Commentary #045
June 16, 2010
I think that some of us have come to
the conclusion that this world and we humans on it are being monitored by
others who are not us. There are even questions as to whether we may be sharing
our immediate environs in some way we do not adequately understand with others
who are not us. If so, what must they think of us in their observations?
For example, take (please) the currently ongoing oil spill in the USA Gulf
of Mexico waters that is among the largest in world history, if not soon to
be the largest. I think it is clear that, to our shame, greed and expediency
ruled the thinking of all involved including those directly associated with
the oil well as well as government oversight or the lack thereof and an apathetic
public always it seems willing to leave difficult issues to others. It seems
we Earth humans are treating oil and its derivatives as a God of necessity
down from which is dispensed power and wealth to a few beyond in some cases
even the scope of avarice.
This God we bow to corrupts completely blinding us all to the dangers in our
obedience to it. For those of you who think the current oil spill is a USA
problem simply because it started off the coast of the state of Louisiana,
I suggest you think again. Remember, the volcano in Iceland that turned out
to be a European problem just because of wind direction. Now take a look at
the following graphic that many of you may have already seen on TV.
In the above 1st image you see one computer
model projected oil spill scenario represented by the yellow colors. Note
that it shows the toxic oil compounds traveling from the Gulf of Mexico around
the Florida peninsula and then swept north by the Gulfstream current up the
USA and Canada east coasts and across over east into the mid North Atlantic
Ocean just south of Greenland/Iceland and west of Europe. Note where it shows
all those oil toxic compounds, including those associated with the oil dispersant,
winding up and spreading out.
Now think about it a little more in light of the above graphic. Note that
there are oil wells both existing and proposed on the USA eastern seaboard
continental shelf right where the Gulfstream exists. Obviously, an underwater
oil leak gusher, even a shallow water one more susceptible to being shut off
more quickly than the Deepwater Horizon leak, could pour a tremendous amount
of oil toxic compounds via the Gulfstream current into the same area of the
mid North Atlantic but with little time to begin to try and cope with it.
Now take a look at the above 2nd image.
This a representation of a satellite image. The light green color in this
image represents chlorophyll distribution in the Earth seas around the planet.
Note that the greatest concentration is in the North Atlantic right where
the above 1st image worst case computer model says the toxic oil spill compounds
can wind up and where I've drawn a red "X." Obviously it's the same
place. It's a worst case scenario that may not happen but think about it.
The chlorophyll concentrations come about mostly by the presence of marine
plankton and more specifically phytoplankton.
For the most part the latter are microscopic plant life forms that exist and
concentrate in these nutrient rich North Atlantic waters. They are called
producers because in the process of converting inorganic building blocks like
carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O)
via sunlight and photosynthesis into chlorophyll much as plants (trees, bushes,
etc.) do on land, they produce their own food. It should be noted that Phytoplankton
does not have the ability to move around in the sea under its own power and
so it drifts on the currents and water layers. That means it cannot escape
bad conditions in its immediate marine environment.
How important is phytoplankton? Since it is plant life dependent on sunlight,
it is found primarily in the upper water layers in order to conduct photosynthesis.
In fact it accounts for roughly half of all the photosynthesis activity on
Earth. That means that it is responsible for much of the oxygen present in
the Earth's atmosphere and a corresponding check on CO2
not to mention countless food chains being dependent on it. It is logical
then to assume that a little oil would go a long way in adversely affecting
such tiny life organisms in a negative cascading effect.
In the above 1st image you will note how the computer model projected oil
winds up broadening out in the mid North Atlantic between the Americas and
northern Europe. That is caused by a sort of gentle water swirling eddy effect.
The waters here are shallow relative to many other sea areas of the world
and nutrients tend to collect and eddy here and that is also another reason
why the Phytoplankton, not able to move around under its own power, tends
to concentrate there as well.
Likewise, zooplankton are tiny predator creatures
that feed on phytoplankton as well as other zooplankton and are thereby regarded
as consumers rather than producers. In this predator function many zooplankton
tend to be able to move around to a limited degree under their own power in
the water layers. Some examples would be jellyfish and Krill with the latter
being nothing more than tiny shrimps. Therefore, where the phytoplankton are
the most concentrated in the water layers, the zooplankton will also be the
most concentrated. Together they make up the bulk of the marine plankton
concentrations in the Earth's seas.
All of these tiny plankton living organisms are a source of food for other
larger forms of life such as fish. More specifically they are THE food source
for hatchling fish in the many billions. So these North Atlantic plankton
concentrations in a food chain effect become the nurseries for fish that eventually
grow up and spread all around the world. Humans eat a lot of fish and crustaceans
that feed and grow on plankton and large human economic industries are based
on this. If the plankton at the base of this food chain is destroyed, then
fish and crustaceans associated with the impact area as a human resource are
eventually destroyed along with it, as are seals, whales, birds, bears, etc.
Do I really have to draw you a graphic picture of the eventual cascading devastation
to humans and so many species around the world a worst case scenario could
potentially cause?
Think about it. With the advent of that computer model represented by the
above 1st image, someone has grasped the full potential of this world wide
devastation. Although no one in leadership is admitting to this for obvious
reasons of not wishing to panic populations, that is why the entirely desperate
and unprecedented concept of using atomics on this oil spill is being seriously
considered as an option even as I write this. Make no mistake about it, we
are all looking down the barrel of the gun here of our own human making that
knows no country boundaries.
