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Report 232

December 8, 2013

This piece of evidence as a white balanced view was brought to my attention by viewer Nathan Ciszek back in May and again by Mark Shield in November. I had already found it long ago myself and had it earmarked for reporting but can sometimes forget and help in remembering is appreciated. Besides, they deserve credit just for being sharp eyed and understanding the implications.

The above first image is viewed in what the MSL/Curiosity NASA/JPL/MSSS teams have labeled a "white balanced" view and they promote that this form of image processing produces a more realistic view. Their presentations on the Curiosity data for public consumption tends to favor this while they also promote how much better the imaging is because they say it is made up of so many more pixels relative to the older Mars data.

The above image demonstrates this well. They boast about the vast number of pixels in it although most of that increase appears to me to consist of an increasingly wider image encompassing more terrain rather than increased clarity within any given portion of the image. All I can say is to observe that in the terrain shots white balance seems to equate to increased redness and tends to display a darker slightly more blurry view that obscures finer and smaller detail in an image. That may be more desirable from the secrecy point of view but not from an independent researcher's point of view looking for detail.

The imaging here demonstrates this well so that you can actually see the difference as compared to the same thing in "raw color." In the first image note the mid area of the object pointed out by the red arrow. Note that the dark shadow in this area of the object tends to obscure the presence of what appears to be a short round orifice pipe sticking out in this mid area. Did you really think you would be able to adequately see very small objects in the terrain with white balance applied? Objects such as bugs, ants, etc. or their tracks or abodes? Now take a look at the next raw color images below of the same object.

As you can see in the above second and third images drawn from also official "raw color" Curiosity data at the link above without the white balance processing added, the dark shadows on the object are lessened and the detail of that round orifice sticking out is beginning to be more revealed. As a raw color processed image, the object is now appearing to be an old manufactured part in the terrain notably the worse for wear likely due to age and sitting in the open for a long time. In other words, the equivalent of what most of us would refer to as old junk except that it is officially alleged to be on Mars.

The point being that now it looks a lot more like someone's abandoned artificially manufactured equipment. Note that the orifice appears to be very round and of uniform thickness such as an exhaust or intake port or that a hose may have attached to. Further, like the orifice port the overall larger object appears to also be round. It is suggestive of a wheel or a hub of some kind. In fact, it may be a center hub for a hose of some kind that in prior functional times would have wrapped around the recessed center area.

The material we can see that is bulked up just above and around the orifice in the mid area may be a portion of badly deteriorated hose originally wrapped around this hub now heavily deteriorated. Note that what may be the top of the hub just above the deteriorated wrap appears to be slightly smaller in diameter than the lower base area. This could be a slight taper design feature that would have allowed hose with someone pulling on it to spill off of the hub rapidly. The poor condition of this equipment could be due to age out in the open environment and/or it could be due to a past destructive scenario like explosion or fire.

For those of you who may wish to verify the white balance evidence view behind me as presented in my first image here, the link under that first image will take you to it. For those of you who wish to verify the raw color view of the evidence, the above ink under the fourth image will take you to it. There you will find wide panoramic and cylindrical presentations made by JPL for NASA that are manipulable. The evidence is very distant and ultra tiny located in the deep background as you can see above pointed out by the red arrow on the left. You will need to zoom in on it but it will do it no doubt because of the so called "billion-pixel" view.

The most likely scenario for this evidence is that it represents civilization. However, the question then becomes, even though allegedly on the planet Mars, does it in truth represent some equipment on Earth the view of which has been strategically transferred and incorporated into the MSL Curiosity data as obfuscation or is it something really on Mars?

Frankly I can't be sure and can't answer that definitively. Note that as a piece of equipment and as far as we can tell, it does not represent any stage of technological advancement that might indicate which world it could be definitively associated with that and would rule one world or the other out. The evidence being in a badly deteriorated condition doesn't help either.

In the end, all I can say is that it appears to be civilization designed and manufactured evidence supposedly on Mars with all the implications. We can't even be sure of its age or how long it has been laying there. It looks old and could even be ancient but that aged look could also be in part due to this evidence going through some catastrophic mishap like war, explosion, crash, and/or fire and then some weathering out in the open.

However, during the last 14 years of doing this planetary research and going against the tide of popular opinion, someone's ever present past obfuscation efforts in the visual data is a reality hard to ignore. For example, the presence of very Earth looking rodents at the link below in the Mars data is not encouraging in that what we are looking at is something real on Mars. So it's hard not to be suspicious that one may be looking at obfuscation tactics that after all this time could be expected to be technologically better and more effectively done than in previous times.


If this is manufactured equipment that is really on Mars and if it is going to be ignored by the science mainstream who are just going to remain silent on it as usual, what does that say about Earth's so called planned manned missions to the planet and the plans of colonization. Is the planet Mars already occupied and is this what the secrecy is all about? Are our plans for Mars the modern version of manifest destiny and the suspension of morality? Are we as a people being led and played?

, Investigator

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