is possible that before it came to a rest here this object was airborne, fell into this spot, and triggered the rock chain reaction collapse.

The above third and fourth images close the distance to the primary evidence by 300% and 400% respectively. What these last two images show primarily in my opinion is that what is suppose to be sand is nothing more than a carefully chosen gray image tampering smudge application. The upper portion of the smudge in the dark shadow is thick and essentially featureless while the lower portion coming onto the rocky shore nearer to us has been made increasingly thinner and thinner allowing for the rock shapes underwater below it to print through and be seen, This gives the application a little more natural detail, even if false, helping it blend in transition into the shore.

Note also how the tampering extends in a medium thin application on the near end of the slender collapsed rock no doubt because the rock is a bit sway back at this point allowing some of the pooling water to cross over it and the tampering has to hide that. Actually, the obvious nature of this is a good thing because it tells us that this imaging is likely on Mars because of all of the modifications made and not something just created from scratch or terrain appearance imported from Earth.

It also tells us that surface water, at least at this particular spot on Mars, is not always frozen which in turn means that the Mars atmospheric temperatures can be moderate enough not to be dangerous to humans which coincides with the water site discoveries revealed in my book. So why hide this? Why the secrecy? I suspect there was something else hidden at this site by the image tampering that would have pointed to active civilization in a real investigation. The image tampering applications are good but not perfect and once started in an image one has to scatter a lot more in to improve the blending and hiding effect in the desired spots.

Their best tampering work would logically be on the civilization evidence and we can forget about seeing much of that as they just don't miss much these days. Here their work on hiding the water is not their very best work and that's why I've been able to detect some of this particular evidence and have some chance of showing it to you as I've tried to do here.

But, again, why the secrecy on any of it? I fear it's because someone in power here on Earth is harboring the abhorrent idea of sending missions to Mars designed to secretly strip the planet of civilization that could resist us, if they haven't already, and you and I will learn of it too late to interfere. Likely, if ever found out in a way that can't be successfully denied, we'll at best be fed some crapola psychological diversion about aliens or asteroids threatening all life on Earth and this is the only way to save some of humanity. If nothing happens, they can later always say that they simply miscalculated. Believe me, I'll be more than happy to learn one day that my fears in this regard are groundless but until then.......

Hopefully such an unacceptable dark vision will be thwarted, if not by the public, then by someone more mature than we are. Even if such plans do take shape, the further down side is that billions of Earth people who were warned of this and did nothing to stop it may be lumped in without mercy with those responsible on Earth and who can argue otherwise with any moral conviction? After all, we are what we do or for that matter don't do!

, Investigator


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