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Report #129

October 31, 2007

Part-1 .... Part-2 .... Part-3

Huge slow loading images so those of you without broadband be patient

So now it's time to take a look at some sample strips crossing the entire Richardson site from one side to the other. This will put things into better perspective as well as examine more new evidence. I'm not going to bother here with showing you any site wide images of the snow/ice covered scenes in the site or where the formations are in transition stages just beginning to come out from under the snow/ice cover or go back under it. It would take far too many images to demonstrate all this and there is just no room for it here.

Further, you will not see images here of the site all the way completely or nearly completely free of the snow/ice cover. Why even though I suspect they do exist somewhere? It's because they aren't available in the data publicly released. Now I suspect that such imaging does exist somewhere in secret but it hasn't been admitted to or released. I'm satisfied that this is because such imaging of the Richardson site completely free of snow/ice and exposed would immediately reveal the incredibly strange character and secret of this site that doesn't comply with the officially promoted dry "dunes" concept.

What you will see here in Part-4 is new evidence that at minimum will definitely do away with the Richardson Crater official position sand "dunes" concept floated into the science community consciousness and then into the public consciousness. Here in Part-4 you will see two huge long images crossing the entire site from the barrier side in the top of each image to the open ended side in the bottom of the images. In the larger middle areas of each image you will see what clearly appear to be tubes but they are not exactly that as I will explain later after you've scrolled through the images for your first looks.

In the end, what ever you interpret this evidence to be, you will not be confusing it with sand "dunes" as that particular misdirection will now be done for any who view this evidence. The question will then become what the hell is this!

In the above long fourteenth S10-00190 image strip, please pay special attention to the many prominent dark streaks. Take careful note that these streaks are prominent in the boundary barrier area as well as in the long parallel tube looking systems extending from the barrier area all down the strip and note that they never extend beyond the physical boundary parameter of the organism's body material.

This is the most obvious clue that this is all one continuous organism organic material and I suspect the streaks to be residuals from plasma energy discharges within the organism's body representing activity as it continues to ramp up the site wide warming and likely absorption/digestion process as well. When the streaks are prominent in their presence as seen in the above strip, you'll note that the site material is more semitransparent. This represents the organism at a very active level of operation.

Some of you will know that this streak and organic body evidence reporting is not new to me and this website. First I puzzled about this type of evidence all the back in the year 2001 in my Report #017. I suspected my current conclusions even back then but wasn't willing to stick my neck out in reporting on it. Then in 2002 in my Report #045 and Report #046 on the true Mars tubes, which is merely another variation of this organism, I again chickened out in reporting what I suspected this evidence was and kept my identification at the "tubes" level. However, by 2003 in my Report #049 I was beginning to call this evidence more like I saw it and then even more so in 2005 in my Report #088 as I became more confident in the accumulation of evidence over time.

Now I'm really sticking my neck out in this reporting. However, that has less to do with the hard visual science data evidence and more to do with human psychology. Some will just find this just too fantastic to be possible. I can hear it now. You've got to be kidding , a 66 km or 41 miles across stationary ancient life form! It's like discovering that a large portion of the Atlantic Ocean basin is actually one of these living things under all those eons drifting down sediment and organic matter and feeding on same. Even so, I stand by this analysis of the visual evidence and I believe that posterity will confirm it either in significant part or in whole.

Now remember that the above and below very long full size images are just sample strips of what the site looks like in the warming partial melt cycle conditions exposing only relatively minor parts of the massive site material but still with a fair amount of residual obscuring snow/ice cover. I've selected these particular strips because, even though they are very distant and visually compromised images as usual, they offer the deepest insight into truth and reveal the official "dunes" concept for the incorrect embarrassment it is. As I've stated, I have no doubt that there are more complete melt cycle images but those would of course not be admitted to or publicly released because then the substantially more exposed site body would not have any resemblance at all to natural geology and the cat would then be out of the bag perception wise.

In the above fourteenth S10-00190 and fifteenth S08-02990 strips, the least visually confused and most recognizably evident evidence in these two strips and especially in the above 15th image are the very long parallel narrow very smooth tube appearing formations in the strip middle areas. I'm sure that most will have to admit that there is nothing about this evidence in this view that even remotely resembles sand "dunes" as per the official explanation. Remember the scale involved and that each of these long formations are incredibly massive.

Although these formations obviously appear to be tube like in these straight down satellite imaging views, that is a misleading visual. The truth is that these middle area formations are humped up and elevated on the left side material and then taper down at a gradual angle to encounter the elevated humped up left side of the next formation to its right acting as a dam and this repeats itself over and over moving laterally over the site mid areas forming a site wide long parallel grid system. Examining a large number of these strips rotated 90º providing side views helps determine this a little better but there is no room for all that imaging here.

