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Commentary #25

February 4, 2008


A viewer makes some observations and raises some questions in the website Guest Book as well as in email to me and I suspect others would be interested in any response I may make. First his comments below and then mine below that.

Andy Parton 1/31/2008

I've been perusing your evidence a lot, and I wonder if you have a connection with the secrecy agenda, and are an informed agent by these secret types so that you can help slowly acclimatize the public to what is really on Mars?

I find that some of your insight is quite remarkable, and I feel that it is possible that someone (on the inside) has helped you in your evaluations.

I also find it a little unusual how much you stress with WARNINGS that people should not read or ponder this material if they think that it could cause them psychological problems. These warnings are a little unusual in these types of websites, and it makes me feel that your warnings are influenced by people who truly know what is there. Are you being revealed secrets by someone inside these missions?

First let me say unequivocally that I am not knowingly associated with or in contact with nor ever been knowingly associated with or in contact with anyone in any government or black operations capacity or anyone acting on their behalf. Likewise, I have never been knowingly associated with or in contact with anyone in any secrecy capacity or anyone acting on their behalf. However, things aren't quite that simple and I'll explain as follows starting with a little background.


What I am is just a college graduate normal guy out here in the population that had a 30+ year investigator type business career to make ends meet and put food on the table but also always with a very independent thinking orientation. At the same time I have always been someone with a very strong interest in exploration of what's over the next hill and that includes Earth's ancient past and space. Now I'm 65 years old fairly experienced old geezer who has seen quite a bit of water under the bridge, including some of the underbelly of life. That experience includes the fact that I've lived through the time of space exploration since its inception and paid attention to it along and along as it developed.

In my opinion over time as a spectator, too many things that were happening in space exploration more and more didn't add up and began to look from bad to worse when it came to truthfulness. In my opinion, too many things just were not right. This was a slowly evolving internal thing in my life developed strictly on my own as an observer and not the result of contact with anyone else.

Then two Mars missions were reported as failures and this came up as big red flags on my investigator trained BS detector radar causing me to be alert with the suspicion that I was smelling a rat. Even so, I was still only a spectator. Then there was the attempt (my interpretation) of the MGS MOC imaging contractor trying to ridiculously and illegally hold back this public property of the initial MGS MOC data claiming it as their own property apparently with the not outraged blessing of JPL. Along about the same time it was revealed that one of this nation's premier super spooks personas was heading the JPL oversight committee controlling JPL who is the single entity primarily responsible for the Mars exploration and not NASA. In fact, it was the at that time head of NASA that revealed this at a JPL meeting. In other words, a super spook is heading Mars space exploration efforts, not scientists. Yes, another red flag!

All of this, combined with the previous two missions being reported as failures when I suspected they were not, had the appearance to me of an attempt to use public money to obtain intelligence data on Mars but to then hijack that data public property into secrecy likely because of its content. After all those decades as a spectator, this did it for me. Whether real or imaginary, it violated my sense of right and wrong and so I was sucked in to a active role fighting for the release to the public of the MGS MOC data. I later discovered that there were others like me doing the same thing independent of each other and that a grass roots movement had formed around this.

This rapidly growing grass roots movement apparently had an impact and I believe that it persuaded that super spook sitting on the top to relent and released the data and the contractor did so. As I'm sure was intended, this effectively nipped the growing movement in the bud diverting attention into the data itself as discoveries started being made in it. By habit I tried to return to my familiar spectator status and normal life thinking to leave the research to the experts but it wasn't to be. As a spectator I found a discovery at a website that I believed to be profound Mars evidence but which they had buried under much lesser material. When I failed to get them galvanized to do something more with this extraordinary evidence, I took it upon my self to promote it with the media around the world. That worked and it is now famous and this material constitutes my first report at the website.

In the process of doing this, I had to defend the evidence from debunker attacks. At first this was nearly impossible because I knew nothing about graphics software and had been operating off of the graphics work of others but with that there is obviously always going to be a certain amount of uncertainty. As a long experienced investigator familiar with the concept of what constitutes evidence, I knew that I had to operate from first hand experience on this problem and fast. So it was an emergency crash course in PhotoShop graphics software because I knew that this was the program that scientists mostly used, albeit often in custom configurations.

So I taught myself PhotoShop and in the process began to make discoveries in the MGS MOC science data that no one else seem to be making. At first I was confused by this because I thought that anything that I could see, obviously others could see as well. However, as strange as I find this to be, over time it has become increasingly clear that most others just simply cannot. This reality is evidenced by the simple fact that I have held back a lot of water and life evidence for a lot of years now and still no one has even stumbled on it.

