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Commentary #33

October 12, 2008


Out of the millions of people who come through the website evidence record every month, I of course get a lot of email and from time to time I try to share some of it here in this public forum if I believe that enough will find it interesting and perhaps identify with its message. Below is the text of a long email from a viewer shown verbatim but without revealing the viewer's identity. I suspect it represents what many are thinking but the questions are loaded and require complex and speculative answers that I will try and simplify. First the viewer's comments highlighted in color below and then my own follow that.


I must preface this email by saying, I'm not a big "contactor", basically I don't contact people that run sites etc. As I age however, I'm 28 currently, I always read things, or see things on tv usually regarding some dead person, that make me think, I woulda liked to have been able to ask that person a few questions. So I've started doing that in a very rarified, sporadic, probably senseless fashion, when possible in regard to things that interest me, while it's possible to do, as opposed to just saying ya that coulda been interesting. And you are a person I've decided I just had to ask a few questions.

I've always found the subject of the anomalous sites, structures and whatever else in our solar system, specifically the moon and mars fascinating. While I don't subscribe to most conspiracy theory, I do however believe Napolean was dead on when he said that there truth is the area in between the 2 sides of a argument. So I end up having alot of hybrid theories, I suppose thats the best I can call them. My 911 theory seems to infuriate government theory backers, and 911 truther folks alike.

So to me a thing like ________ saying, we went to the moon to get our good old human tech back, the we didn't go folks saying we didn't, and the nasa folks official story, which includes ludicrous reasons that lead to us ceasing to go to the moon!?!!?, kinda amalgumates into something like , We went there, we probably found, or better said maybe saw, something that wasn't supposed to be there, faked plenty of it (in a nonconventional we went but hid what we found, see:Smudge obfuscation, kinda way, not faking going there), and never stopped going. The more I research the subject of anomalous things of that nature, the more I start running into a brick wall. This is why I'm emailing you.

At first I was just hunting for more and more objects of anomalous nature. Structures, artifacts, anything out of place that is without a doubt at the very least intriguing, in relation to mars and the moon. This went on for years n years since I first saw the original "face" image from cydonia as wee lad. So as I've aged it went from library to bookstore to the official mail order stills from nasa and the internet. Pretty soon as yourself and many others have noticed, you need only get ahold of a very small bit of image data, in relation to the massive archives nasa has, before you start seeing your' own anomalies. Some of them are very minor of course, tricks of light and shadow, natural geographic formations, or even the incredibly bizzare but explainable rock that looks like "something.

Then as I suspect you experienced one day you find something incredibly strange that cannot be conventionaly explained. After having that eureka moment, I sent copies, emails, faxes etc to various nasa contacts asking, not what is this, cause itd be idiotic to think they know, but what they think it could be. It's like if u were a 3rd worlder that never seen a car, or even a off worlder alien. While it's obvious to say ok, its artificial, it looks like it has sitting devices, it must be transport. But getting said off worlder to say thats a 1972 chevy malibu with a 350 cubic inch engine and god knows what other specific details is impossible. So I expected at the very least a generic, well that could be artificial etc. type of response. However what I've found was flat out denial, to the occasional borderline threatening me, kinda responses.

It became obvious at that point these oddities we find are not a , aw shucks we just don't know situation, but at the least sinister a , aw screw you pleab kind of, we may not know what it is, but we know it IS and we're hiding it till we know for sure. And at the most sinister , something very grave. After being told I would be sued for showing publicly one image I found, which has since just happened to spread all over the net, gee I wonder how :) I decided not to submit anything to nasa ever again. That threat wasn't exactly a good answer I thought to my question of, could this be artificial?

So... My question to you is very simple, albeit the answer is probably extremely complex. And of course I'll explain what I'm asking about That is What do you think is going on? Not in the impossible who built the stuff on mars/moon sense. I don't think the highest lvl branches of the secrecy establishment even have a remote idea of that in any concrete sense. I'm asking however, what do you suppose is the deal with the establishment?

Take the tower smudges for instance. Its obviously a smudge job not data loss, bad strip seem joint on the photo reems being combined, or anything of any sort. It's smudging. Now if ya ask nasa you get a really poor general response citing one of those. Obviously however, if theres nothing there, why smudge? There could be 0 evidence found by you, me, anyone and people seeing those smudges would begin to think they are obviously hiding something. Which would cause conspiracies, websites, all the stuff now about the anomalies, just at a later cause it got off the ground slower, date. So it's pretty obvious they're hiding things. Why?

