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Commentary #002

December 21, 2003


I've debated about whether to present some of this information publicly. There is some risk in putting this kind of information out and I may be pushing the envelope a bit with my adversaries in doing so. Even so, I've come to the conclusion that it is necessary for better awareness and more complete understanding of what is really going on here in this work.

Some of you are independent thinkers and may find this just an interesting footnote. However, some are more comfortable with following others and uncertain about this evidence's merit simply because so far it appears that no one they recognize in a leadership role appears to be publicly stepping forward and taking this anomalous independent discovery evidence seriously and thereby sending them the kind of signals they need telling that it is okay or not okay to take this evidence seriously. Perhaps this information will in general provide some clarity for all in this regard.

Since midyear 2000 right up to the present as I write this, it is true that there has been no public acknowledgment of this highly anomalous evidence record from NASA, JPL, the science or academic communities, the science reporting media, or the traditional mainstream media that this growing anomalous evidence even exists at all. Essentially, the only acknowledgment has come from a few smaller sites in the Internet community. In other words, such strong and highly anomalous evidence from another world is very conspicuous by its absence, even as a simple curosity factor, in any of the traditional media gateways. This isn't just a clue, this abnormal factor it is itself strong evidence of something at work intentionally blocking this information from public awareness.

This is in fact a demonstration of the secrecy agenda's pervasive power and it is an accurate representation of their chosen defense tactic in warding off this evidence and its implications even though every bit of this visual evidence is drawn from their own official science data without alteration and fully confirmable in, verifiable in, and supported by that data. Now many in the public regard these people as leaders to take their thinking cues from with the idea that where these "leaders" go or do not go, there to go the followers. Obviously, independent thought and decision making does not occupy much of a place in such a scenario.

Where other whistle blower types often extrapolate a considerable amount of conjecture from only a small kernel of objective hard evidence, the fact that all this considerable and extraordinary hard "visual" evidence we presents speaks for itself and will stand up to the most rigorous independent and objective testing is apparently, at least on the surface for public consumption, of no real importance. That fact should also be a disturbing clue to those who do follow in sync with these people and their tactics because the world is definitely not as it seems on the surface as they are presenting to you for your consideration.

Such surface appearances are just for public consumption and represents no reality. You should be aware that under the table it is a completely different story. My associate, who originally and generously provided the website space for my earlier discoveries and webmastered same, advised me along and along from the very beginning that his website traffic logs were often full of repeated hits from NASA, JPL, etc. as well as military and military intelligence accessing my discoveries and sent me sample evidence of it. I was not at all surprised.

In those early days, my associate was concerned with the privacy of our communications and understandably wanted to implement security counter measures to insure our privacy. Even if this could have to some extent been effective, in my opinion, this would have also fostered a purely "them or us" adversarial psychology and that has never been my intent. Further, I was of the opinion that privacy and security measures could not ultimately prevail successfully against the type of people that we were dealing with who designed most of those security measures to start with before being down graded and released into commercial mainstream applications. Therefore, I maintained a relatively open door policy and treated my communications at all times (still do) as though they were being thoroughly monitored. This has allowed me to communicate, not only with my associate and others, but also indirectly one way with these people at the same time.

Further, because I was discovering a considerable amount of Mars liquid surface water evidence that was suppose to be impossible to exist, I wanted them to know this and be able to confirm the extent of it and that I had the real goods that they could verify and was not simply misidentifying as water their image tampering applications as some amateurs were. I knew that, if they found this out for themselves on their own initiative, they would be more inclined to believe their own efforts rather than anything that I had to say and less inclined to try to do something preemptive and unfortunate.

You see, I had already determined via my research that they were intentionally leaving some surface water sites out of the obscuring tampering to make such sites available to be discovered while continuing in the attempt to sanitize all civilization evidence out. In my opinion, this meant that my releasing surface water discovery evidence would to some extent be more acceptable and more palatable to them.