The above rough and quick hand drawn image (okay I'm admittedly no artist) is an end on view representation of the site body in this mid area and demonstrates the principles described here. The point is that the very long and narrow formations are not stand alone objects like the tubes they appear to be but only the elevated portions of the site gigantic organism body that becomes visible after the body warming is well underway and the snow/ice melts and slides away from the higher elevations to lower levels revealing the heights like the top surfaces of the long fins of a water heat radiator.

In the controlled warming and melt, the partially melted snow/ice as well as the bio-life on its upper surface as represented by the blue color areas in the above drawing slides down the slopes collecting and concentrating like the ice sludge and bio-life debris it is in the lower levels and packing up against the next site body elevation to its right. All by this organism's design. Once again be reminded that this site body warming process actually happens during the regional cooling cycle that is in progress outside the boundaries of the site.

I repeat, when energy and heat are applied over the site body, what happens is that the snow/ice cover over the highest elevations slides down and clears off of these elevations revealing the underlying smooth site material all along this long rounded elevated edge. This is why the now exposed edge of the site body massive fin structure visually looks like a tube from straight overhead far above view because we cannot see the parts of the body still covered by the residual snow/ice and bio-life debris in the lower level areas. On the gradual down slope side to the right of the exposed higher elevation material, the melted snow/ice sludge slides down the slope further to the right seeking the lowest level and everything on top of the melting snow/ice goes with it and all accumulates packing up against the next fin formation's elevated left side.

If the organization of all these different looking formations and their elevations and depressions look too irregular and not organized enough for your Earth human eye sensibility, you must remember for one thing that this is a different world with a different environment and evolutionary paths. This massive site isn't a rigid artificial construct characteristic of Earth humanity artificial constructions conforming to rigid planned mathematical parameters. It is a living organism that has grown over time, perhaps even eons of time, into this configuration adapting to problems with solutions all along the way and represents a patchwork of design variations responding to differing adaptation influences.

The above seventeenth and last image is a section from the mid area of the S08-02990 strip demonstrating an appropriate sample area of the site's mid section. Other than the great exposed site body elevated smooth fin material, the relatively smooth more uniform material with the sample blue text on it in the upper part of the image is the snow/ice sludge as well as probably long years of accumulated wind blown sediment.

Likewise the rougher multicolor more light reflective material with the sample yellow text on it that has slid down and packed up against the left elevated side of each great huge fin is the lighter weight organic biological life debris material floating on top of the heavier and more dense ice sludge. Note that it is now turned from a solar energy absorbing dark living color to a light and dying color likely to provide the colossal site body with organic sustenance it needs. Most of this bio-life evidence in this location is the same type of dark and active bio-life evidence seen in the Part-3 first presented 10th image that was in the process of trying to make a go of it on top of snow/ice field back when the site was covered with that.

Now the concept of wind blown sediment caught in and accumulating in the snow/ice sludge over the years brings up some questions. For example, what if too much accumulated insular sediment is eventually a problem for the site over time? If so, how does it manage this if it begins to collect too much of this and if the sediment is to be considered a less digestible component? Also what about likely years when there is more humidity and therefore more snow/ice precipitate accumulation on the site than it needs? Can it control this or can there be too much? If the latter, what is the solution?

First I suspect that absorption of water and geological sediment material is an essential part of this organism's physical growth to what ever degree that this is required. Next there is the site design itself. There is a reason that the great fins are for the most part parallel to each other and all by design oriented from the more elevated barrier side of the site in a slight down slope grade to the lower level open end of the site. There is a reason that the boundary barrier side of the site is elevated forming a long slope toward the open end in between the fin systems. There is a reason that the open end of the site is rough and lumpy but more or less level and eventually tapers into and blends in with the ground.

The answer is simply that the open end of the site is the system exhaust end with more rapidly heated but controlled flooding melt water as the expelling agent expelling via water flow the debris, sediment and excess water. In other words, water and sediment that is not needed is eventually dumped in this direction along with some residual unused organic bio-life matter out into the open terrain beyond the site material boundary. The added benefit is that this dump causes favorable conditions in the outside terrain off the open end for certain kinds of bio-life there to flourish that then invade the site to a limited extent through the open end only to be ultimately trapped there on top of the site body becoming a different and alternative nutrient resource for the site.

So far we've explored the Richardson site wide mega organism concept as well as sampling biological life on top of the site and especially biological-life in the terrain just outside the site's boundaries, but that's not quite all. Did you notice the yellow arrows and question marks in the two very long images above? Did you notice the great many tiny light color streaks all generally oriented in the same direction and seemingly oriented along the great fin systems that the yellow arrows point out?

This evidence is too tiny in size to be able to see the objects they represent in this very distant resolution compromised imaging where only gigantic size evidence is adequately visible and identifiable. However, this evidence has uniformity as well as a uniformity of direction and pattern that can't be ignored. Note that many images confirm that this evidence is also always located near the open end of the site and not in the mid or upper barrier areas. Further, they do not appear to be influenced by the rough up and down variations of the topography under and around them. This suggest that this evidence is not on the ground but are objects suspended in the air low over the topography under them and moving.