Why would it be considered a earth shattering society destroying type thing for nasa to say hey we found some ruins. The spanish crown didn't suddenly put everyone in camps, declare martial law, while at the same time the church is spouting heresy and declaring there is no god or religion, just cause Colombus returned saying, ya theres civilization there. And this was tangible, living, can stab you in the face, kinda civilization you could interact with. Yet Europe went ahead n carried on into the future.

So what do you suspect is the reasoning behind hiding this info and sending cams on multibillion dollar tax payer funded craft, that don't get as good of pictures as some crap I could get at best buy? I've seen pictures taken of the moon from earth that are better then some official shots. Why does it need to be hidden there indeed may be large vegetation on mars? Why must it be hid there is water? These make no sense to me seeing as they honestly serve no military national security purpose.

On the other hand I suspect I've seen a few of the things you may be showing eventually when you speak of the evidence of warfare. However if we can't land on mars, or send anything of a size that it could be used as a meaningfull retrieval mechanism, well then why hide that even? Honestly with the world spiraling toward both a economic and military showdown the way it seems now, figuring out what happened there might be the most important tale this planet may ever hear. The only conceivable thing I can think of is that we may have found things that would be considered "dangerous" to say the least, that being said though, dangerous to whom?

The stuff is on planetary bodies that are not this earth. So would it actually hurt anything for Osama, the Russians or any other enemy who cannot even go there, including ourselves, to know there's potentially super weapons there that we can't retrieve, and if we could wouldn't we just retrieve em n say so? We didnt keep the atom bomb secret (past development where it's neccesary) we dangled it in the japanese face in form of a threat, then dropped it.

So what do you think? Why the censorship of images? Why the bizzare post mission behavior in regards to questions about their missions, by nasa and other countries astronauts? Not neccesarily Apollo crew either. Do you think we'll ever get any answers in our lifetime? Cause selfish as it sounds, while I'll happily help lay the groundwork for a eventual revelation by nasa, I wanna know myself, it's not much consolation to me to think well, maybe my great grand kids may find out. Why do people like ________ plant as much insanity in their claims as they do potentially valuable info. All in all what do you think is really going on here?

Hope to hear from you ______________.

Very insightful questions ________ and of course loaded ones but here goes. Just remember that this is speculation. In basic I think we are dealing here with multiple alien civilizations. Some of those aliens are even human but all that are known at some level among Earth insiders possess technology beyond our own. I believe this reality creates insecurity among Earth secrecy types and this is at the root of all the secrecy. However, over time the basics of that have morphed into something else more complex.

You're only 28 years old and a modern guy growing up in modern times with good education and instant communications, etc. As for myself, my time dates back into the 1940s and 1950s right on the heels of WWII before even TV, AC, or locked doors and that is where the basics of all this started. In general the people of that time were much more simple and trusting. Remember that leaders of that time who's decisions still influence our present also came out of that population and psychology pool. It was a time of less sophisticated psychologies, at least relative to the complexity of the issue at hand.

First UFOs substantively stuck their noses into WWII, no doubt drawn by the rapid approach of the new to us atomic age mass destruction principles, and their presence could no longer be ignored by those with serious world war psychologies. So leaders on all sides practicing a psychology of war and its natural paranoia became more seriously concerned about them and started more seriously investigating them. When they were found to be real and represent beings that were not the enemy but also not us, this became an issue to explore further under the umbrella of secrecy and war time national security.

However, over time the exploration quickly morphed into something else once the mostly military and war mind set pursuers realized that the pursuit could extract bits and pieces of technological advantage merely via observation. Remember, much can be learned of technological possibilities merely by observing its existence in undeniable operation. The realization that something is clearly possible because someone else is doing it opens the door to new possibilities. Likewise, on the heels of that came another realization that what we can observe and interpret, someone else (enemies) can also observe and interpret.

On the heels of WWII came great tensions and psychological paranoia between east and west and outright conflicts like Korea and Vietnam and the Cold War over the following decades, all also living with the terror threat of nuclear extinction. Competition for technological advantages became intense right from the onset of WWII through the Cold War to the present with secrecy and its implications reigning supreme on all sides. Intense competition in the pursuit of alien technology or at least the insight into it and the secrecy surrounding it became more and more deeply entrenched into secrecy type's psychology.

Early in this time the paranoia was made worse by contracted formal social studies indicating that contact with aliens would disrupt population social behavior and belief systems and the worst to be impacted would be the religious, science, and academic communities. The paranoia over this was so bad that, on the heels of this information, a law was sneaked through here in the USA making it illegal to contact an alien directly on penalty of loosing all one's civil liberties without recourse. This law has since been rescinded no doubt in large part because it is an admission of knowledge of alien presence and it is ultimately illegal in a theoretically democratic society.