You have to remember that what I do here has historically been very risky business and care must always be attended to in order for things not to deteriorate into a mess. So, I took the unusual tactic of allowing them open remote covert access to my computer files since I had nothing to hide. Many times in those early days I sat at my computer connected to the Internet unable to use it as on repeated occasions they rummaged around in my files completely occupying my older hard drive stressing it to the limit as it tried to keep up with their advanced more sophisticated equipment. I'm sure you can imagine my associate's understandable concern at what I was doing.

In the end and of course predictably, I suspect someone in their lower echelon got so upset at what they were finding that they tried to directly rip evidence off of my hard drive. The process was too rough and it brought my computer down software and hardware wise so that I had to scrap it and buy a new computer. After that, in my e-mail communications with others, I also conveyed the message that they had all the information they needed and could expect no more open access. I now have many shields in place. So, was the cost worth it? Yes, because I believe that it convinced them that I was the real thing and it put me in a different league in their eyes in comparison with others like me that they have dealt with over the years. In my opinion, respect was and is very necessary between us.

Soon after that in a newer version of my associate's website and as I had cautioned him to expect and even though defenses were in place, the website was hacked and brought down in a pure fit of malicious destruction. My associate anticipating this was ready for it and got the site back up in a hurry. Since it was so purely malicious and so adept at circumventing his defenses, he advised me that friends of his backtracked the culprits right into the Department of Defense itself. Yes, you read it right, no less than the DOD itself and I am told that they were really nasty at being tracked to. The point is though that this is a very clear indicator of just how seriously this growing evidence record is taken privately under the table and just how high up this attention level goes in our society. Do you think that DOD spooks would have wasted such time and effort on a crackpot website with crackpot information?

Following this event, my associate then advised me that it had been discovered that his website traffic hits were now being diverted from his West Coast host's server in LA to a server across the country in Arlington, Virginia right in the heart of the military intelligence community and all done in secret. Again, taking a different tact, rather than being put out by this and trying to develop defensive measures, I interpreted this as a good sign that top echelon types were getting control of lower echelon types and preventing them from taking any more rough independent "initiatives." Rather than fighting it, I accepted it as a beneficial thing. Since then, this appears to have been the case in eliminating effective hacker attacks. I suspect that anyone else making the attempt has been and will continue to be in for serious time of it. No doubt, their motto is keep an adversary close so we can keep a careful eye on him.

The down side, and there always is one, is that I suspect they are also utilizing such control to block my website and its growing evidence record from wider recognition through control of the Internet backbone, bots, and information gateways. I'm well satisfied that they have my material blocked in the traditional mainstream media as well as many famous sites on the Internet with very liberal reputations you would immediately recognize and no doubt find it hard to believe this kind of cooperation of them. This is part of what I mean when I say that the world is often not what it seems on the surface.

I do not get upset about this because I'm a realist and what good would such emotional reactions do anyway? Further, the peace and breathing space it also affords me allows me time to slowly (my time is very limited for this) do this work and continue to build this highly anomalous evidence record as well as develop some technical skills. Also, in my opinion, their solution is only temporary as long as I accept it because I believe that I can side step these blocking tactics in the end whenever I willing to exchange the time for it. It's just that I am essentially alone in this with very limited time and everything that I do comes at a very slow pace.

For a while now, I've had my own website space of my own design and I've been webmastering it myself. This has allowed my associate to attend to other important issues in his busy life after a long time of having to interrupt and navigate his life around a lot of this work's needs. This arrangement also allows me more evidence presentation flexibility even while tying up my time with learning website skills and delaying other projects like the book and the presentation of its mass of liquid surface water discovery evidence.