You know addiction comes in many different forms. We're all familiar with
substance abuse and addiction but other addictions entirely inside our heads
that do not necessarily involve much in the way of external factors are less
well understood for their negative down side. For example, if I snatch your
last $100 from you without your permission, I would be stealing and could
loose my freedom by going to jail over it. On the other hand, if I suckered
you into a business scam and got your last $100 under false pretenses, I might
be thought of as a good if ruthless businessman in some parts of the world
even though the goal of getting your last $100 that wasn't mine was always
the same. It is all in how you perceive things.
On this planet money (capitalism) is a God that too many of us worship without
perceiving it that way. Let's face it money talks and too often decides laws,
leadership, governments, the fate of humans, the fate of creatures under our
stewardship here occupying this planet with us, and the course of history.
For example, an oil company that can make $93 million a day and is only the
5th of the 5 largest oil companies exercises tremendous power in all things
that it wishes to take an interest in. Sadly, as a people we willingly fork
over that power in favor of what ever they want to do without sufficient checks
and balances because we are so psychologically impressed with their wealth
and power and put them on a pedestal.
For example, once we're faced with the negative scenario reality of the Deep
Horizon oil spill, we're incredulous and highly critical of a company, an
industry, that pours money into advancing technology to drill for oil in increasingly
sensitive areas subject to Hurricanes without corresponding technology development
in doing so safely and preparing for worst case scenarios as though it shockingly
is all their fault. Yet there is nothing about this that takes rocket science
mental acuity, only a little logic and reason and caring. Surprised? We shouldn't
be. After all, these are the type of people that are addicts to their personal
benefit. That's like charging the drug addict to manage the drug supplies
or the fox to be in charge of the hen house.
So where was government oversight representing the people and our welfare
even after the Exxon Valdez warning shot horror? Note that it starts coming
only when elected leaders start running for cover fearing an enraged public.
In fact, where was the public outrage and pressure before a worst case scenario
like this Deep Horizon developed? Could it be that we were too involved in
other serious matters such as what some young starlet or sports team or texting
partners were doing? Where was a news media pumping awareness of this serious
potential risk into the public consciousness beforehand? Oh the public wouldn't
have wanted to hear about that back then you say as though that was really
an important issue in light of the consequences! So many of us may be ready
to excuse ourselves and shift blame to also at fault others but we all have
the oil spill mark of shame on us.
Let's face it, mega wealth, influence and power buys key generals and admirals,
congressional leaders and law makers, presidents, news media, news makers,
scientists, educational institutions, and other giant corporations. If you
are one of these few, soon in a natural transition to protect yourself from
would be name makers and regulations, you band together with others of your
kind pooling your immense resources to protect your self interest, all while
maintaining a low public profile. As a collective, you become a loose hidden
oligarchy 5th column within the world social fabric that influences all of
the important decisions and yet you are not answerable to anyone but yourselves.
Yet you and your kind have personally not grown. Your sickness corrupts and
consumes you. You are still nothing more inside than a common addict being
controlled by your addiction, by your personal God of self, wealth, and power.
That orientation on self is the factor that is really controlling things spawning
secrecy and secrecy agendas and that is why we are in deep trouble with this
oil spill as everyone winds up being ineffective on controlling it because
no thought was ever "wasted" on it. Worse, we in the public tolerate
it and by that tolerance we enable this sick oligarchy to rule our lives.
By apathy and default we enable our fate to be ruled by a false God of someone
else's myopic addiction to self. That is our human shame while we focus on
the shallow leaving others to have their way for their personal benefit.
Nuclear winter may be worse and much more easy to grasp the down side of but,
should this more subtle oil situation and its toxic compounds get into those
plankton areas and fish nurseries and realize the potential of devastating
them in a worst case scenario, it will be close behind potentially plunging
the world of man and far too much life itself into darkness. Further, while
we have so far managed to back away from the very obvious horror of global
nuclear winter, we will have brought a less obvious oil spill global worst
case potential on ourselves without adequate resource to remedy it and we
will have failed in our stewardship of this planet. That is our shame and
our it is our judgment.
If there are those not us that are watching us
and if they are truly more advanced than we socially
as well as technologically, then have we proven anything to them? Would you
think that any of this potential scenario could be interpreted by them as
positive regardless of the eventual outcome?
I don't know about you but I'm not too proud to admit fault and ask them to
come down here and blunt this oil mess for us if they can before it is too
late and we do something even more stupid to cut our own throats along with
so much life around us. While it may be admittedly hard to learn lessons properly
without experiencing the full consequences of dumb actions, there is no reason
that other innocent life like plankton, fish, birds, seals, whales, bears,
etc. must pay an ultimate price for our mega follies.
If not for us, do it for the innocent life forms and at least some of we humans
may even have sense enough to recognize our shame, be grateful for the intervention,
and grow into a determination to be more alert and do better in the future.
Oh by the way, while you're about it, how about dropping off some cheap to
reproduce technology for energy sources that will put an end to the use of
fossil fuels all together and such fuel sources as a centralized control factor
of populations here on Earth?
, MAR© Principle