I've had a lot of time to think about this and believe that this has to do with a universal psychology mind set in the science community trained along these lines and that I simply escaped this mind set because I am without this kind of training. This training includes the perception that certain things are not possible and so they just can't be there even if the appearance is there. It is a presumptive mind set that installs a mental filter that will not allow them to see certain evidence right before their eyes. It logically has to be this. Why? because a picture and its content is just what it is, nothing more and nothing less. But, how that content is perceived and interpreted now is another matter and one of psychology and conditioning.

In any case, this is how I arrived at this original discovery evidence record through a individual and very personal evolutionary process. The only exceptions are a rare few but often important visual evidence discoveries brought to my attention by viewers. However these few discoveries never come from anyone other than people out there in the populations very much like me and never (so far) come from insiders, secrecy types, or trained scientists. Likewise, my commentary on this material is always my own observations, interpretations, and conclusions and never a blend that includes the input of anyone else.


Even though human nature is to lump anything and anyone of a generally similar nature into a single pot regardless of often obvious and key differences, the truth is that people come in many different psychological varieties. Some are seekers of knowledge and tend to assume that everyone else is likewise and some are avoiders of knowledge and tend to assume that everyone else is likewise and then there is of course the great blended mass in between.

As a public presenter of information, I cannot know what type of person will find their way into this website and its material nor can I stop anyone or control who accesses this material nor would I want to. Yet, I do not want to be responsible for unprepared people to stumble into this material looking for shallow entertainment to keep floating along only to be shocked and perhaps even traumatized by some of the content here. What is nothing at all for you and I can be a very big deal for some people and I recognize this.

For example, I remember a woman who had an extreme uncontrollable fear of ducks and even duck feathers. Just put a single duck feather anywhere near her and she was soon stressed out. Do you have a fear of duck feathers? No and neither do I and I can't really identify with it. However, the reality is that there is at least one person in the world that does. Since that extreme exists, then it is logically possible that someone could have an extreme fear reaction to some of this evidence and especially since some of this evidence tends to lean toward active civilizations instead of safely out of the way ancient dead ones.

Some might not care or consider this but I don't want on my conscious someone flipping out because of their unique extreme psychology and being traumatized by exposure to this material. So, although I can't practically identify them or stop them, I can at least warn them. Then, if they do proceed, at least their expectations have been sharpened a little and they are less caught off guard.

In other words, it isn't the secrecy crowd Andy or a manipulative psychological tactic, rather it is just common sense recognition of the psychological extremes that some people can have. It's just that, even though we are all responsible for ourselves and what we inflict on ourselves in the course of life, I'm ethical enough not to want these types traumatized by this work and on my conscience.


Now, with all that background in mind, here comes the touchy part of what I suspect and what viewer Andy Parton is likely looking for. We on Earth are a culture who tends to think and perceive in a linear straight line fashion. This may be because we are new and inexperienced and ignorant of our greater more complex environment. Without fully realizing it or admitting it to ourselves but also often by pure intent, we prefer things to be simple and, if they aren't initially, we tend to force them into having the appearance of being simple rather than endure reevaluation and this tends to move our perception further away from reality and a grasp of reality.

Another point is that we often badly mistake emotions for rational thinking. If a person in another vehicle cuts us off, we "think" that guy's a big #&@*% idiot! If someone tells us we're stupid, we "think"now they're clearly a piece of unmentionable stuff! If we like someone and want to be around them all the time, we "think" we're in love! Yet, all of these are emotions, not thinking. Thinking is 2+2=4 and, if we throw a ball up, we think if will come down and we're not surprised when it does. Unlike the excitement of emotions, thinking at first blush isn't very exciting but it can be productive whereas emotions can quickly get one in trouble big time. A blend of the two concepts striking a balance is more desirable. For example, when the repo man comes around to get our car that we have $2,000 in and the lending institution has $30,000 in, it helps to remind oneself (think) that they really do own the vehicle rather than justly blindly and unproductively taking the absolutely beside ourselves hopping around position that some #&@*% just ripped us off and stole "our" ride.

You may not agree but I suspect that we live in a multidimensional universe composed of multidimensional space, mass, energy, and life. Yet we see or allow ourselves to perceive and experience only a tiny fraction of this complexity. If so, then logically as we avoid complexity, we are at the same time in our youthful ignorance unfortunately to a considerable extent avoiding reality. Then tends to make a our decision making process often flawed and negative consequence prone.

If there is older more experienced intelligent life out there/here and we are going to encounter it as we move off of this world and its isolation, we're logically going to be in for a time of it as we are forced by the basic experience itself (not necessarily someone else pushing some agenda) to grasp onto more complexity than we care to deal with. If you were that more experienced life and wished to avoid as many problems as possible with our entry into the greater environment, you would perhaps logically wish to head off some of those problems with some advanced tacticals. That would logically be done with a little advance information exposure instilled into the emerging culture. Does it begin to sound a little like this evidence record now?

