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Commentary #35

February 15, 2009


As you might expect from a website traffic volume in the millions of hits per month (5.57+ million in January), I get a lot of email and below is one highlighted in tan color text. Now remember that this person's comments, just as with my own, are subjective and opinion that may or may not represent any truth and are a response mostly to my Report #156 but others prior to that as well examining a few US high security areas. However, this always intelligent and articulate viewer following this work for years now raises an issue that some of you may share an interest in and so I feel compelled to respond to it here publicly.

You wrote: “..if some few here addicted to power are making contact with aliens, what kind of aliens would bother with such contact...” The kind of aliens, and those addicted to power, who would have no problem with eliminating researchers who are raising the awareness of way too many people about the kind of world we live in, and about the kind of people who run it. It is one thing to talk about conspiracies supported with questionable evidence. Such researchers can always be ridiculed by media, or easily be made to appear as more of the lunatic “tin hat” fringe to the general population.

But you know, they know, many of the regular visitors to your web site suspect, and all the visitors to your web site who have followed your advice and investigated the reference images using their own image processing software know, that you are NOT a conspiracy nut, and the evidence you present can not be ridiculed or ignored when it finds its way into non controlled media outlets. Are you sure you have not developed a death wish? What we still do not know is what exactly the pay off is for keeping the secrecy agenda, but people getting it have certainly killed to keep it, and will continue doing so.

Every thinking person visiting your web site knows the traffic to it is being monitored. And visitors are listed. Same as with all your email and other computer activity. How else could it be given the ramifications of your research and consequences if people started acting upon it (or reacting to it)? As long as those involved in the secrecy agenda, aliens(?) and humans alike, want to keep it contained or information disclosure controlled, any person who even might become a loose cannon should realize they are probably only one decision (by some one big in the secrecy crowd) away from being eliminated (that means killed) if the secrecy crowd perceive too many of the facts are being revealed.

Given how difficult it can be to have a back door into the underground one can bolt through when needing to become a "non person" in society, to escape government or anyone else who might be after them, I suspect you probably have resigned yourself to your fate if the secrecy crowd decide to silence you. I can only hope your book gets published before we read your obituary.

Your concern is noted and appreciated ______ and no I certainly do not have a death wish. Yes in absolute terms the risk is there and it is real. However, what must also be understood is that people like me are just messengers and not an enemy. The message in general without getting into specifics is change on a global scale. Without many of us being fully aware of it, that change has already been ongoing moving us all relentlessly toward globalism and, even though many will not agree with it or want it, that is as it will be.

Because of our historical planetary isolation and no global level interaction with others who are not us to modify our mind set, our thoughts are geared to our perceived isolation and we tend to compartmentalize our thinking and reactions. We tend to think in terms of ourselves alone, ourselves in relation to others similar to us, where we live and local rivalries, our country versus others, our religions versus others, etc., etc.

However, with the current economic problems and its reality, we are just now beginning to wake up to the already existent fact that this more narrow thinking is no longer going to cut it in the future times to come. We're just beginning to realize that we live in a global world requiring a major shift in our thinking patterns. The current economic problems of course are really bringing this already existent reality more into our awareness.

Remember that the secrecy types were the first to realize this. Why? Because in their grasping for technological advantage they have been the first to be exposed to the presence of others who are not us and for longer. Because they are still part of us, their initial reaction is fear as would have been the case with any of us. This reaction tends to drive them together and into a paranoid defensive posture and collective body in which secrecy entrenches. That secrecy demands that they keep you and I ignorant, not demanding of answers they don't have, and out of their hair on such issues. This historical need to buy time was perceived as so important that ruthless extremes were indulged in and rationalized as for the good of the many when it was really mostly for their own good.

Now several generations of secrecy types have grown up with this and have been influenced by it into wider scope more global oriented thinking. Out of this came the extremes. However, as they interact globally as a group, individual extremes tend to modify in favor of consensus. Then as time goes by new secrecy generations come in to their own taking that consensus to higher levels.

With that process gradually and unavoidably comes greater understanding of the value of rational thinking versus fear reactions. This is even emphasized by the logical rational behavior associated with computer modeling that in turn leads to artificial intelligence and its extrapolations. In other words, in the past decades the top levels of the now global secrecy has also shifted toward global rational thinking rather than just paranoid fear reactions only. That itself represents change more favorable for messenger survival.

