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Commentary #028

May 3, 2008


It is understandably frustrating for some viewers as they see a few hints at this website as to Mars civilization evidence relative to surface water and more simple biological life evidence that gets the greater reporting exposure. The comment I just recently received via email as appears below exemplifies this frustration very well and likely speaks for many.

I check your site everyday for the latest images. I'm mainly interested in civilization evidence and in the material on warfare. The trees and bushes are fine but I think a lot of us would rather see the warfare evidence. Thank you.

These are valid points and so here is my response. Some may regard this response as wandering too far afield and wordy but it is all germane to understanding.

One reason that there is more Mars surface water and biological life posted here is because of the technical aspects of the image obfuscation. What one must first understand is that the obfuscation process is done by automated computer equipment and software, not humans sitting around collaborating on what to obscure and what not to and debating on how best to accomplish it. The automation technology has also been evolving and refining now for several decades and getting better and better.

Why automated? It's primarily because of the tremendous number of images that make any other method mathematically impractical. This is particularly so when combined with the pressure to release the processed data quickly for scientific and public consumption. Never forget, just as these secrecy people cannot, that just about all of this space and planetary exploration is conducted from NASA/JPL right down to basic scientist and university support system level via the use of public money and so such funding inconveniently (depending on the point of view) has public consideration strings attached to it.

A second reason is of course that equipment is ultimately much more reliable at not later spilling the secrecy beans than are large numbers of people that it would take to do this over time. People come in too many different varieties. Even the most loyal and patriotic that are more fully in the "know" begin to have doubts about the correctness of their keeping their mouths shut on such important matters impacting our whole world including their own family future generations. Further, despite loyalty oaths and intimidation, this self questioning gets even more acute the more mature and closer to the end of their life they get and especially if they no longer have family to protect.

That is why isolation and compartmentalization are so essential within the secrecy ranks so that few ever have any grasp of the larger picture. When a few do spill the beans, their knowledge is usually very limited and any real evidence next to nonexistent. They wind up trying to do the right thing but only with witness testimony type revelations and such is always suspect due to human nature boiling down to he or she said and they deny.

This digital imaging automation obfuscation path started at least as far back as in the period of preparation for the 1970s Viking Mars data. The results were very crude there but since then have steadily refined and matured over the subsequent decades until I now suspect the next obfuscation tacticals generation coming will try to sell us completely false artificially manufactured terrain data in color rather than obscuring existing material and will likely successfully pass it off as the real thing. That is if not for this type of reporting here and what ever may come from it based on what ever you eventually do or do not do with it?

The automated tampering starts off with a separate software program initially designed primarily to recognize (aka map) geometric structure civilization evidence (like one created by a Russian scientist for Moon exploration) and a separate graphics software application program like PhotoShop. Over time, these are refined and combined into a single custom program and this tool is made available to super computers enabled by artificial (AI) intelligence and immense processing power. It is this artificial entity/tool that makes super high speed decisions based on its programming that is then implemented by the super high speed recognition/graphics software.

Along the evolving developmental way, there are no doubt many flaws encountered and patched producing an increasingly refined and evolving product. I suspect that the reported mission failures prior to the late 1990s MGS MOC mission just had too many flaws in the visual imaging allowing too much truth to come through and so they were reported as failures to keep the data away from the reporting requirement to the public. In fact, the MGS MOC mission itself had just a few too many flaws as well and I suspect that is why they tried to find a way not to release it. Since they had already used up the mission failure excuse too much, they could not use it again for fear of endangering all future funding and so a desperate last minute tactical of trying to keep the data from public release was tried that just ultimately didn't work out for them.

So, they had to bite the bullet and release the data including its few flaws as they see it but which so many of us now see as truths. It is these few "flaws" fixed in time and place in the posted record that are now plaguing them well exampled by what you see here in this growing evidence record. They have since increasingly plugged most of these flaws in the subsequent Odyssey, Rover, ESA, and MRO data. I suspect that the next major set of images that will come from Mars have been ear marked to be completely in color and artificial but that the technology is not yet quite refined enough resulting in the recent delay in the next mission passed off as a problem with a subcontractor. The delay buys a little more time for the technology to mature.