You would likely subtly influence the secrecy crowd via the data stream back to Earth and other interactions but that influence would not likely get past the secrecy crowd to any significant degree into the populations because of the deeply entrenched secrecy mind set. So you wind up with the necessity of multiple layers of directed influence, some geared to the secrecy crowd diversity and some geared to population diversity. Again, does it begin to sound a little like this evidence record now?

I cannot say if or how myself or this work may have been subtly influenced from without but I can say that I have always suspected that it is. If so, it is on the most subtle of levels. I also suspect that the secrecy crowd has come to believe this as well through their own being influenced and I suspect that their super artificial intelligence (AI) computer modeling also clearly extrapolates this very logical conclusion simply because it is so logical, that is if they know that such intelligent life other than our own exists and entered that into the model. I suspect they long ago came to the logical conclusion that it would be dangerous for them to interfere with this work.

This work on occasion does come under attack from black operations but it could be characterized only as excesses from lower down in the ranks. Now everything associated with this website is diverted in secret and runs through black opts filters. When this gets too intrusive from my point of view, for example on suppressing my email or traffic hit rate statistic trying to keep me too blinded and without financial support, I expose this to you a little in this public forum and then they back off a little. It is a unwanted dance we do as adversaries keeping each other close.

The truth is that I do not strongly object to this overall because I know that they have to do it. It gives them a psychological sense of control and it blocks foreign interests as well as sometimes many of their own types used to operating independently. In other words, a side benefit is that this also protects what this website does. At the top of the secrecy, I suspect they know that trying to drop the hammer on this work could open Pandora's Box for them and draw others more into the open and in a more aggressive manner. Remember, they know more than you and I do at this point about what is out there and its potential but are constrained by the secrecy they are historically committed to and addicted to.


So this work may be grudgingly, unwillingly, and ironically protected by the very top level of the secrecy agenda outside of my desire or control even while at the same time under some attack along and along from the secrecy mid and lower levels. If so, I still believe that all the secrecy levels (there are individual and group exceptions) are still by consensus in support of secrecy and thoroughly compulsion addicted to it. It is the paradigm that has existed in Earth civilizations for thousands of years first in the open form of centralized rulers and now in the more hidden version.

I know that the secrecy types do not send any discovery information my way or otherwise converse with me, at least in any recognizable to me way. However, the extremely high degree and high quality of the obfuscation in the newest MRO imaging is evidence of this continued tactic of secrecy. In fact, I soon expect them to start trying to pass off entirely artificial created material in color as true color science data. They are addicted to this as a compulsion like any addict and can't stop themselves. Any halt to this will be up to us, not them.

But, what about any others that may be out there/here?

Because any such external influence would likely be extremely subtle, I of course cannot say for sure. What I can say is that I do suspect extremely subtle manipulation in this work. For example, I recognize that it is possible that the science data itself was influenced from without to scatter in rare pieces of real evidence not adequately obfuscated just for some knot headed individual like myself and/or others to pick up on. Considering the multidimensionality of the universe and logically those that most likely are successful in operating within it, it is possible that people like me have been mentally influenced to pick up on this evidence and bring it into increasingly wider population awareness. It is after all the populations constituting the bulk of humanity that are important and not slipping and sliding manipulative leaders hiding behind veils of secrecy.

As for me personally, I am trusting to my inner sense of right and wrong. If this work and/or me is being subtly "assisted" in some way and it is toward what I regard as a productive and beneficial to us direction, then I'm okay with that. I already am very satisfied that we are irrevocably on our way toward significant change soon and that part of that change may well be the interaction with others who are not us. This forward momentum is driven not by others who are not us but by our own efforts that we will not abandon and so the movement is relentless and inevitable.

Further, it may be true that a reasonably unified world here is necessary for others who are not us to deal with and that we may have to move in that direction to facilitate that. However, although I may be wrong, I doubt that anyone out there wants to deal with the slipping and sliding power hungry and addicted types that parasite off of populations and try to keep populations ignorant and mired too deep in emotion without sufficient balancing rationality, all supported by secrecy.

I suspect that the greater environment is full of complexities and especially differences that others we may encounter are more used to operating with. We as a whole will be just another difference and within that whole are of course yet more differences. Out of those population differences and diversity will come the whole's strength as many different leader types step up to the plate out of those more involved populations and operate more in the open for all to see. Representative leaders will emerge not addicted so much to power and very little to secrecy and with much less inclination to promote ignorance in order to hold onto power.

I see that as a good thing. It is not unrealistic communism/utopia principles and it is not the old centralized power/control principles. It is a new way, a new Earth human paradigm where populations are more involved and represented in the complexities of their environment and move away from being treated like dumb livestock that exist only to provide for the select few.

For example, right now, can any of you here in the USA think of a single current political leader that you believe you could readily trust to negotiate the welfare of this planet behind closed doors with any others out there? No? Well that's my point. Now think about it from any others that are not us point of view as they consider how to deal with us and our emergence not only into their greater environment but out and away from our own youth.


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