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Report #104

July 5, 2006



In the last Report #103, we examined an MGS MOC strip where dark tint was the main culprit obscuring the anomalous evidence demonstrating how easy it is to miss important evidence of in that example conventional (by Earth standards) tree forest life on Mars when researchers are hurrying through this material and are not skeptical enough in what they are looking at and questioning it. Now in this report we'll take a look at a another similar type of strip but here the opposite in light color over saturation and its accompanying haze are the main culprits along with strip orientation and distortion thrown in for good measure but here obscuring some very unconventional and unfamiliar looking forest evidence.

The above narrow vertical first image on the left is the narrow-angle MGS MOC M03-04153 strip reduced to just 7% of its official size of an evidence site in the Mars South Polar Region out to the near right of the Polar Cap. It's here just to demonstrate how this light color over saturation and haze manifests itself throughout the strip. The above larger second image to its immediate right at 140% zoom factor over official size demonstrates how effectively this strip problem pretty much obscures everything about the Mars terrain surface detail. Obviously nothing much to learn from there.

Now the above third image is the exact same scene as in the second image but now clarified eliminating the light color over saturation and the haze. It's a dramatic difference all right but note that it still doesn't reveal anything particularly anomalous or interesting to us in this scene and that I have little doubt is by intent. Even skeptical researchers would give up right here and move on including probably me. However, I already knew what was really in this particular locale from viewing other strips in other image sets of this area and was also of the opinion that the light color over saturation and haze was probably intentional and a red flag requiring my much closer inspection. So naturally I was compelled to look deeper.

The above fourth image is the same scene as in the third image but rotated 90º counter clockwise. To many of you, if not most of you, this rotated fourth image scene will probably just look like the same simple looking ground terrain in the third image, just now rotated and viewed from a different angle. On the other hand, some of you may right away see something quite different in the form of a forest of dense growth of some kind here. The fact is that either group, if the image is stared at long enough, may see a noticeable visual shift of the scene right before your eyes between these two very different perceptions. If so, you aren't loosing it. This is normal mental perception behavior. It happens to us all along and along during our lives but such visual shifts of perception are most of the time very subtle and quick and so they are most often ignored as nothing of consequence and dismissed.

The truth is that there is a dense forest in this location of a tall algae looking growth additionally obscured by distortion. Now don't worry, even if that shift never becomes visually apparent to you here viewing the above fourth image, this forest evidence will be supported and confirmed as follows in this report by additional visual much more obvious evidence without these visual mental gymnastics from different strips of this same general Mars physical area. The problem is that the eye sees but the brain interprets and, when in doubt, the brain tends to want to impose interpretation into what it is familiar with. Because I included the third image and you saw that first, it set the stage and the standard of normalcy, the brain learned from that, it becomes the more familiar, and so the brain tries to impose this more familiar interpretation on your perception.

I've included this kind of head game material here in this report for more than one reason. First, this type of visual evidence as well as that in the previous Report #103 demonstrates how color tint and haze, altering the evidence's visual orientation, and introducing visual distortion can be combined and used to obfuscate and bend perception away from real information and into directions the secrecy crowd regards as more acceptable. This evidence and exercise also demonstrates that recipient human behavior can play a significant role in the perception of information and determining what is real and what isn't and that we often see only what we expect to see and/or want to see without necessarily consciously realizing what is happening to us.

Once you begin to suspect the true principles involved in this exercise as well as their implications and use potential in this manipulated satellite imaging, it will perhaps become less surprising and exasperating when it is difficult to understand how others, including very professional and otherwise very competent scientists and academics, who are after all just people, cannot seem to see what is right before them even though you can see it clearly. You may also begin to suspect just how deep the secrecy crowd's obfuscation tactics go into the human psyche far beyond simple smudge image tampering covering over and hiding objects or artfully creating visual illusions. Worse, incredibly and even ironically, our own tax dollars are used to enable and support this type of poor shabby treatment of us all making us complicit in outside corruption of us in this regard.

Okay, maybe too much heavy stuff here, so let's leave it and get on with similar but much more straight forward forest life evidence that will continue to add a little more dimension to our understanding of Mars life's considerable bio-diversity quite apart from the conventional forest evidence presented in prior reports. No mind bending games from here on, just evidence.