Meanwhile, you should be aware that my current website statistics clearly indicate that a abnormally very high percentage of my website traffic hits are again from a certain State. Yes, you guessed it, that State is Virginia while the other traffic hit percentages are distributed normally around the country and world as you might expect. This is not the same as the secret redirection of traffic hits through a secret server in Arlington, Virginia as previously described. This incredible lopsided statistic for the State of Virginia is actually frequent repeat traffic every month into the evidence record constituting an average of about a third or more of my website traffic from this single geographical area.

As evidence of this, the above image from my website's statistics page demonstrates the first three highest volume States in the USA from which my site's traffic is coming out of the total number of hits from the USA and around the world. This is a direct crop out of this portion of my website's statistics via geographical location. It is taken in the very early morning hours on 12/19/03.

Let me explain that, although these traffic hit statistics are technically for a six day 12/14-19/2003 period as taken on the 19th, the sixth day on the 19th had just begun without any traffic yet and so the stats really represent only the five full day period 12/14-18/2003. So, even though the stats says 41.72% for Virginia spread over a six day period, the true reading for the actual five day period from 12/14/2003 to 12/18/2003 is a lopsided 42.75%. Compare that to the next highest volume states of Georgia at 8.85% and California at 7.08% as you see above that are much more representative of normal traffic flow from other States. Frankly, I was a little surprised myself that the percentage for Virginia on this particular date is as high as it is in the low 40s because it usually hovers in the mid 30s from month to month.

Of course, part of that extreme lopsided difference associated with Virginia is probably frequent automated repeat sampling of my site to make sure they get to any new report quick as soon as they are posted in order to in turn make sure they don't get caught off guard by a surprise and something shall we say particularly inconvenient. Since I haven't posted anything new for the last couple of weeks, the sampling of the last few days may be concentrating more often because they are anticipating a new posting anytime based on my past posting patterns. If so, this commentary piece turns out to be it. I suspect they will not be happy about the nature of this content but all should just try to recognize that this to is part of the transition process to a softer landing.

This is the way it is for me and the environment that this work must exist in as we dance close around each other in this move and counter move balancing act. How would you like to have everything that you do under a microscope and probably have your own team of spook computer geeks assigned to you analyzing and second guessing everything you do to death and dissecting your every word and move down to its molecular level. Or, on the other side, how would you like to be constantly questioning is this guy and the information he produces someone we can capitalize on and utilize, if not manipulate? Does he have any real answers or just full of hot air? Or, is he a threat to our welfare needing resolvement? If we did try to do something about him and his evidence, what ramifications would that have and with who?

So you see, all this going on in the background of this work for so long privately under the table not normally seen by the public indicates very clearly that some at the highest levels of our society are privately and secretly taking this growing anomalous evidence record very seriously as clearly evidenced by all this on going heavy repeat traffic into this evidence record. Obviously, they would not keep coming back at such a pace if they really regarded this evidence as crackpot information.

That this anomalous evidence record continues to exist at all in light of so much concerned high level scrutiny and their not being used to some outside light shinning on them and their actions, is itself evidence to some extent of what is logically going on in the heads of the secrecy agenda upper echelon. Knowing what I suspect they know, they are probably uncertain as to exactly who I am and what rock I suddenly came out from under and that may be making them a bit cautious.

Likewise, making any direct attacks on this work publicly would merely draw increased public attention to it to see what's under all that rising smoke and they definitely don't want to contribute to that by their own actions. Historically, the last thing they want is for the general public to be flocking to an evidence record like this and drawing their own independent conclusions as to the merit of at least the hard visual evidence and it so inconveniently supported by their own official science data. Yet, at the same time, because they probably rationally know that the change is coming and inevitable, it's hard to know just what to do. In such an environment, it is easier to just do as little as possible hoping any error is on the side of caution.

Also, they appear to be resigned to some extent to the inevitability of the coming change and perhaps resigned to a eventual creeping slow step by step controlled revelation process as opposed to a quick uncontrolled unraveling. I'm sure their think tanks and AI super computers have no doubt predicted the inevitability of this as well as shall we say other insights gained. Some of their caution and reluctance to go ahead and move on with change no doubt has to do with understandable more personal concerns that any such change does not sweep them completely aside and/or visit upon them retribution for past deeds that would in turn generate automatic survival reactions on their part.

