Commentary #26
March 15, 2008
Some, no doubt because of the content of what I present at this website, often assume that I'm anti establishment, anti the science and academic communities associated with space exploration, anti government, and anti space exploration entities like NASA, JPL, etc. simply because of the truths some find inconvenient that I explore here and report and/or make commentary on. However, I do not see myself in this way at all. I regard this characterization as painting someone like me with too broad a stroke and not looking deep enough. It's sort of like Americans regarding all Orientals as looking stereotypically alike or all Orientals regarding all American's as stereotypically acting alike when neither of course is the case at all.
What I'll admit to is that I'm definitely against any character aspect that is manipulative of secrecy, misdirection, untruths, etc. while hiding behind the guise of National Security and yet in turn promotes ignorance into populations eventually devastating those populations into becoming mindless mush that can only then contemplate the most shallow concepts. So yes I am dead set against ignorance and just about anything that promotes it wholesale into populations and inhibits intellectual common sense growth. However, I am specific about it and try not to paint with too much of a broad stroke.
Likewise, alternatively, I am for knowledge and intellectual common sense personal growth in tune with reality and what ever promotes that. It may be true that this positioning puts me against certain specific aspects of human behavior that I regard as negative and counterproductive, but that does not necessarily equate to my being against the entire person or entity itself practicing in part that behavior. There is a distinction and I try to make it.
Basically, I'm for more accurate attention to the problem at its deeper levels. For me that means pressuring for the fixing of the acquired human behavioral flaws producing any negative results but at the same time preserving the better traits and the valuable acquired knowledge base that can come over time and from poor behavior within the special interest elitists. In other words, from my point of view, there is no logical point at all in throwing the baby out with the dirty bath water as that is far too careless, irresponsible, and entirely counterproductive.
With those thoughts and where I'm coming from in mind, take a look at the following intelligent, articulate, and insightful points made in an email list by another party that I have respect for. His words speak for many.
No Mercy for the Global Elite!
By Ed Komarek
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My blog:
Sixty years of UFO/ET cover up have come and gone and still the brainwashed public asks: So what if aliens exist, I don't see how it's affecting me? Well let me put it to the reader in the most stark and bluntest of terms. Powerful global entrenched special interests in the 1950's gained control over extraterrestrial knowledge and technology and used that knowledge and technology for their own interest rather than the public interest.
collective result of these special interest actions to date has been to socially
devastate global society and the global environment ushering in a deepening
Orwellian dark age from which it is going to be difficult to recover. The
fossil fuels industry, the arms industry, the transportation industry and
the finance industry seem to have had the most to loose if extraterrestrial
reality became common knowledge and the most to gain from a cover up.
I believe these four industries and those elites that control these industries
are primarily responsible for the UFO/ET cover up. I believe other established
institutions have also played a role but the main culprits seem to be these
four industries and for obvious reasons. Some extraterrestrial craft are powered
by cheap, non polluting abundant power sources and fly using anti-gravity
and electromagnetic propulsion systems and are flown by mostly peaceful extraterrestrial
races. The finance and banking industry would also be affected by open disclosure
because this in the elite's most important mechanism of societal control that
would be laid bare through open contact with extraterrestrial races.
So what would happen if peace were to break out, and cheap non polluting energy
and anti-gravity propulsion systems came into common use and the elite lost
their mechanism of social control? Of course almost overnight these industries
would have gone the way of the gas light industry after the invention of the
electric light bulb. These industries knew from the beginning what was at
stake and they moved quickly to criminally seize control over extraterrestrial
knowledge and technology in extreme secrecy and stealth from the military
and the public. They instituted an elitist security system under the guise
of national security that is based on security clearances, need to know and
special access that should be the envy of all tyrants and slave masters past
and present.
have done all this under the perfect guise of national security and economic
stability. They used their financial power and the guise of national security
on the one hand to fashion the military into the UFO/ET cover-up's iron hammer,
while at the same time they fashioned the mainstream corporate press into
their propagandist's velvet hammer. They used both to crush resistance coming
from both the contactee movement and the UFO/ET public investigative establishment.