The above fifth image demonstrates a section out of the different MGS MOC M07-05579 narrow-angle strip from strip side to side and this evidence comes from the same South Polar Region physical area as that in the first four images in this report. The coordinates provided in the science data will confirm this. This area of interest is within or near the 3 degree ring around the Polar Cap and off to the right and lower right out from the Cap as viewed in this Mars Chart:30 image. All this evidence is viewed at 200% zoom because beyond that pixelation becomes a negative viewing factor preventing reasonable closer examination.

The above sixth image evidence is from the same M07-05579 strip as the fifth image but of a different section of the strip. Note how the evidence here is even more dense, tightly packed, and jammed together making the evidence in the fifth image appear less tightly packed in comparison. Doesn't look like you could drop a coin down there and expect that it might work between the growths and penetrate to the underlying geology below now does it?

Note how rounded and soft looking and dense and tightly packed the fourth image evidence is while at the same time having a distinct repeat light and dark organized pattern to it that is very typical of this type of very dense forest life evidence. I make this point because there may be tendency on some viewer's part to regard the fourth and fifth image evidence as a little too different looking to be the same thing. However, a review of the whole image strip will confirm that the fourth and fifth image evidence is the same evidence in a visually unbroken chain.

The light color evidence is the growth and the dark points represent shadowed space between the growths. A forest looking like this is of course pretty much unfamiliar to the Earth human eye inhibiting immediate recognition as being true forest evidence of some kind. On the other hand, rocks and soil are always rocks and soil where ever they are found and much more familiar to the human eye. This certainly doesn't look in any way like rocks and soil terrain geology. That's so because it is dense terrain carpeting life covering over and hiding the true underlying geological terrain from view.

You should know these different looks aren't the end of it. There is also a taller more open version of this same life form and in this same M07-05579 strip but I'll forego imaging that here in favor of the image below from yet another strip that looks about the same.

The above seventh image demonstrates the taller more open look of this same growth. This version is a little more similar to that in the fourth image that you may or may not could see earlier but here without the mental perception gymnastics because the patterns here are more organized and pronounced along with the attendant shadows and there isn't nearly as much orientation distortion forming optical illusions. There are also other subtle different appearances of this particular forest life form not imaged here but the fifth, sixth and seventh images above cover the basics of this life form's primary appearances giving you decent overall insight.

In all cases, the light color material is the forest life form growing in enfolded shapes and the dark areas are shadowed spaces between the forms visually defining them. You will note that this life form is visually very smooth in texture and appearance. In fact, it has some appearance of an encompassing algae or mold like growth and it may well even be that. Note that there is no apparent branching or protruding out shapes from a central core tending to support the algae or mold growth concept.

However, remember that these are distant images and some forest life forms with smaller foliage would appear smooth surfaced at such distances. I want to point out to you that this last seventh image look and many others like it with such similar taller upright evidence could represent many tightly packed tall large towering structures being engulfed by a biological forest life form. In other words, algae or mold growth of some kind could have over grown tall city structures here. Likewise, aggressive long lived vine growth would also have an appearance just like this in such satellite imaging distances. Have you ever seen the very aggressive Earth Kudzu vine doing its covering and engulfing thing? If not, take a look at the various images at this link "Kudzu - The Vine" and you will quickly see what I mean. With those images in mind, then imagine what Kudzu would look like in satellite distances from above.

In other words, this taller upright different visual appearance evidence look may be heavily influenced by what this aggressive growth biological life form has engulfed and covered below it. If so, then logically the growth would take some time to engulf such a large area so thoroughly and block off sunlight below it. If it covered other tall upright organic life like the trees that Kudzu often covers and kills here on Earth, they would die and collapse in time changing the appearance of this evidence in this way as well. However, that appearance does not to be present as far as I can tell when looking at many strips of this evidence and that may imply that what is being covered are inanimate objects like artificial structures that are of course not alive, cannot die, and of course do not deteriorate or collapse very readily over time.

