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LANDS IN LIFE: Part-3 of 4

Report #141

June 15, 2008

PART-1 ..... PART-2 ..... PART-4

The above 11th image demonstrates another different bag remnant in this pulverized granulated very uniform texture soil nearby the Lander with the tell tale seams still visible in it. However, this view shows just how this material has a partially transparent quality with underlying terrain features faintly visible through and under the material.

What's more, now you can clearly see that this material remnant is obviously deteriorating away and now very thin in composition. It obviously appears to be rotting away and merging with the soil upon which it rests. Note how the bottom and right edges of the remnant are clearly blending and merging with the soil. Note the appearance of the soil texture and record that to memory for future reference here. It should be noted that this material is in this kind of physical condition on just the second day after the craft's landing.

The above 12th image is basically the same type of evidence as in the 11th image but at a different location near the Lander. Note how the bag material is plastered to the ground with the soil rough texture printing through it in so many places. Clearly this evidence is also in an advance state of decomposition. Note that the material is in this advance decomposition stage on the very first day of the Lander's landing. Note the appearance of the soil texture and record that to memory for future reference here.

The above 13th and 14th images demonstrate yet more of this bag material clearly in an advance state of decomposition. The difference is that this evidence is under the Lander and extends out from under the Lander's outer edge. Note the uniform texture of the granulated soil where the bag material is not at. Become familiar with this soil's texture and composition by reviewing all back through the evidence present in these three reporting sections as it will become a more important factor in the next Part-4 section.


PART-1: Here you've been introduced to the Eagle Crater and Opportunity Lander wide-angle context scene and the positioning relationship of the bag evidence relative to the Opportunity Lander. You've been introduced to the bag shaped object as it appears when intact. You've been exposed to the likely explanation of what the official position will be on what the bag looking object may be and that it will no doubt be something associated with the Lander. Yet you've also seen how the rover tracks grind through the patches without any resistance and the fact that the patches are so easily ground into the loose granulated soil clearly demonstrates that the patches are most definitely not any synthetic material that might resist the rover treads.

PART-2: Here you've taken a closer more telling look at the intact bag/chute object and can easily determine its general shape and the presence of the round end seam as well as the longer perpendicular side seams in its construction that join at the end round seam. You've seen for yourself in closer views that the distantly seen patches seen in Part-1 around the Lander are actually irregularly shaped piece remnants of different multiple bag objects. You've also seen that the patches are actually bag material covering certain areas of the ground surface soil around the Lander and are definitely not impressions or imprints in the ground soil ruling that Lander association out. You've also got a good look at the ground soil texture around these patches and know what it looks like.

PART-3: Here you've seen a number of representative examples of the bag material around the Lander in varying stages of collapsing, decomposing, rotting away, and merging into the underlying granulated soil is lays upon. You've seen that there are varying degrees of collapse and rot indicating that some of this material has been laying here longer than other material and clearly all the decomposing material in this place existed here long before the Opportunity Lander set down in this spot. That logically and clearly precludes this bag material being associated with the Lander in any way. Further, bag remnant pieces decomposition clearly demonstrates that this is almost certainly organic material subject to this type of degradation and not newly arrived synthetic material associated with the Lander. Again you've gotten even more of a good look at the ground soil texture around these patches and know what it looks like.


Although some will find all this visual evidence presented so far too real and hard to believe based on their personal and peer belief systems that this just has to be impossible, still the objective and verifiable hard visual evidence speaks for itself very clearly here. First, the visual evidence conclusively demonstrates that the bag looking objects and the multiple bag remnants are clearly not synthetic fresh material associated with the newly arrived Lander but older material of different composition. Second, the visual evidence conclusively demonstrates that the bag looking object and the multiple bag remnants are clearly not impressions on the ground created by the Lander but material laying on the ground surface.

Those facts ruling out any Earth association logically in turn demonstrate that the bag looking object and the multiple bag remnants are Mars based evidence that existed at the Eagle Crater depression location before the arrival of the Opportunity Lander vehicle. The fact that the total site collection of bag material remnant pieces is in various states of decomposition from the relatively fresh intact bag to various stages of decomposition/rot pieces of other bags clearly indicates multiple bag arrival events at this location over time. Likewise, the various stages of decomposition/rot clearly and strongly suggests that the bag material is organic matter rather than synthetic and that concept is reinforced by the fact that the rover tracks easily grinds over this now tender rotting material and grinds it into the soil without any apparent resistance.

Organic matter as the constituent of these multiple and repeatedly replicated bags in turn indicates LIFE. The logic of it is inescapable and, no matter how it may discomfort some who prefer to see it otherwise, it is based almost entirely on objective visual evidence here, not just subjective extrapolation. In other words, it is a matter of hard visual evidence, not opinion. The fact is that the Opportunity Lander landed right on top of Mars life and the rover drove right over it without apparent recognition. How is that for irony?

YET MORE: This revelation on the strange looking bag forms may be undeniable powerful evidence of life on Mars but it doesn't end with that, there is more. In the next Part-4, we'll see if we can't take this insight another step further.

Move on to:... PART-4

DOCUMENTATION This link takes you to the official raw science data image for verification that my 11th report image was sourced from.

: This link takes you to the official raw science data image for verification that my 12th report image was sourced from.

This link takes you to the official raw science data image for verification that my 13th report image was sourced from. This link takes you to the official raw science data image for verification that my 14th report image was sourced from.


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