Commentary #030
July 6, 2008
On July 4, 2008, my wife and I traveled to relatives a few towns away for family fellowship and holiday dinner. On our way back home during the late afternoon with myself driving, we ran into a fairly heavy rain shower as we came into one of the small towns along the way. As the rain diminished somewhat, we encountered a rainbow at an angle off of the driver's side and front of the vehicle in the distance. My wife saw it first and pointed it out to me. Now I've seen many hundreds of rainbows in my 65 years but never one like this.
The large rainbow started visually in the distance looking very normal but then begin to rapidly shrink down to treetop level and then even below that among the tall mature trees. When it did that, the end of the rainbow settled right on the hood of our vehicle seeming to attach to it and well viewed a few feet away out the front windshield.
Now in the years of my youth I've chased rainbows just for the doing of it both via vehicles and on on foot. As most of you undoubtedly know and even as I thought I knew at the time, you can't catch up with a rainbow where it first appears to come to ground. As you get closer, it appears to visually shift away and always remains fairly distant. It is after all a well known and familiar phenomena.
Of course, this is explained by science as the moisture droplets in the air (remember it was raining at the time) and the sunlight coming through them and bending and separating out as individual colors in a prism effect. So of course catching up to it as an object would be scientifically impossible. However, this particular large rainbow literally visually shrunk down to just below tall tree top level and I've never seen that before. Then one end of it attached itself to the front hood of our vehicle clearly seen through the front windshield and I've never seen that before either. Further, it stayed there in full daylight for about 20 seconds moving with the vehicle because we did not stop or slow down. Again, I've never seen that before. Then it disappeared.
We were a bit stunned by this but really didn't discuss it except for a few gasps and an oh my gosh or two. I did say "Thank You" quietly under my breath and later learned that my wife apparently did as well. We sort of passed it off as some kind of unusual phenomena, something to think and maybe talk about later, and went on through the town without further incident paying attention to driving because the rain cranked up again. We proceeded back out into the country again on the county highway continuing on our way for about another uneventful 8-10 miles. The rain being a cloud burst had diminished to next to nothing as we ran out from under the cloud, it was still broad daylight, and we were passing through a planted young pine forest on each side of the road.
Suddenly, as I looked out the driver's side window, there was another rainbow in clear air but this time off the driver's side of the vehicle and again amazingly low and below the top level of the not so tall younger growth pines and between the vehicle and the pines whizzing past. With my right hand I pointed it out to my wife without saying anything. She was at first looking in another direction but she could see it as well when she looked.
The really odd and high strange thing is that this time the end of the rainbow came low to the road pavement off the driver's side but did not seem to touch the pavement as I looked over the edge of the car and right down at it with the pavement whizzing past beneath it. Instead the rainbow stopped just short of the pavement bent at an incredible 90º angle coming in a few feet horizontally toward the driver's side of the vehicle and seemed attached to it at a point between the area of my feet and the left front tire well area. Of course my wife could not see this latter aspect of the rainbow attachment to the vehicle from her position in the right front passenger seat across the vehicle.
Now there was no question that something extremely unusual was going on here and even much stranger than the first event. When the rainbow disappeared after tracking with the vehicle doing about 60 mph for about 20-30 seconds, we exchanged a lot of wondering looks. This time, because it just seemed appropriate, we both said "Thank You" out loud and meant every word of it.
Of course I can't say conclusively what is going on with this event because I simply don't know. Is it something that science can adequately explain or more than that? Who knows? However, on the chance that it may be somehow associated with this work, I'm sharing it with you because you are part of this work too. Beyond that, you must decide any significance or lack of it for yourself.
I must admit that my sharing this with you puts me in a difficult position. Why? Because last month the website experienced 6.4+ million hits. That's success and obviously a lot of people beginning to pick up on this growing evidence record around the world and credibility is essential to the great bulk of those visitors. My going public with information like this is seriously risky business because it is like a first time UFO observer publicly owning up to a personal UFO event. It starts getting too far out there for some hearing about it and they start casting a suspicious eye at the party doing the experiencing and credibility starts sliding.
I am uncertain what is going on here, if anything, but my instinct (or stupidity?) tells me to take the risk and share it with you rather than keep quite about it. If you've been following this work, by now you know that I am for the most part very steady, that I am compelled by evidence, and that my orientation is fairly common sense objective and analytical. That means that someone of my psychology is not normally a candidate for a strange experience like this.
Yet it happened and now you know about it too.