By the time of the assassination of the Kennedy brothers they were in firm
global control of extraterrestrial reality as far as humanity was concerned.
So what was the result of these actions? The result was that humanity was
steered away from a bright enlightened future that would have come from interaction
with the ethical extraterrestrial races along with the open public knowledge
and technological implementation of ET technologies. As the result of these
selfish and criminal acts millions, perhaps billions of people have died and
suffered from war and starvation and the planet has been environmentally devastated.
I predict that as ET forced disclosure develops the only industry that will
flourish in the resulting economic and social conflagration will be the legal
profession. Why? Just think about what happened to the tobacco industry compounded
a thousand fold. On the one hand these industries are going to try to get
legal protection for their criminal acts retroactively from world governments
and on the other hand they will be publicly sued for their crimes against
humanity and the environment left and right.
I feel very strongly that no amnesty should be granted nor any type of appeasement
offered to the global criminal elite and the industries they control. The
global elite responsible for the knowing destruction of society, the environment
and the lives of so many should be striped of everything they own.
Those elite at the highest levels who are responsible for the massive global
devastation of society should be tried at The Hague for crimes against humanity,
the ethical extraterrestrials, and the environment. These sophisticated global
gangsters, have far exceeded the crimes of Hitler, Stalin and the other tyrants
of the past. They should be shown no mercy!
of Ed Komarek at
As you can see, intelligent good people perceive the wrongs, are frustrated by them, and want to make them right. Who can blame that? The more intelligent and perceptive one is, the more clearly one can see the wrongs and that includes their impact on populations as well as on self. The more in depth one sees, the more frustrated one can become psychologically experiencing the rough violation of their value system and especially when this continues seemingly endlessly over long periods of time. As an older person having experienced this over my own lifetime, I am well familiar with it. In fact, it is what drew me into this work to endure all of the controversy and conflict sure to come and did.
It is so easy to place the bulk of the blame on the secrecy agenda and its advocates and they certainly bring this upon themselves via their own actions and you will not find me defending them. However, in my opinion, what this frustration doesn't sufficiently contemplate or at least glosses over too much, is the additional complexity of the problem, a complexity that is just as real and just as problematic. The secrecy agenda has flourished not only via their own corruptive intent and actions but also via the enabling apathy and abdication of involvement and responsibility by populations. The simple additional fact is that we in the population dropped the ball and do not have clean hands in this issue. Therefore it should come as no surprise to us that someone else picked up the ball we dropped and turned it to their own ends that have little to do with our welfare and much to do with their own.
With respect to the space exploration, UFOs, and ET subject matter, this has been going on for many decades now and so generations on both sides have grown up with this as seemingly now a normal or at least familiar state of affairs. Those of more recent origins in the secrecy agenda or associated with it have become so addicted to it and familiar with it over time right from childhood that they are unable to adequately question it because they've never really known anything else. Most of those younger to middle age in the populations have also grown up with this and tend to take its existence for granted and do not question it. Their reaction is ....what's all the fuss about?
So, while a perceptive independent thinking few within the populations see the danger and rail against it trying to get the slumbering populations to wake up to the danger, for the most part they focus too much on only the most obvious half the problem, the obvious half composed of the globalist special interest elite so enmeshed in the secrecy and its promotion. However, where the perceptive few correctly see the globalist as the subversive corruptive element in world society that they are, the slumbering general populations see these types as powerful leaders they are familiar with, depend on, and need. If we are suppose to tear them down, what are we suppose to replace them with? Therein is the rub.
The voice of dissent is not going to get traction as long as that voice represents primarily only being against a thing and bringing it down without adequate attention paid to the consequence as perceived by populations. It is easier to destroy a thing but hard to build something new, stable and productive up in its place and that usually takes a lot of time. Populations are interested in stability and continuity and what ever provides that, even if it isn't the best thing. Likewise, the special interest elite so thoroughly addicted to affluence and the power that comes with it are never going to accept change that carries with it the destruction of their successful affluent way of life. So the dissent only polarizes, never gets traction, and literally becomes a part of the problem in part because of its own too myopic focus.
