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Commentary 046

September 26, 2010



Does it seem like a stupid or rhetorical question or issue in "Who owns what in this System?" Who's land is it? Who's territory is it? Who's world is it? Who's sector of space is it? It's certainly how most of we Earth humans think and, because we think that way, we tend to assume and extrapolate that anyone else we might meet would naturally think a similar way.

On the other hand, I suspect this is in large part is just a psychology we comfort ourselves with and not much real in it at all. For example, the last time I took note, from exalted Kings and Emperors right down to the farmer and laborer, no one has died when it came their time and took any of "their" land, wealth, or country with them. The great conqueror Alexander the Great understood this well when, on his death bed, his officers ask him who he would leave his kingdom to and he replied "to the strongest."

Consider the great plains indian nations such as the Sioux who came onto the plains in early times in large more organized numbers displacing the many smaller tribes that were already there calling it their home and their land. Then, after great fighting the Sioux were in turn displaced by mainly European white's in their even greater numbers expanding westward across the North American continent. It is an old story repeated over and over again in Earth human history all over this world.

In my Report 193, I suggested that there may be someone on the Moon with very advanced technology who may not welcome a Earth human physical presence on "their" planetoid hanging right over our heads every night and displaying what appears to be a huge human "deaths head" on the surface to get that unmistakable message across to us when we finally got technologically advanced enough to be exposed to it. As difficult as it may be for us to face, all down through Earth human history, our species has been quite consistent in our behavior toward people who have something that we want and who do not have the ability to adequately defend themselves.

It may be that we're just going to have to live with that well demonstrated track record and the judgment of others on it. After all, one is what one does, not what one tries to talk up and into the perception of others.

Just because the Moon is so close to Earth and serves as a satellite of this planet does not automatically make it a possession either of we humans or even of Earth itself. We don't really know but it is possible that what we refer to as "our" Moon is actually an ancient space ship. The evidence of banding in my Report 070 and Report 071 suggests that there may be subterranean layers of artificiality. Then there is the early NASA seismic test revealing that at least some subterranean layers may be hollow and more recent infrared examinations reveal huge areas generating massive heat signatures from a supposedly dead frozen world.

There is also the fact that the far side of the Moon is much more heavily cratered than the near side facing Earth and that far side has less regolith (soil) cover than the near side. That could be explained by the far side being the leading side facing the direction of travel when the planetoid was underway and occasionally taking a pounding on that side. That pounding would in turn kick up a lot of fine soil from both the Moon and any objects struck which would tend to drift to the rear of the traveling craft and settle there constituting what is now the near side parked facing Earth with all of its many great "Mares" of regolith tending to fill in and level older crater impact sites.

If there is someone not us on the Moon and some of the evidence suggests that there is, they could be the original settlers or descendents of the original settlers who occupied the craft/planetoid/moon and may have been up there for many millions of years. Earth may have been attractive to them back then not as a world to settle on in spite of its fierce beasts, periodic upheavals, and mass extinctions but a iron core world with an intense gravity well strong enough to establish a long stable parking orbit but not too strong to damage the craft over time or require very many orbit adjustments.

Speaking of orbital adjustments, think about how sensitive Earth would be to any such adjustments as essentially a water world like ours covered mostly by fluid. Remember, that Earth's coastal tidal changes are primarily a function of the Moon's orbit around the Earth. A small change in the Moon's orbital "adjustment" depending on the degree of adjustment could produce catastrophic tidal waves, possibly pole shifts, and changes in the Earth's atmosphere detrimental to life if the ice at the poles was broken up, drifted, and melted, etc. In other words, if someone is up there and considering our vulnerability down here on Earth, we really do not want to get them irritated at us.

So you see, under some scenarios like that discussed above, the Moon may not only be not ours but off limits to us because it belongs to someone else by right and by the power to defend via superior technology. If you can grasp that concept, can you conceive that under certain other scenarios, Earth itself may not be "ours" in the full sense that we normally think of it. WHAT! Yes now you've really lost your mind !

Think about it just a bit and be very careful in what you assume. On this Earth, man has had a presence here for only several millions years and dominant here for only a small recent part of that time period. In part because of our short life spans, we think of this as a very long time. However, it is a mere blink of the eye in Earth geological time and long lived species may have a quite different view. On the other hand, the last species to dominate here, the dinosaurs were here on Earth for at least 160,000,000 years. That is seriously a hell of a long time regardless of who you are.

We know that in basic evolution and evolving and niche filling are principles that exist for most living things on this world. Yet, we are led to believe in the geological record that in all of that tremendous span of 160 million years here on Earth no sector of that species ever evolved and filled any niches with respect to what we would consider intelligent life, developing advancing technology, and developing civilization. What are the objective odds of that do you suppose in 160,000,000 years? I'm well aware that there isn't suppose to be any evidence in the geologic record, at least none that anyone is admitting to, but none-the-less I find the complete absence of evolving and niche filling just too hard to believe. For me it defies logic and reason just too much.

With that thought in mind, suppose we were to eventually learn that in the 4.5 billion years of Earth's apparent existence, it had spawned many species including the more recent dinosaurs who moved on and that we are just the new kids on the block here eventually having to contend with them. What if we learned that someone of great power moved Earth, as they had done many times in the past, onto a new time line just for our development and sanitized the geological record of this to place us in isolation for our "clean" development.

Would this rock your boat? Would it make you feel small, endanger your ego, and bring out defensive negative reaction? Would it dash your current belief systems of Earth humans being top dog down the dumper? I can't say for you but I can say, not for me! To me it's just another thing to adjust to and learn more on.

My point here is that regarding something as "ours" just because of proximity and making psychological assumptions in this regard when the situation may not even fit into that concept at all except in our minds can be an exercise in ignorance and in futility. If someone has a prior claim via earlier occupation and the power to back it up, inflexible blind aggressive resistance could result in our taking the same path that so many other humans have taken into the dumper before us as the new rolls over the old inflexible and intolerant.

If any of this is truth, then we may be watched not just as an ongoing experiment in species and social engineering but judged as to our value or lack of it from other points of view. So we need to be very careful in what we assume to be "ours" as well as what we assume has value and what does not. Ours may not be the only agenda playing out in this time and place.


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