On the other hand, I must also observe here that some of this taller more upright and open evidence may not be a different look of the growth or what is under it at all but a combination of applied smudge and blur image tampering applications mimicking the look and texture of the more folded form of the growth. Such applications would be working at much closer resolutions than admitted to as I've pointed out in previous reports and map relatively tightly to the structures as well as also dribbling across them destroying their visual individual detail but preserving to some extent their tall upright look and parts of their over all organized patterns. The smooth light color texture appearance is very typical of such tampering applications, well within the tampering tactical abilities, and so one needs to keep an open mind in this regard.

Unfortunately, none of the very narrow distant image strips of this tall upright evidence will allow a closer look beyond 200% that might aid in better analysis and interpretation, so this aspect of the taller upright looking evidence remains speculative. However, what there is no question about here is the crystal clear fact that we are most definitely not looking at any kind of Mars surface terrain geology of rocks and soil. At minimum what we are looking at here represents either life of some kind and/or applications visually hiding of it and cannot remotely be confused with inanimate geology. Yes the geology is there all right, but it covered over and hidden from view.

If any of you go to the trouble of doing more in depth research in the target area out from the South Polar Cap as described where plenty of this evidence is located (use the specific coordinates provided in the science data to zero in), you will see how this evidence peters out at its boundary edges in favor of true recognizable terrain geology or the much more prevalent other competing forest life forms evidence in this particular area. The difference will be clear in such additional research even though not explored here in this short type of heads up reporting style hitting only the starting points. The area in question can also be determined by accessing this Mars Chart 30 image I've provided with markers and then by accessing the Mars Chart 30 itself link with its many active image strip links for the m07_m12 image set before moving on to the other image sets.

Before ending this report on this type of forest life evidence, I want to draw your attention back to the evidence and its appearance in the above sixth report image. Fix the look of it there in your memory. Now go to my Report #082 titled "Mars Shoreline & Life Evidence" and specifically the third and especially the fourth image in that report. Not only do I suspect that the life evidence there is under a high-tech crystal clear barrier with well defined shoreline edges as per that report's visual evidence, I suspect it is in general the same type of life form evidence seen here in this report's fifth and sixth images. The only difference being that the life evidence in Report #082 is even more densely packed because it is possibly cultivated and crowded under an artificial protective barrier similar to hydroponics systems here on Earth, except of on a colossal scale, while the evidence here in this report exists in the open more spreading wilder state.

The implication in Report #082 is obviously that of a cultivated dependent relationship between someone and this same biological life form. The big question of course is who or what that someone may be? Thus you can perhaps appreciate why I am a little more speculative here than normally in the evidence that I present in bringing up the question of civilization here without the presence of strong direct visual evidence in that regard. Being incredulous or skeptical is good but it does not mean that one must suspend one's logic and reasoning ability either. That very clear shoreline pronounced boundary demarcation line in the visual evidence in Report #082 is very real and so its implications cannot be ignored if obtaining truth is an open minded person's goal.

Also, this type of evidence isn't limited to just this particular locale on Mars either, so don't get that impression just because I'm talking about only this one site. Just to get started in seeing more of this kind of evidence as well as its variety of appearances and confirming it directly in the science data, here are some more quick access data strip examples in the links below. All below are in the m07_m12 image set for convenience but this evidence is in other image sets as well.


You should be aware that this is my opening first report on Mars forest life evidence in a series that is not conventional tree evidence by Earth human standards. My reporting on this type of less familiar to the Earth human eye forest evidence more unique to Mars will be getting even stranger and less familiar to the eye as my future reports reveal some of it. Those that can adapt more readily to thinking outside the box in exploring this more unique Mars evidence will do better and those more constrained by the need for familiarity in looks will obviously not do as well. In other words, keeping an open and objective mind is essential. Maybe this report will help pave the way to some extent in this regard as we try to understand this different than Earth world.

DOCUMENTATION This link takes you to the official M03-04153 narrow-angle MGS MOC science data image strip that is the source of my first four evidence images in this report, specifically the third listed strip. This link takes you to the official M07-05579 narrow-angle MGS MOC science data image strip that is the source of my fifth and sixth evidence images in this report, specifically the third listed strip. This link takes you to the official M08-00005 narrow-angle MGS MOC science data image strip that is the source of my seventh evidence image in this report, specifically the third listed strip.

, Investigator


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