But, the problem isn't just with the secrecy agenda. In the beginning, decades ago when all this particular secrecy agenda started, for the most part and with some exceptions, we in the public really didn't want to be disturbed by knowledge like this and just wanted to float along with our everyday lives and concerns. The net result is that we by default abdicated responsibility via our absence to others by not insisting on full disclosure of truth and our own direct involvement and sticking to it. The old Brookings Institute report that some of you may be familiar with, clearly confirmed this from the secrecy agenda point of view and thereby sealed the public (you and I) out of the need to know loop. Why involve people who don't want to be involved, will in general resist such knowledge, and in the process cause us tremendous problems while we're trying to deal with this?

Those who had to step up and deal with this burden were not really prepared for it, got the crap scared out of them at times, and did what they did without the presence of any input, constraints, or checks and balances from us. Can you say where the fault for that rests? When you're left alone in a proverbial isolated ivory tower attempting to deal with the unknown, the results are predictably unpredictable and compromising. There is definitely a lesson here for us all of us to learn. Take your eye off of the ball as a people for decades and unfortunate things happen! What could be more predictable.

The point is that we are part of the problem to. Even so, it could and still can be turned around by a public concerned, determined and united enough to demand change and this time not take their eyes off of the ball. I suspect the secrecy agenda types as a body (with individual exceptions) are too thoroughly addicted to decades of a well established secrecy way of doing things to break their addiction chains to this on their own. It is up to us all to help in this regard.

The coming change is inevitable and certain simply because it is the reality as indicated by this independent discovery evidence. The only questionable variables are timing and how well or how poorly Earth populations will adapt to it. Anticipating this inevitable change, the truth is that retribution and head hunting among secrecy agenda proponents in this transition time, may give a sense of emotional satisfaction to some, but it is a entirely counterproductive direction and a waste of much needed knowledge, talent and resources they are in possession of. Corrective measures must be taken to insure that reality stays at the top of the list of our focus priorities as opposed to secrecy agenda induced ignorance and pretense but also at the same time moving forward with the larger issues utilizing all the resources we already have in place to the extent that those resources come onboard or be left behind.

So you see, at this moment in time, although certainly not publicly acknowledged, this work is still privately taken very seriously at very high levels and I believe that this evidence and its potential implications has already had an impact on the secrecy agenda in influencing their choices and their time tables. However, secrecy still dominates in absolute terms and ongoing continued ignorance in the general population and the continuation of a false paradigm mind set that blinds and that the secrecy agenda has become so addicted to promoting with our cooperation is no answer and flirting with disaster. This must change.

First, a wider awareness in the general population of the truth is essential to start banishing imprisoning ignorance. Second, the general population must act in unison to bring the secrecy agenda not down but out in the open and out of the secrecy and isolation it is so addicted to so that all will have real information to make real informed choices. Third, the general population and the secrecy agenda must compromise and join forces to focus on the major priorities of this new age that we are already entering into, whether we want it or not. There is much to learn and much to do if we are to survive successfully and have a chance to prosper and we need to get on with it.

In any case, the bottom line here in this commentary is to make sure that all of you understand that the perception that your leadership is ignoring this growing evidence record is only an illusion carefully designed for your public consumption. The reality is that key people deep within your recognized leadership at the highest level are privately paying very close attention to this under the table and obviously taking it very seriously. It's just that they don't want you to know about it for fear that this would draw public attention to this evidence and send a signal to you that perhaps you to should take it seriously.

So you see, carefully created secrecy agenda misdirection illusions in space exploration are not limited to satellite image tampering, it's also about perceptions and the manipulation of same. In the end, it's up to you whether you choose reality or pretense.


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