So you and I here in the public arena effectively have only a single opportunity at a little truth and that essentially comes to us via the "flaws" in the now older MGS MOC data and to a limited extent the even older Navy Clementine Moon data. However, if you in the public allow that opportunity window to pass without doing anything with it, future truth is done unless it is later forced off on us all by any others out there. The trouble is that, if such a scenarios plays out, it will represent giving up on us doing anything for ourselves. If it comes to that, I think we can count on no respectful treatment for us in the greater community. Worse, we will have earned that disrespect via our apathy.

In any case, getting back to the point, the image tampering has evolved out of geometric civilization type evidence roots and, because of that, it does its best and most complete job at obscuring civilization evidence. So, when I find a flaw or mistake made in the obfuscation process, for example in the MGS MOC data, it more often has to do with surface water and biological life evidence because of irregular shapes and not the much more orderly civilization evidence. In other words, water and bio-life discoveries "flaws" are much more plentiful number wise than civilization discoveries and that's one reason why you see more of that in my reporting.

However, even if that were not the case, you would still see more surface water and biological life evidence in my reporting as opposed to civilization evidence. Why? Because the current and past view of Mars most prevalent in the pubic consciousness is not really a function of evidence but is primarily due to an artificially manipulated belief system that generations have now grown up with mistaken as evidence. The vague general impression fully accepted by consensus is that Mars is dry as dust with a very thin atmosphere and it is old and on its last legs. Further, anything civilization wise that was there has to be now long gone and had it. This view is so deeply entrenched in the human psyche that even channeled information mirror reflects this.

If some of the more independent thinking types decide to look just a little deeper but who are still trusting their official leaders, they quickly run up against science instrument data telling them that it can get as cold as –225º F. Now that's seriously hard freezing cold enough to shatter some metals and of course quickly kill an Earth human exposed to it. Likewise other instrument data tells them that the atmosphere is 95.32% carbon dioxide with only trace amounts of Nitrogen, Oxygen or water vapor. That level of CO2 is many times over lethally poisonous enough to again quickly kill an Earth human exposed to it. All of this also applies to most life as we know it here on Earth.

So, it's a race as to what kills us first? Do you dry up and blow away with the moisture sucked out of you? Do you flash freeze to death? Do you suffocate to death due to lack of Nitrogen and Oxygen? Do get poisoned to death by the heavy extremely lethal CO2 concentrations? Now that's not all but it is enough! What a great prospect and we're suppose to be interested in this kind of place!

These vague levels of perception are incredibly deeply embedded in the Earth human experience and psychology. Worse that indoctrination includes anyone coming up through the advance education university systems and has now been so for the last several generations. That means that some of the most learned people on this planet, including our leading academics and scientists teaching the next generations and disseminating information down into the public arena where we are at, believe this at the most fundamental levels and communicate it thinking no more of it than they do walking. It is what they've grown up with and think they know.

So this issue is more about psychology and belief systems "believed" to be based on objective evidence than on any genuine evidence contrary to that universally accepted belief system and paradigm. Further, the herd instinct is strong in Earth human behavior and so, even if one is inclined to think independently, separating from the herd and social approval via independent thought driven overt action is not something that the average person readily contemplates must less do. Yet, that is precisely what is required and the leap forward away from the herd instinct that I suspect others are waiting to see if we can accomplish via our own initiative.

The key is the learned science and academic communities leadership but this is also where the psychology and resistance is embedded the deepest. However, believe it or not, the key to those communities opening up objectively does not lie with them or with just the evidence but with you and out here in the public. It will be up to us to push them and corner them into having no choice but to engage this contrary evidence and start dealing with it and its implications. Just like the politicians, they are not going to face this evidence and deal with it unless they are given no choice to do so by a public getting increasingly irritated with them for not doing so.

The key to the public getting irritated enough and involved is growing awareness of Mars truth (and thereby other worlds) is via the path of verifiable hard evidence that they can understand and accept. That is what the growing evidence record you see here at this website is all about and people are beginning to come onboard interest wise in large numbers. That is a growing and significant potential power base.