Now don't get me wrong, the secrecy types still have an over abundance of ego, focus on self, and are still ruthless. They of course consider themselves as our true hidden leaders manipulating us to their ends. They are still addicted to power and at least the perception of the need to be in control. The tools of that are wealth, influence as well as secrecy and their perceived need for you and I to remain ignorant of what they know. Why? Because knowledge is of course power and our having knowledge that matches their own would put us more on equal footing with them and lessen their sense of control and thereby power. So secrecy and the effort to keep you and I ignorant continues unabated.

On the other hand, they have also had to stretch mentally to grasp what they've learned over the years and in doing so they've unavoidably found new insights, even if those insights started out being unwanted. They know now that what their AI super computers have been projecting all along will come to pass not only regardless of their manipulations but because of them . They know that world wide communication between you and I out here through advancing technology means that the window for more delay has essentially passed on by and that further delay is now a very chancy proposition.

They may be resigned to some extent to this (good for messengers) but only very reluctantly and knee jerk fear reactions can still surface with anything new requiring too much adjusting. Further, because of their compartmentalized internal secrecy, what they've learned often does not translate well down slope into their lower level minions where knee jerk reactions still tend to prevail. So yes there have been changes but yes risk is still very real and one forgets that at one's peril.

Likely without realizing it, the new USA President also represents the same message as do others rising and yet to rise in the world populations. The messengers are those most fed up with the historical deceit and who sense the coming change ahead of others and are compelled to prepare us for it as much as possible. The change cannot be stopped or delayed in any way by destroying messengers. Messengers are merely a function of change and are not its driving force. This reality also "tends" to ameliorate messenger risk a bit.

Every last one of us here on this planet, from the spear chucker in the bush country to the hidden on top of pyramids of power, are headed for that change and no one is going to be able to avoid it. It is a function of our growth so necessary for us to mature as a species. Messengers can help some and represent entering the change the easier way in the relative sense. Without their foresight the alternative is the much harder and rougher way. Most of the secrecy top levels have come to realize this over time and accept it intellectually even as they fear and dread it emotionally. Emotional acceptance is much harder for them because this is where their nearly helpless addiction to power is centered. So there is a conflicting duality and ambivalence to their acceptance.

The easier way represents a bit slower restrained progression giving some chance for adjustment and adaptation. The harder way means giving up on the easier way and any delay associated with it and going right to the harder more rude way and letting the chips fall where they may. The easier way change in absolute terms will not be good for the power addicted but the harder way will REALLY not be good for their self interest. So, as they've gradually come to learn, it is in their best interest to stand aside as much as possible, let the easier way develop on its own, and watch for what they can take advantage of as it unfolds. This obviously also "tends" to ameliorate messenger risk.

Messing with messengers will crank up the harder way which in turn will strip the power from the addicted resulting in a serious disaster most of all for those oriented on self interest. Now we live in age of artificial intelligence super computers at the highest levels where logic has an influence and there is less room for self blinding rationalization. Although this has really not so far been available to populations directly, the smarter power addicted make use of such resources and the truth they learn there combined with what they know in keeping their secrets flies right in the face of their continuing to do business as usual.

In other words, they are intelligent enough to be frightened but uncertain as to how to proceed. This also "tends" to ameliorate messenger risk as they go into a holding pattern to see if someone else may present better solutions.

One of the things they've learned is that the change is now unavoidable without plunging mankind back into dark ages. Worse, from their point of view, although aliens may be a part of this, the change for all sides is actually being driven by our own grasping for technological advantage right here on this world and not by aliens out there some where. As we speed up and guarantee getting off this planet in a now more foreseeable time frame, we also guarantee contact and interaction with those who are not us, if they are present. Further, as they follow our progress, this reality is almost certainly well understood by those who are not us. So what we do here on Earth logically cranks up their self interests and agendas having to do with our Earth humanity.

If they exist, this logically forces those who are not us to develop various counter measure strategies in anticipation of having to deal with us as we begin to emerge from our Earth bound isolation into their spheres of influence. In my opinion, as long as the moderate messenger influenced easier way holds sway, their counter measure strategies will continue to be subtle and less intrusive and that is of course desirable. That failing, then it is the rougher more direct approach where the self interest of all will suffer to varying degrees. The top levels of secrecy, being addicted to self interest, well understand this principle and can perhaps even identify with it.

So several generations removed from the earlier secrecy days, the top Earth secrecy levels have changed "some" and wait to see how this unfolds and where they may be able to achieve an advantage for themselves and insure their success. Even so it is still a delicate balancing process that continuously tries to appeal to and encourage rational behavior and marginalize the more dangerous emotional behavior. Yes, when and if successful, it tends to ameliorate messenger risk.