Then there is the ET factor itself. For the sake of argument here, lets assume they exist. Let's also assume that some or many are older and more advanced having gone through our youthful emergent frustrations long ago and are now mostly beyond that. Let's also assume that they are a mixed bag of many differences and used to dealing with each other's differences where we are not and historically have great difficulty in that regard. Let's also assume that some of them of the more gentle persuasion would like to interact peacefully with us.
The question then becomes just who would they interact with here? Do you really think they would be interested in interacting with positive expectations with our current Earth leaders so entirely addicted to and focused on self and gain? Do you think they would be interested in interacting with large slumbering clueless populations currently willingly deferring in most major ways to leaders addicted only to self?
Likewise, do you think they would ever be interested in interacting with a perceptive few in the populations that are otherwise thoroughly marginalized into world wide ineffectiveness both by the massive general population denial/resistance as well as the current leadership tacticals? If you were an enlightened ET, is there anyone here to effectively contact to a mutually productive end that would be truly representative of this world? Worse, can they really afford for this fractured world society too often full of counterproductive behavior to get off of this planet and out into their midst?
Do you begin to see the problem yet? If so, then you may also begin to see the solution and that is that only those who help themselves can have any hope of getting helped. In other words, if we want help then we must change ourselves. Further, that change must start within the populations as Earth's only potential resource of perceptive independent thinkers where the potential for objectivity in approaching this issue is the greatest. In other words, it must start with you and I and we must step up.
What we in the populations first need the most is not a focus on the special interest elite and what ever their plans may or may not be but on the accumulated information/knowledge that they have come to possess at our expense and which they are keeping from us. It's first things first! What I'm talking about here is real and obtainable. It is the real unobfuscated satellite imaging science data hidden somewhere on this world as opposed to the sanitized placebo material so far released for our public consumption. This true material contains all of the beginning truth that we need, at least at this time and place.
So how do we go about obtaining this? When my book of Mars water and bio-life evidence comes out in the next few months, you will see a lot of held back for this time and place very strong new surface water and biological life presence very much stronger than seen before. Remember, it will be hard visual EVIDENCE verifiable right in the science data and not opinion, conjecture or testimony. It will chop right at the very heart and base of the secrecy for all to see, that can see, and put the secrecy and those who support it on the defensive.
In fact, it will be so visually strong and even shocking to some that it will by its very nature start getting voluntary even if grudging media attention and that will in turn start the ball rolling in getting the all important slumbering incredulous mainstream population attention. However, this cannot be left to chance or left alone subject to the blocking counter measures of the special interest elite sure to come. Nor can it be left to the efforts of a single isolated and thoroughly profiled and targeted individual like me. You independent thinkers out there must get onboard and help yourself with the ammunition that this hard visual evidence will provide.
That means that first the evidence will have to meet with your expectations to qualify as the kind of quality and quantity of ammunition that you will need. If it clearly isn't a con just to sell a book and does meet with your approval, then it's time to fish or cut bait as the saying goes. If you want to help yourself and your fellows break out of the current cycle of ignorance and make a difference, you must get behind this new evidence and push it hard and relentlessly into the media for ever increasing public exposure. You must begin to take a direct hand by adopting the role of leaders and help yourself as well as your fellows. As more mainstream media pick up on this evidence, more in the mainstream populations will become exposed and more will come onboard reinforcing the tactical.
After pushing this evidence into public awareness, the second stage goal of this grassroots movement will be to direct the increasing population pressure on acknowledged political leaders. Here in the USA, that means directing the growing public pressure on the House and the Senate and the Presidency. The goal of that pressure will be the relentless demand for real recognition of and objective examination of the true merit of this new Mars evidence. If it holds up, then comes the recognition that the publicly released science data is clearly not the true and real science data and then comes the relentless DEMAND for the full release to the public of the true not obfuscated science data simply because it is public property not to be hidden behind National Security secrecy considerations.