In this website I have sprinkled out various examples of surface water, biological life, and some civilization evidence. This mix is what builds the interest collecting those of similar independent thought into the potential makings of a future community of the same makeup. It is this community of you viewers producing your own future leaders from it that will, if you have sufficient motivation and drive, take the issue and importance of truth deep into human experience where it is badly needed. This starts with the Mars/Moon truth as the initial trigger.

The key highly educated but in deep denial science and academic communities will resist any such paradigm shift mightily simply because it exchanges the familiar for the unfamiliar. They will resist civilization evidence the most, especially if it is current and active. However, if they are going to accept anything at all, they will eventually accept surface water and biological life a little easier because in their denial it is perceived as "safer" because it is "thing" oriented rather than fundamental psychological/social issues oriented.

At first they will cling to the instrument data presumed to be both objective and accurate. That will be that Mars is too super dry and hard frozen to support major forms of life as we know it. Further, the data says that Mars atmosphere is a lethal 95.32% carbon dioxide with only trace amounts of the Nitrogen and Oxygen so plentiful here on Earth and so essential to life as we know it. In these days of science computer modeling rather than independent thinking, this fundamental but flawed foundation data is fed into the models producing the equally flawed results their communities depend upon. These communities, subject to a few exceptions, will not want to admit this as all important reputations depend on it and are at stake.

What you and I in our own growing community will do is bring this evidence to the rest of the public with a massive amount of hard clear evidence they they can readily recognize without the need of "qualified experts" stamp of approval. It will demonstrate that surface water in the key liquid state is alive and well on Mars as is biological life in major forms doing very well and even proliferating as old stable growth. Note that this is the kind of evidence that will be the easiest in the relative sense for the science and academic communities to accept. Now, they will not accept it initially but enough few individuals in their ranks recognizing the hand writing on the wall will start abandoning the official position and their peers and the bleed will start costing them forcing them toward reevaluation.

The key to this happening is the water and bio-life evidence and of course a reason why it gets a bit more attention at the website than the more officially resisted civilization evidence. Further, it is THE reason why my first book will be almost exclusively about the best of this kind of water and bio-life evidence. The book evidence combined with the already existing website evidence, will be the ammunition to make change happen, if you viewers will take this mission upon yourselves. It will be the bane of the secrecy agenda chopping right at its basic foundations.

The idea is take this ammunition and inundate the media around the world with demands that it be given exposure via their outlets in prime time and not 3:00AM in the morning. As this proceeds and more mainstream people become aware and come onboard, the effect on the public and media will rise dramatically. When the numbers are sufficient, and make no mistake numbers are power, then the focus needs be directed on the political leadership front to in turn focus their attention on the science and academic communities forcing them to engage the surface water and biological life on Mars issue, or else.

Remember, just about all space exploration science and military issues are funded from public sources through Government programs. The one who holds the purse strings, holds the ultimate power that no politician, scientist, academic, or industrialist associated with them can ignore. While most political leaders would have us believe otherwise and remain mired in blind apathy, here in the USA the purse strings are ultimately held by the people, that is if they get excited enough to exercise that reality. Now the secrecy types can't have us in the great unwashed masses getting involved in their gravy train, so their radar will be alert to any growing numbers as discussed here.

Yes, the question of other intelligent life that may be around us is more dramatic and interesting to many of you. However, from the point of view of trying to accomplish something positive with respect to truth goals, water and bio-life evidence are much more effective to that end here in these earlier stages. Knowing this is one reason why my discovery research has concentrated on this type of evidence over the longer haul. After all, this work is goal oriented and not entertainment oriented.

The surface water presence in a liquid state evidence will chop right at the base of the official position that Mars is super freezing cold and dry as dust. The major form bio-life presence evidence proliferating in mass including conventional tree evidence will chop right at the base of the official position on both super freezing cold conditions and the 95.32% carbon dioxide atmosphere official position. In other words, the two types of evidence presented in sufficient numbers to not be ignored will chop right at the heart and foundation of the secrecy agenda and the denial psychology.

First most of us have to come out of the denial psychology and ignorance hole we've been immersed in for so long and realize that there is actually more and better to embrace. Then, when that is done, we can move on to more complex issues like civilization and warfare evidence.


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