That in my opinion is an relatively objective view of the evolving process. However, I do not personally see myself as a "messenger" but regard myself as merely a seeker of knowledge with a more objective less prejudiced approach than some. The more objective not judging evidence out of prejudice and reacting strongly to it process tends to allow me to find more than others and compels me to share it with those that may also be objective and interested. This more readily recognizable type of evidence information flow tends to draw independent thinkers around the world into a loose body of people voluntarily sharing common interests and perspectives that tend to remain close to this core of developing evidence as it unfolds.

This constitutes a steadily growing core of the interested now numbers in the millions and, because the evidence moves in a direction as it evolves, that core also moves in that direction as well as expanding outward encountering more and more people and stretching awareness. At this point, stopping the messenger would only galvanize many around the world into action and result in this evidence springing up in many multiple places around the world for greater engagement. It would be sort of like stomping a mud puddle. You may have gotten rid of that particular mud puddle configuration in that spot but you haven't eliminated the content. Rather you've scattered it all over as seeds multiplying its effect as well as getting it all over yourself.

The secrecy types aren't the only ones waiting to see what will happen. In a get rid of the messenger scenario, the hue and cry among those millions following this work and the turmoil that would follow would suck many millions more into the many multiple web sites that would crop up all around the world working with the now considerable existing evidence they've downloaded. In other words, it would set off the very flames of the rude rough way the secrecy agenda wishes to avoid, as do we all. So you see there is actually some common ground between the sides and this also tends to ameliorate the messenger risk as time goes by.

You'll note in my reporting that I reveal evidence that in turn sometimes reveals wrong doing but I do not emphasize seeking revenge for that wrong doing. Yes the secrecy agenda is primarily at fault in corrupting US Law, the Constitution, and our democratic principles but they have done this as a result of we as a people dropping the ball and basically handing it to them on a silver platter as the saying goes. We did not stop it before now and so some blame is ours as well. Yes we need to make sure that there is no longer fertile ground for this to happen again in the future and that strong message must be sent into the future but mostly right now we need to keep our focus on the bigger issues ahead.

You've got to know when to hold em and when to fold em! The secrecy types understand this. For example, I revealed some secrets in my Reports , #155 and #156 that the secrecy agenda no doubt would consider very sensitive. I did so to wake you up as to the prevailing general secrecy and what it is doing not only to you and I in perpetuating our ignorance but also offer the secrecy types some insight into the error of their ways and how it corrupts them as well as you and I. The cost is a little secrecy being revealed but nothing the secrecy types can't afford, that is if they are rational about it.

However, a sharp viewer cruising around on Google Earth came across another distant military site out in some wastes and started asking me about it because it has a well developed round airfield as part of it just as those that I reported on in Report #155. I too had noticed this site in my own research. I had and have no intention of revealing it in any way. Why? Because it is primarily a disguised and heavily bunkered 90% subterranean active aircraft strike command facility depending on its top side ground level misdirection's to keep it secret even though it can be figured out in Google Earth. I am enough of a patriot not to reveal that kind of purely military information.

I respect keeping secrets about national active military advantage assets that can be figured out on Google Earth. It makes sense to me. However, secrets designed to just keep people stupid and ignorant of things they should be aware of and especially with respect to planetary and/or alien secrets just for some unknown secrecy agenda advantage while potential enemies get the straight scoop through their own efforts makes no sense to me. To me it smacks too much of a hijack of the people's property and knowledge to no good end for us. You may see it differently.

So yes what I do has historically been risky business and yes I do push the envelope a bit. Certainly it is risky in absolute terms even with the risk moderated to some extent as I've described above. Even so, I am committed to this work and will stay the course as long as possible. The hope is that we can all muddle through this planetary emergence mine field intact. The secrecy agenda and any others who are not us need to maintain their waiting and watching and the public needs to become more and more aware of the greater reality they are already a part of.

When I was a young boy in rural backwater small town America, there were still a very few country families coming to town in wagons, no one locked their doors, a candy bar was nickel, telephone lines were shared by two or more families, radio was your contact with the outside world, air conditioning didn't exist, etc., etc. Now look how far we have come in just my lifetime and especially with what I am doing. Change is the only constant and nothing stays the same regardless of what we want or don't want.

That reality is a clue and we all have to get it. That includes those who would continue to keep us ignorant.


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