The extremes of secrecy got its start in this environment but the continued compulsive pursuit of alien technology advantage and the fear of alien presence still rules us all to this day. That is why the secrecy is so long lasting because of the combination of paranoid fear of the unknown as represented by alien presence and the competitive greed for the technological advantage that it can produce. If that isn't bad enough, manipulative fear based strategies coercing world leaders with partial truths get them onboard secrecy in a hurry. So many sides here on Earth are caught in this apparent Catch-22 because, if we don't do it, then someone else will and wind up with an advantage on us and so secrecy goes on and on and on.

This environment has lasted for decades with generations growing up within it never knowing anything else. So extreme secrecy became fixed and for the most part unquestioned in our social systems. However, the practicing of this degree of secrecy corrupts and polarizes people doing it as well as those targeted by it. It also necessarily morphs into hidden Fifth Column type secret communities in isolated cells where mainstream laws and moral values are routinely circumvented and violated, often as criminal acts, all over the place. As this expedient but inappropriate (by mainstream standards) activity becomes historically fixed in time and place, this means even more polarization for the secrecy few as they try to insure protection for themselves via defensive strategies directed at the mainstream many perceived as not in the need to know loop.

So secrecy tends to entrench and replicate in this way and corrupts creating a pervasive polarizing them or us psychology. A necessary component of this degree of secrecy is for those practicing it to remain hidden off the mainstream awareness radar where they can operate without interruption or intervention. In order for both their selves and their activities to remain hidden, populations must necessarily remain ignorant both as to their presence and as to what they do. So mainstream ignorance and misdirection becomes their goal and stock in trade. In other words, the interest of the few versus the interest of the many diverge dramatically in an ever widening schism.

Decades down the road to the present, revelations of what appears on the surface to just be science matters and new interesting information on living worlds and alien presence to you and I in the mainstream population is a potential disaster of major proportions as perceived by those that have indulged in the extremes of secrecy. Remember that there is almost certainly a history of past wrong doing including outright illegal activities and what can be interpreted as criminal activity that they can be held potentially accountable for. This potential forces them into defensive postures.

For example, a reactive pissed off population realizing that it has been had for so long, could open the floodgates of blame. That could in turn mean the end of national institutions with their complete reorganization here in the USA and that includes the industries that have supported them. That kind of industry negative impact at the very seat of grasping for technology power would involve many of the real global power brokers all over the world, none of whom are interested in seeing such a scenario play out.

So, even though the general population psychology has changed a bit from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s and is in some ways is more accepting of this kind of information as so well represented by a younger generation presence like you, it is no longer as simple as that. Not seeing far enough ahead and not detecting the risk to the secrecy few, most in the mainstream just wonder why our national entities involved in space exploration would not just welcome such revelations with open arms because of the increased interest and funding it would mean. This insight is just too simplistic relative to the current situation.

The mainstream has been encouraged to concentrate raising families, generating new generations, being focused on shallow entertainment, fighting wars of others choosing, and (very important) spending money they don't have, all of which so many of the global elite are the beneficiaries of. The mainstream population being the target for so long of misdirection and ignorance producing tactics do not yet see far enough ahead and see this detection risk reality that the secrecy types can see only too well.

The hidden power elite are at risk and have no interest in this full secrecy information going public at all even as they dovetail in with and promote the psychology in the mainstream that they would of course welcome such knowledge, if only it was really there. Just as the obsessive greedy pursuit of ever increasing financial wealth and its power has produced the backlash of the current massive economic problems, by their obsessive pursuit of technological advantage they have painted themselves into another corner of their own making and their welfare now hangs on only via fully implemented secrecy. At first they may have controlled much of the initial secrecy but it has long ago evolved into something beyond their control and which enslaves them and dictates its own will rather obeys. Unfortunately, they could not see this trap due to their own myopic behavior.

Also, remember that it is the hidden few through financial power who control the media, the science, the politicians, and employ most of the scientists either directly or indirectly, etc. That means that these social systems are dictated to and corrupted by the secrecy now with a life of its own.

Beginning to get the complexity of the picture now? It depends on the perspective you wish to judge this matter from. Even if you don't normally identify with the other party, put yourself in the shoes of others as well as your own and it becomes a little more clear, especially when you understand that others that have gained much now accordingly have much to loose.


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