In fact, we may just be looking a many objects in flight here. Since they are light reflective and moving with some speed, their reflectivity and movement in a still frame camera shot has been captured spanning across multiple image pixels resulting in the elongated streak effect for each in the camera image. Further, they are in synchronized variations in differing flight patterns that suggests large different groups demonstrating the bird flocks in flight shifting patterns principle known to us here on Earth. This evidence is too small to be adequately seen here and so being conclusive about it can't of course be achieved. Even so we just might be looking at plentiful fairly large Mars airborne bio-life in flight here venturing just inside the open end area of the site from the outside terrain as seen in this very distant satellite imaging but not willing to penetrate deeper over the living site.

If that is the case, this would be consistent with evidence regarding this type of mega organism. The evidence so far suggests that this type of organism can generate some kind of limited distance barrier field out beyond its physical body that keeps other living things at bay as opposed to the physical barrier only principle. If so, then even airborne life familiar with its massive presence may be affected by this in flying over it or at least recognize the danger of violating this organism's space too much, especially when it is active.


So there you have it and my neck along with it. We've explored here the concept that the Richardson Crater "dunes" site appears to be just a paltry 66+ km or 41+ miles across super colossal living organism that to a large extent controls the weather and ecology in its immediacy and may be literally incredibly ancient. Can it get much more strange than that? The biological life establishing on the site's snow/ice fields and the samples of the dense forestation in the terrain just outside the site boundaries also revealed here and normally significant evidence of life in its own right literally pales in significance relative to this mega-life presence and are just small side bonuses.

Yet, as usual, so many questions remain. For example, is this a single organism or a cooperative colony organism? How old might it really be? Is it intelligent as we conceive of that to be? Could the Inca City geometric ridge network just out from the South Polar Cap be an even larger permanently buried version of this life form using the same basic passive predatory trap principle in its survival? Are the similar and colossal size but still so much smaller organisms examined in Reports # 017, 045, 046, 049, and 088 be a type of offspring or just share a common species ancestry with different developmental paths? As usual, Mars fascinates and provokes both in its similarities and profound differences as compared with Earth.

I must tell you that I have come to believe via the total evidence that I've examined so far both reported and not reported is that a great deal of the evidence on Mars that has been officially labeled as "dunes" are in fact this type of bio-life or derivative variations of it. This includes not only the "dunes" but the "tubes" and the many parallel "ridge forms" I've reported on previously. Their adaptations to the Mars environment is different and that makes them look different and have different size scales, but the basic principle and heritage is the same.

One thing that Mars is steadily teaching us, at least for those willing to learn, is that if Earth humans want to grow and advance our knowledge and deal with greater off-world issues, too avoid crippling and blinding ignorance we're going to have to start being more objective in our insight and not try to insist on blindly forcing off-world evidence and our perception of it into what is familiar and comfortable. We're going to have to stretch our intellectual capacity just like any athlete to be successful must be willing to stretch his or her perceived body limits and will power to new higher limits. Any thing less is ignorance and all the limitations that comes with it.

In any case, you can now at least appreciate what all the official monitoring of the Richardson "Crater" site for seasonal changes is really all about. They are monitoring in secret the changing conditions of a many km/miles across stationary but predatory mega-entity of great internal power and no doubt of equally great age. A unique survivor from Mars antiquity that has plenty of species kin of many different shapes and forms proliferating around on the planet along with many other life forms both unique to Mars and otherwise.

Why is this life form a secret you ask? Not of itself so much but because of what it represents and the insight it quickly leads to. Remember, Mars is officially suppose to be a super dry dead world with a many times over lethal 95+% carbon dioxide atmosphere. It's very simple, any acknowledgment of this old "Big MO" life form operating here with snow/ice melt water as well as trapping and feeding off of other bio-life quickly leads to the presence and acknowledgment of other life and the rapid collapse of the official position. One crack in the dike and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.

ADDENDUM (added 12/26/2007)

Mars isn't the only place such strange evidence can exist as it can be a lot closer to home. For example, in Scientific American posted 10/4/2007 is an article titled "Strange but True: The Largest Organism on Earth is a Fungus." The article describes a single fungus located in eastern Oregon's Blue Mountains known as Amillaria ostoyre occupying some 2,384 acres or nearly 4 square miles (10 km) and could even be as ancient as 8,650 years old. There is no telling what life may exist right here on Earth unknown to us on land and especially in the water that covers 70% of the planet. Some things are hidden from our perception via being in hard to access locations but some are also hidden from us via our own psychology that resists the strange and unfamiliar. We should never let myopic arrogance blind us to truths around us just because they don't fit our psychological comfort level.

DOCUMENTATION (for part-4) This link takes you to the official S10-00190 narrow-angle science data strip and specifically the third listed straight .GIF strip that my above 14th image was sourced from. This link takes you to the official S08-02990 narrow-angle science data strip and specifically the third listed straight .GIF strip that my above 15th and 17th images were sourced from.

, Investigator

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