The consequence of the failure of political leaders to not go after the release of this public information full tilt and hard must be nothing less than the immediate loss of their public position and power. Next the abolishment and restructuring of the space exploration program and all entities associated with it as being against the public welfare and in fact a threat to it and sanitized of the secrecy presence. Only the very real threat of this kind of extreme consequence to their way of life and agendas will get the attention of the special interest elite and convince them in their deep addiction that they should actually pay attention to the will of the masses and perhaps throw the dog a bone.
At minimum, the very forward momentum process mapped out here will do nothing less than demonstrate a new leadership arising and asserting itself out of the population that the globalist special interest will eventually have to deal with right in their own secretive world. By its nature it will put a stop to many of the secrecy plans and modify many others by making them and much of their support structure irrelevant.
What it will not do is destroy the globalist elite nor is that a goal. This movement will not be about backward focus social emotions and revenge. Frankly we don't have time for expending energy and resources on chewing on our own selves like that and then trying to recover from that. Rather, it will be about forward focus, obtaining desperately needed new knowledge for more accurate decision making as already contained in the true not obfuscated science data, and the change of establishing new paradigms of thought and ways of doing things for the future. The key to it is breaking with the old limiting feudal system paradigms of populations serving overlords in favor of populations becoming more involved in their own destiny rather than trying to abdicate responsibility of that to others to do it for us that never comes.
No, this is not about revenge and pay back. At the same time as applying population pressure to leaders and thereby indirectly the secrecy agenda they've come to serve, we will be opening doors and inviting the secrecy to meet us part way or all the way. In other words, we will preserve the baby by creating the invitational path that will allow them to survive and contribute in a positive way without the polarizing retribution route and their loosing everything. The top of the globalist elite will be far too gone in their addiction to power to accept this to start with but some in their lower support structure will see this path opening before them as a good thing increasingly enhanced by the increasing public pressure and the exchange of inside information and truth will then begin.
This process will slowly go a long way in healing the unhealthy polarizing breach between the manipulative haves and the slumbering have nots by drawing all at different speeds and degrees eventually toward common active goals of recognizing and dealing with a greater and more complex environment we all, any ETs and Earth humanity alike, share. It partially deals with many flawed behavior and positions by the forward momentum eventually making them both evident to all and many irrelevant over time. It also gives any peaceful ETs out there someone to deal with toward positive ends and thereby encourages positive favorable results in that regard.
Of course it isn't perfect but it is practical and workable because it gradually changes minds instead of polarizing and guaranteeing all or nothing resistance to change. We do not do what we emotionally feel like doing but what we rationally must do to succeed with restraint and care being the essential base ingredients of that change.
So, while I understand and sympathize with the frustrations and feelings represented in the promotion of a "Burn Baby Burn" or "No Mercy" scenario subscribed to by some others, I cannot in good conscious subscribe to it myself. In my opinion, it literally creates more resistance to the very change we do agree on that it is trying to bring about but putting it further off rather than closer. When I release this new stronger evidence/ammunition for your use, it will then be time to analyze this new evidence for its ammunition potential and then choose your path. Just remember that nothing less than your world and future is at stake here.
Likewise, we are what we do as well as what we fail to do. Just in case some may think that abstaining from choice is an answer, think again. Our technological advancement is rapidly accelerating us relentlessly into interaction of some kind with those around us whether we want it or not or whether they want it or not. Likewise, the actions of the special interest elite completely addicted to their form of grasping is increasing that acceleration and it is potentially also increasing the chance for conflict with any others. In the end, it is not a question of if this happens but when and soon and under what circumstances.
Some of us will have some mental preparation for this but so many of us will not and more serious upheaval will almost certainly be their plight at the most basic levels. The only degree of preparation is bringing basic awareness to as many as possible and getting at that truth hidden away in the true science data for more accurate decision making before such events overtake us, decide everything for us, and sweep us along in change's wake.
Special interests may look out for us just a little in the current situation simply because we are the foolish resource goose that lays their golden eggs enabling their affluent and influential lives. However, don't count on any of this if things start getting difficult from their point of view. People that are addicted to self when faced with survival situations as they see it have no place in their thinking for others that they can no longer capitalize on and utilize.